spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

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Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:02 pm

I'm off to bed, leaving a big mess.

I really haven't filed much since moving. And didn't apparently completely file before the move. So I've been filing the year-end accounting files since 2009. Most of the items were organized and together by year but the years were not in one spot. And each fiscal year wasn't necessarily anywhere near any other fiscal year.

Part of the problem was that they used to be in binders in the bottom filing cabinet drawer but the weight of the binders pushed the bottom of the drawer out (it is supposed to be for hanging files.) We discovered that during the move so dh wouldn't let me put the binders back in after the move. Instead, they ended up all over the apartment. In fact, for a while tonight, I couldn't find fiscal 2013 at all. It showed up between my Control Journal and my Presbytery binder on the book shelf next to this desk. All the accounting files I have scanned and shred are are all in one spot now on a bookcase we brought over from ds's. At least 2009 - 2012 are there. I still have to get the next 4 years into binders and then get to work on this year's files.

While I work I'm finding things that can be let go of while I work. And there's another empty file archive box now.

Bit by bit, I'll get the files under control. After the year-end accounting is done, I'll pull the scanner back out and do old credit card statements. Then I can get another box (or maybe two) taken over to the shredding company.

Under feng shui when you clear out old items, the chi can flow again, allowing new things to flow into your life. Knowing this, as I used feng shui on the house, I knew I needed to clear out the filing cabinets, rather than buy more. Years ago during a slow spell dh and I spent a day clearing out old customer files to make room for new customers. After we were done, we walked to the general store for the mail and I joked that one of should have stayed home to answer the phone and not miss any new business. When we got back, there was an email for dh inquiring about him bidding on a project!

When we moved, we did the process once more. Again, dh was insanely busy during the move (much to my frustration since I didn't have him to work with me as we packed!)

When I recently went through all the files to scan and shred, we also did customer files once more. They were stacked up in a storage closet and then a corner of the office in archive boxes. Last year, dh had a hard time finding projects to make up the $20K he needs to make to keep the company going. After I purged those files, he got requests for $10K of work! And then, while I'm working on purging more files today, at dinner he got an email from Australia (Sunday morning their time) agreeing to his rates and saying they were looking forward to working with him. He's also waiting for work from New Zealand (he's been added to the project but they don't need his contribution just yet.) It looks like he'll earn more in the first quarter of this financial year than he earned all last year!

I know it sounds like hokum but I really believe there is something to feng shui! Anecdotally, it has worked very well for us.

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Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Postby Lilac » Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:19 pm

This weather forecast just gets better and better. They are now saying 8-14" tonight through tomorrow afternoon. DD1 called earlier and they had been out and there are limbs down all over town. In the old part of town, they are large limbs. Yikes.

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Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:09 am

I have \ had 3 things to mention to h for May, did that this morning. Made brownies w dgd and remembered to put some in the freezer for her bc dd came before they were done. I txted them saying I had set some aside in the freezer for when she us here after school on Mon. Back h shoulder are better again now. Got dish cloth reknit. Had a low just before dinner need to jump in the shower before bed. Have a good nite all.

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