New Month November

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Re: New Month November

Postby OKay » Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:56 pm

MT - can you store some of the "not junk but not priceless treasures" in the shed?

I've had a very productive day, however I am not even close to finishing what I need to get done today. I'm tired and it is 10 minutes away from LO bath time. I'm tempted to stop and call it a day....regardless of what I haven't finished. The tasks I am working on are soooo distasteful & emotional that my energy just drains away like in a sieve. I'm going to give myself permission to stop for today. I doubt if I could realistic accomplish much more today anyway. My mind is numb.

Permission granted! I love being my own boss sometimes!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

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Re: New Month November

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:10 pm

So Harriet had me googling news stories. Hadn't heard about the new DDP.

Wasted the evening. Tomorrow is shot - morning with friend, afternoon is choir. Again. I'll be sung out by Sunday, singing every day or two.

Did get the banking and groceries done when we picked up dh's Chinese. I had lasagna and salad. I spent ages cutting both up before trying to eat it and it went down fine. I miss salad so am glad to have that back, although cutting up salad with a serrated knife is surprisingly hard.

My eye is sore again and I've had a headache ever since choir. Not sure if it was the hard work or I wasn't breathing properly of if it is just because I'm getting an eye inflammation.

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Re: New Month November

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:28 pm

I had heard of the Men's DDP, but haven't been tempted to try it. I know I will not be tempted now! Thanks for the heads up!
I love Diet Dr. Pepper, and especially love Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper, and on occasions when I have been able to get the vanilla and even chocolate Diet Dr. Pepper, I have loved those, also... but I am not a diet cola snob. I will pretty much drink any caramel colored diet cola. Besides Dr. Pepper, I am partial to Diet Coke & Diet Pepsi, in that order.

(((Tobias))) :shock:

Wasted the evening... went out to eat w/ds, now we're afraid we hurt ddil's feelings b/c she was working and couldn't go with us, so we promised ds we'd take them out again tomorrow night, LOL.

(((OKay))) -- for distasteful and emotional tasks

I know you'll get it all just the way it needs to be, MT... but I don't envy you the task!

Sadie, this is a w* item -- what do you think -- should I buy now or wait till Black Friday?

Hmmm... I wonder how much difference there is between this one
and the walmart version.

Walmart version is exact vacuum I gave to ds/ddil, model E.
Sears is model D. And a bit cheaper. Hmmm...
Tomorrow is another day.

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