On the Run Monday

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:45 pm

Perhaps lucylee got in the bed early as she predicted. Many things conspired to keep me from managing that. We did get outdoor chores done just before the rains started here. This will be several days of steady rain for us, so I'm glad my ddad got a walk in today. He will definitely be antsy for a while.

Meant to say to Harmony that she must have been a great conversationalist for her friend to want to stay so long.

And to tell Nancy I'm so glad the cat was just playing hard to get! But was safe.

I gave dd some extra time tonight, so we could get her bed area totally policed (amazing how many things can get under there) while the sheets were off, and then bed made correctly and decisions made about which blankets can be stored. I wanted to vacuum but her grandfather had already gone to bed so decided to wait. Just trying to keep her aware of constant vigilance, because her room is always ready to erupt.

Two appts set up for my ddad for Fri and Mon and directions looked up and emailed to HRH. I actually rescheduled one to be sure these are times HRH can be with us. He has a tight schedule but we need him, so it's worth the nitpicking.

Oh, there's lucylee.

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Lilac » Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:02 am

I am wore out. I'm pretty much packed but have made another list of things still to do or pack. We are planning to leave late morning after dh gets a haircut and I find out why I can't access my online banking account.

Hope everyone has a great week. We will be home next Monday or Tuesday. I am voting Monday but we shall see.

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