Pepper Pot Thursday

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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby bittersweet » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:01 pm

You mean bubble lights like these, aflyer?

There's NO way I'd pay at least $140 for 5 boxes of lights and shipping! :shock:

I haven't done a single blessed thing since I got home almost 3 hours ago :oops: I've sat here, chatted on the computer, texted and chatted with DD (who's having a serious meltdown today...thank GOODNESS she's got a doctor's appointment tomorrow, cause her meds ain't helping right now!!), fielded a phone call from the rescue telling me that Jiggs has "a mass" on her spleen-they don't know what it is, but she can't go for adoption yet and her diarrhea STILL isn't cleared up, although it's better than it was a week ago. I'll find out more when I call the vet in a few minutes to find out when to pick them up.
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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby atlanticflyer » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:04 pm

Lisa i get my second wind about 11 pm, when the house is quiet and still and I don't want to waste it on sleep ;)

yep that is it bittersweet and wow that is expensive! I only want one set!

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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:22 pm

Wow, current bid 99.99 for those lights, yikes! I had one string of them years ago, but I remember the space between the lights was very short and the wire was heavy. I think I might have given them away. Sorry AF!Oh, so glad the insurance co. has decided to cooperate with you. Our prayers worked.

Also will remember Lucy's DDiL. Wondering if she told them she is with baby?

Happy Anniversary, MT & DH. Doing anything special today?

Was out running errands. Went to 2 banks. Wrapping up stuff so I can switch banks and close out one account in January. Returned a gift at K M art. Unhappy to see they will be closing some stores, not sure if ours is to go...or is it just S ears that's closing some? Anyway, I always thought W-M needs some competition to keep their prices honest.

Helped DH with plan, did the lettering, got other paperwork together and sent him off to County office. Couple other little desk projects done, printed a spreadsheet (blank) for using in the new year... really getting a head start this year.

Oh, bought a plastic bin to put all the tree balls in. Those original boxes take up a lot of room!

I bleached and soaked a tshirt and towel I use at my colorist's salon. Did you know that will take out all the hair color stains? I was surprised; however the paint and plaster stuff on the t didn't come out. That T is over 30 years old now, I just use it for hair coloring.


Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby Indiana » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:36 pm

I just talked to MT. She is feeling better but has no energy.

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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:57 pm

Thank you all sooo much for prayers for ddil! I'm going to post the rest of this in J&C. Don't want to jinx anything! ;)

Second load of laundry is spinning... first load hanging to dry.

Need to call dmom. I think she had another epidural for pain today, but she may be waiting until tomorrow. She was definitely going to try to schedule it for today or tomorrow.

DS & ddil report very pleasant doctor's visit today, also. They heard the heartbeat; in six weeks they will have first ultrasound, maybe will be able to tell the sex. I think ds would kinda like to be surprised, but ddil really wants to know, so they will find out. DS said he won't be disappointed to know ahead of time; I think he's just kinda wavering between wanting to know and wanting to be surprised.

I also printed out focus for 2012. I have high hopes. I am often disappointed w/myself. :oops:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:44 pm

[/] laundry -- This HAS to be the #1 priority today, b/c I am running out of underwear!!!
[x] talked to dmom on phone
* She did have the epidural today and doctor feels very optimistic re: successful pain relief, at least for a time, from this. It's not a cure, but is hoped to give relief for month(s) at a time.
[ ] reconcile checkbook
[ ] finish grading exams & posting grades
[ ] change sheets -- maybe tomorrow --
[ ] put away Christmas -- still thinking that will wait until tomorrow, or maybe Sunday or Monday
[ ] download pictures from Christmas
[ ] email pictures to daunt

Tomorrow -- errands -- again --
[ ] drug store for rx
[ ] CVS for certain items they carry b/c I have coupon
[ ] ironing lady
[ ] cleaners
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby Cowinkie » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:50 pm

Waving I'm back to ya'll...

We got in late Tue night and spent yesterday just catching up on stuff. We had the best Christmas ever. Lots of fun and laughter. We traveled without a glitch. Everything just fell into place just as it should.

Poor Sweetie has come down with cold. Sounds like the one everyone else here seems to have. You know what that means for me....Nurse duty. Sweetie said he sorry that he makes funny noises and complains so much...but it just makes him feel better.

Norma...we went to see the same movie today too!!! Wouldn't it be funny if we were sitting in the theater at the same time ;) We went to the 12:00 about you??? I want to see several other movies before I go back to work. If Sweetie isn't up to it, I might have to go alone.

Hugs to y'all and I'll make sure to pass the tissues and hot tea around. Time to feed the doggies. With Sweetie being under the weather, that duty falls on me. Cya'll in the morning.
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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby cathyy » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:11 pm

Total waste of a day for me. accomplished nothing after working my tail off installing and re-installing 3 different operating systems today. I ended up where I started this morning, only without the personalization I had done. Time will get it back, but i hate having lost an entire day to it.

On the bright side, Sweetie took me out to dinner because the chicken still wasn't thawed after 2 days in the refrigerator. Tomorrow is a better day for me to cook it, anyway.

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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:11 pm

Hmmmm, I don't think I have anything to report. At least not on the housework front.

Dh brought in the laundry and I forgot to put it in the dryer. No idea how wrinkled it will be now.

I supervised dd in the disposal of things she no longer wants. There are two boxes in my creative room to be sorted through and then sent off to good homes (or kept if I choose.)

I talked with ds for a while. He's ordering his winter tires now. Forgot to warn him to be careful tonight because of black ice under the light snow on the roads. We slid into 3 intersections and came upon one tiny fender bump (to which one of the drivers was completely overreacting.)

I talked with dd's godfather and made final arrangements for Saturday. They will arrive after lunch.

Dd is visiting friends, dh is too. We watched most of a movie before being interrupted by phone calls so that is on pause.

I should make up the spare bed, then vacuum upstairs while the sheets warm up in the dryer. These are manageable chores to start with. Then I need to clean up the kitchen.

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Re: Pepper Pot Thursday

Postby OKay » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:14 pm

Happy Anniversary MT's!!!

I didn't realize I hadn't posted here until just now. This morning I hit the floor running and just kept going. LO went with DH to do errands so I put myself into a higher gear and was an fast moving organizing cleaning tornado until noon. I was able to take down the tree and remove all the Christmas decorations throughout the house. I've got them all laid out in one area so I can store them in an organized manner.

I made 3 homemade pizzas for lunch and was happy with how they turned out.

Yesterday i told LO that today we would play and play and play. He has been so good about all the unusual activities we had done lately and many of those activities has cut into (or eliminated) his playtime outside. So this afternoon we played outside together for 2 hours. I think we both will sleep well tonight. :)

tonight was crockpot chicken, potatoes, green beans and beets. Tasty meal and I cooked extra chicken so I have a ingredients ready to make 2 more meals.

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