take that Thursday!!!!

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Re: take that Thursday!!!!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:54 pm

Lilac, that's an interesting idea for cooking hamburgs. Never would have thought of that.

Service and sermon are finished. Thankfully, I was going through it, saying every word and towards the beginning was the title "Opening Prayer." Jeepers, I had missed that in the 4 times I went through it before so quickly wrote up a prayer. Renovated the sermon a bit, had a great idea that wouldn't fit in it but I looked ahead and it does work for the next time I'm there (actually better) so I cut and pasted it into my sermon notes file for May 21.

I'll print off the service in the morning (I like to let it sit just in case something else comes to me.) I need to go get some dollar store bandaids. Dh is out with the car tomorrow so I might have him pick those up for me, they are for the children's story. I think. The tip was use bandaids and then it leaves the pastor to come up with an idea that works for that person. I've bookmarked the site because I like that better than my usual children's sermon site.

Just caught sight of the time. I'm off to bed!

Good night!

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Re: take that Thursday!!!!

Postby lucylee » Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:07 am

I will try that, Lilac! Thanks!

Dmom slso suggests starting at a lower temperature.

My best tip on clothing is to turn all hangers backwards and then as you wear clothes, return them facing the normal way. After a year (or 3, in my case) -- you'll know what you wore and what you didn't, so it's easier to discard the stuff you don't wear.

I'm not going to be able to wear anything if I don't quit snacking after supper....
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: take that Thursday!!!!

Postby Harmony » Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:40 am

Lucylee, make sure your patty isn't too thick to begin with. That was my problem. I tended to make them too think and mounded in the middle, thinner towards the edges. Naturally the edges would cook sooner than the middle. Now I use the Ge orge For man grill for ours, which squeezes all areas equally, so that doesn't happen any longer. Good job doing all that cooking now. It's a lot of work, isn't it?

Dinner. Dishes. Unloaded dishwasher and brought in some of the laundry that was dry. Throw rugs back down. Drove with DH to jobsite so he could pick up his truck.

He was chatting with homeowner and I came home because I was getting really tired. Managed to get clean sheets on the bed, but I was so tired I couldn't get in the shower. Napped for a couple hours till I could get up and get showered.

Really good job getting all those clothes out, Lilac. I've discovered I can actually run out of everyday clothes now that I'm getting low. Had another whole batch that basically got pretty trashed when we did all that work over at 2H, so a couple times I ran out. Never used to do that. If one keeps their clothes at minimal amounts, laundry must be done on time!

Going to go back to bed. Really tired. House looks great. Still need to do big cleanup in kitchen, it's not dishes or food, it's all paper. As usual. Ran the sweeper in the office and cleaned the pull out shelf around the keyboard. Much more to do back here.

LadyM, so glad your visit was worthwhile. Good information. The teenager we knew with Tour. just did a chirping sound like a cricket every now and then. I don't know how bad he was when he was little. Haven't seen him in a long time, he moved away when he became 18. He did some work with us but drove our truck into a ditch. :roll:


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Re: take that Thursday!!!!

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:45 am

Hi everyone! I am managing a post every other day right now. I did CUOP. I finished the last of the training and was able to return to my normally scheduled payroll stuff. The ChangeLog is a mess and everything depends on it. No, I am not the one who programmed the ChangeLog! I'm just the one who finds all the mistakes. I sent the owner a four page list of problem children, followed by another two pages later. My reports need a working ChangeLog! The rumors of a state worker furlough are rampant. It may occur while I am out with foot surgery.

Once I got back to Home City, I picked up DD15 and we swapped out the dog food for cat food. Someone donated a pet stroller to the animal org, so we took Tiki to the mailbox. She meowed the whole time, but did not return to feral. (If she gets out, she reverts, and I have to set a live trap. Fortunately, she is not a door darter.) Briggs has taken it over and is sleeping in it. I don't think he knows it can zip up.

Once DD left, I went to the grocery store, started dailies, cooked tomorrow's lunch, and reserved and paid for all the shore excursions for all the traveling companions. Unfortunately, I goofed and registered wrong for one of mine. Tomorrow, I must call and fix it. (It won't be a problem, there are ~120 days until the cruise). The dailies I still need to do are: breakfast, finish fixing lunch, start dishwasher, and load car for tomorrow. Tomorrow's plans are extremely up in the air and I hope they settle out soon.

I didn't know there was another SHE board. I have about 30 more minutes of work to do and it is already 11:45. Will I EVER get to bed at a decent hour?

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