TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:34 pm

Checking In I need a plan for dinner!
Cracking the crab was SO much fun can't wait to do that again.
We need to use it up and get it out of the freezer but not every day.
It's SO messy and smelly I need to try to plan it just before trash day here.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Emptynester » Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:02 pm

We are back from our lunch and pack up the sheds trip. We have the back of the pickup with some lumber and a number of things for the garage sale.

I fell asleep on the way back because I was sitting in the sun. With quiet in the truck my eyes just drifted shut. I woke about 1/2 way and couldn't remember where we were going or why. Strange feeling.

I'd best get the BGS and go unpack the truck. I'm hoping DH will use some of the lumber to make shelves in the bathroom vanity for me. WHY do they make this big cavernous hole - if you stack things on top of things you can't find anything. Oh, well. I have a creative hubby and he will give me shelves and cubbies soon.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:02 pm

Chore Bingo-ing wouldn't have to be formal, Harmony. Next time bop in here with your numbers and say, "pick one". I enjoy the random-ness of it, too. Or should I say, the focus of it when I'm feeling random about it.

The time change is turning my ddad rather angry, as he thinks I am late doing everything.

With HRH back home, I left ddad here with him, already miffed because supper had been "late". Went to vote after picking up dd and on the way back stopped for milkshake for my ddad's dessert, suggested by HRH, who said he was sure he would appreciate it. But we got back to find my ddad very irritated with me, because dusk was falling and he thought we were very late getting home (not at all) and neglectful. Sigh. Even after explanations/reminder about time change, he comes right back to the same upset, and even asks dd to tell him where ELSE did we go, since, obviously, I have been out gallivanting around until all hours.

At polling place, I ran into the former Mayor Pro-Tem, whom I used to cover frequently while writing for the regional paper. It was nice to be able to introduce dd to him and chat briefly about shared memories. He is running for the board again. I told him I was glad to be out of that life and was he sure he wanted back in! Another very partisan fellow was interested only in giving everyone a list of the candidates who belong to a particular party, which is absolutely inappropriate in our always non-partisan local elections. I thanked him and took his paper just as I took others, and used it as a teaching moment for dd. No, we do not tear up a political flyer into little pieces until we are back in our own home. lol.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:17 pm

I ended up getting to leave work early today, but I really haven't made good use of it. I was waiting on info from client, who said it would be there by the end of the day. Turned out she emailed the schedules about an hour after I took off.

I will be working tomorrow because this return is due next Tuesday.

I did make a trip through Target and have lunch out, and a little nap with the ddogs. Spent the rest of afternoon on temple biz, but ended up not having to go to meeting at temple, which got cancelled because of low attendance.

Harriet, my ddogs are thinking the same thing your Dad is. They got me up early this morning, insisting on breakfast so I felt a nap was justified.
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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:54 pm

Back from a walk it was too nice to stay indoors the sun is out and it's wonderful weather 50* talked with neighbors met the new sherriff's deputy that moved in down the block. Not a very aggressive walk today I chatted with various neighbors!

Granny duty is over.
I know what I'm NOT eating for dinner sent home dgd's fries with her so we would not be tempted!

Dson's bosses house they put out lots of big squash and pumpkins as fall decor and just toss
em after turkey day they said I could have them so I'll be doing up some for pumpkin fries thought I'd try doing that dgd & I have fun in the kitchen doing things like this.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:14 pm

Good night everyone! I am logging off for the night and picking up DD for Girls' Night Out.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:19 pm

LOL, Twins! But your ddogs don't have watches. Or clocks around the house.

After several mis-communications over the last several days, with doctors, business acquaintances and friends, HRH has finally determined that my ddad turned the answering machine off the day before yesterday, and somehow switched to an AT&T message, not our own, to greet callers. Any message left for us has been bypassing our own machine and going into an AT&T message center without our knowledge. He remembers seeing the base telephone physically turned around backwards and thinking my ddad must have been trying to figure out the blinking light of messages, but never dreamed anything could be reprogrammed. He's been trying for an hour to get the AT&T online site to release the 10 or 12 trapped messages, but even acknowledging all his I.D., it will only show who they were from and how long they are, not play them back, and there is no help in sight. A couple are from drs about my upcoming procedure date/time I suppose, and a couple about business things of his that he does NOT want to miss. He says if the computer falls past my window from upstairs I'll know why. :(

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:40 pm

Yes, but my dogs KNOW what time breakfast and dinner is!

Harriet, you do have your hands full.

I was going to list a few ta-das for the day:
-scheduled dermatologist appt for myself
-rescheduled ophthalmologist appt for mother (conflicted with my check up which was previously rescheduled)
-verified that her podiatrist appt is on Monday
-scheduled her next appt with rhumatologist/arthritis specialist
-Target - bought new gloves, drapery rods, and got a gift card for the daughter of my cleaning lady
-washed the car, and while in the car wash, used Armor-all on all the front dashboard/vinyl that I could reach

Has anyone talked to Indiana lately?

Alas, I forgot to stop at the drugstore, tho.
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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby bittersweet » Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:58 pm

I haven't seen anything from Indiana in the past few days. Hope all is well with her, and she's just busy with her committees and such!

Today is really turning out quite different than I planned! This afternoon was going to be some work in the kitten room, but then I ended up taking Timmie's to DD, picking up DGS to take on some errands with me - mainly picking up ddogs from the groomer, and a quick stop at the dog park (which turned into a half hour ramble with DGS through the "forest" - a small bush area at the park). We took ddogs home, gave them their new treats - elk antler - and then tootled over to A & W to pick up lunch for the three of us. DGS wanted to come back here to visit more, but his mom said no. I came back, fully intending to get started on the kitten room, and instead ended up starting my relaxation music playlist on YouT*be and dozing off for almost an hour and a half! :shock: It's rather too late to go to the write-in now, as it's a good 45 minute drive across the city, so I'll go to the one tomorrow that's much closer to me. Methinks I rather overbooked myself today (but what else is new? :roll: )

I've decided this evening will be some TV watching, supper, kitten time, and some writing. That's it...nothing more.
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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:57 pm

I'm getting kinda concerned about Indiana, too... I hope she can check in with us soon.

Harriet, dfil is having a little trouble with the time, too. He awakes w/the sun, b/c there is a good bit of light in the den, where his bed is, and he thought caregivers were running late when the time changed.

I have another ta-da for the day! Well... two...
* Got my hair trimmed this afternoon
* Vacuumed master bedroom AND bathroom with my new (old) Electrolux, so did the baseboards, furniture, etc. (And no, I don't think the house smells like dog, LOL! I just vacuumed out the old filter before I started, and put a new bag in, and I think it is going to be FINE. I am sooo sooo sooo glad to have it back!!!)

If any of you catch the ESPN (ESPN2?) special -- Roll Tide/War Eagle (I think it is on again tonight at 10:00 pm CST) -- you will get an idea about what life is like down here in the Heart of Dixie. Well... maybe you ought not to watch! You'll think we're ALL as crazy as some of the lunatics on the program. But it IS a heated rivalry, that's for sure. DH looks very sane and rational next to some of the fans on this show! My ddad thinks dh is too wrapped up in sports, but he just needs to watch this program.
DH said it will re-run a thousand times probably before Thanksgiving weekend, when the game actually takes place.

I need to go flip the laundry and grade a few papers. NOT a whole class set, thank goodness -- just some make-up work.
Tomorrow is another day.

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