Leap-Worthy Thursday PWYC

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Re: Leap-Worthy Thursday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:03 pm

yay on your weights
yay on all you have done today too d twins

d harriet yesterday you did a lot - It also sounds like you had leap-worthiness with your sewing!
3 times washing dishes - - mmmm - maybe you have surprise visitors during your day that are snacking while you are sewing 8-)
an apartment sized dw sounds wonderful! lol - dishwasher for Father's Day sounds perfect :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Leap-Worthy Thursday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:46 pm

sweet dreams all
waiting for miss fishers show to come on -

again im so grateful for you all!
I had a good ah ha day -
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Leap-Worthy Thursday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:32 am

Blessed, I am grateful for all the ladies in this village too!!!
I've been kinda out of the loop today -- no reason. I haven't cuop and I've been out of my routine all day.

We were awakened (embarrassingly late :oops: ) by a friend of dh's who wanted to show him a picture from their little league days.

After breakfast, etc, we went to the Beta Club induction for dgs, and then came home and we've pretty much been in the rest of the day. I've just been vegging out, watching tv.
DGS seemed happy we came to the program -- and it was really crowded, too, btw. I am so glad we did make sure we were invited and we went.

We did stop by local hamburger place that dh loves, and I am not so crazy about, and I saw an old friend in there -- he used to be my neighbor when I was growing up. Haven't seen him in forever -- and he is 5 years older than me. I kept thinking he looked so familiar and when he said something to the lady working there about when he was in school "in the 70s" I asked when he graduated. He told me and said his name -- and started to ask mine, and I told him my maiden name. It was so nice to visit a minute with him. Of course I told him who I married; dbil was in his class and dh coached his brother. I wasn't flirting with him or anything! It was just nice to see someone from the past like that.

I had pizza for supper and we rode around for a little while listening to a coach's talk show and I have been super lazy the rest of the night. One of dh's cousins called and I talked to him for a bit. DH was trying to listen to a ballgame, and he is worn out with talking about his health, anyway. He was listening to me on speaker phone, but he never tried to enter into the conversation.

I've got to get some exercise in before I give up on the whole day, LOL! I can't believe tomorrow is Friday again. This has been the craziest week, with the way things happened Monday. My weekends are always so full with the dgrands here all the time. Tomorrow is dmom's birthday and I will need to call her -- her gift is not in yet, and she said to put it off till dbro came to visit. BUT... I am afraid dbro is going to make another one of those trips where we are running constantly with dgrands' ballgames and we won't really have time to spend with him anyway. SMH... and I think I have time to socialize with all my cousins??? We had said we might do that -- plan a family gathering with all them while dbro was here -- but nah... that ain't happening. ;)
d he
OH -- my Sundays are a little less hectic now. DGS quit piano. After three years, seeing how he avoided practice at all cost, we finally told him if he didn't want to play enough to play sometime in between Sundays, then there was no point in him continuing. We told him we didn't mind paying the $100 a month at all, but it was not worth it if the only time he wanted to touch a piano was the 30 minutes he spent with Miss S. each week. He said, "$100??? I'm not getting $100 good out of it!" LOL -- we asked how much good he WAS getting out of it. He said, "maybe... $70?" We said Miss S. probably wouldn't negotiate to give him only $70 worth of a lesson each week.
He also said he absolutely did not want to be in the recital this year. At first we talked about him continuing till school was out, but he was adamant that he wanted to stop now, so we, along with ds & ddil, all agreed there was no reason to keep dragging this out any longer. He can read music now, and if he wants to play more, he has a foundation to build on.

DGD wants to start lesson right now, but the teacher actually prefers third graders, and since that was the year dgs started, we told dgd we would pay for her to start when school starts back next year. We all need a break for the summer.

Hope you all have a good day tomorrow!
Tomorrow is another day.

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