In Motion Monday

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:23 pm

:D :D :D Happy happy birthday to Sunny and to Cathy!!! :D :D :D
Hope you both are having a beautiful day!

I have definitely been in motion today. My mouth has been in motion a lot too, w/DPCs... :roll:
BUT -- Woo hoo for me, I started the day GREAT -- with a one-mile walk -- immediately after being awakened by the phone to schedule dh's heart cath.

So... TA-DAs for the day so far ;) :
* Scheduled dh's heart cath for Oct. 19 (They wanted to do it the 12th, but I suspect we will be needed for babysitting that day, and if not, we definitely will be on the 13th, so didn't want to be nervous about whether or not they would keep him overnight.)
* Cancelled his appt w/the heart clinic on the 11th, b/c he said he was not going there in between all these hospital visits
* Walked a mile outdoors
* Breakfast... vitamins...
* Talked to ds on phone repeatedly -- dh worried about when we'll do ds's bday "if I'm in the hospital on the 20th..." Yada yada yada... (DS couldn't care less, LOL.)
* Talked to insurance nurse, who tried to call last week, and whom I called back and had to leave message. Talked to her for 48 MINUTES. * sheesh *
She wants dh to see a kidney specialist. That ain't happening. At least, not because she says so in her office in O hio. DH saw a kidney specialist while he was in the hospital, and he seemed quite satisfied w/dh's kidney function.
* Talked to ds again, b/c he called to tell dh the Braves' had fired their ... someone I had never heard of. General manager? Not the on-field coach/manager person. Someone else. DH & DS were happy about that news.
* FINALLY s2s. FINALLY did Bible reading for the day.
* Made appt w/ob-gyn for Nov. 9 (first afternoon appt they had)
-- post office
-- bank
-- drug store
-- oil change
-- dmom's to deliver her medicines... helped her get a card together for daunt's bday which was last Friday... hunted in her car (with no success) for her lost glasses... told her fine, she could start doing her own medications/dispensers again, I had too much to deal with right now...
* Home... paid two bills... defrosting fish in microwave right now.

Definitely need to do some laundry.
It's my bathroom focus week, too, so I have high hopes there.
Time to put the fish in the oven... (lemon pepper for dh, spicy-blackened sauce for me).
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:59 pm


Word of warning.. I taught Swiss Family in my classroom for many years. There are some situations between the two older brothers once the young girl shows up that you might want to become aware of. Depends how n which version you read but even the Disney one might bring about some interesting conversations. And I’ve shown the movie enough that I can probably sprout the words before they happen.

Course my kids were 12-14 but still as innocent as I saw the story the kids found a way to put an interesting twist on living situations of living in a tree. :D
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:16 pm

Hmmm... embarrassed to say I do not remember ever reading Swiss Family Robinson. Now I'm kinda wondering what happened... :? Will put that on my reading list...

Kitchen cleaned up...
Went out for dessert...
S/S baths and cleaned dh's shower stall
Got a date with Tom Selleck now... :lol: on the dvr, you know... :cry:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:23 pm

I cooked dinner and helped dh with the dishes.

I took my walk with my friend and ran into someone moving out that has been a help to me so was able to thank her and wish her well. She is a shrinking violet and never looks happy. Today she was beaming and spoke with me confidently so this is obviously a good move for her. That made me happy but I'll miss her and the information she's fed me (she goes to the landlord tenant board and reads through all the documents and then gets copies of things that are only available there, like the list of everyone's rent.)

Almost immediately after returning home, I went out to the bank machine with dh so I'm now over my 10K steps for the day. And have drunk a lot of water as well since I'm hot. It isn't overly warm out but I get hot quickly while walking.

I have enough time to do one more thing before getting ready for bed.

LadyM: have you ever heard of Swallows and Amazons? I'll have to do some research to make sure it is still appropriate (it was a much loved story for me and I read it to my kids.) The children are closer to DS9's age and it is both boys and girls. There may be some sexism in it that I missed in my day, though (the girls sewing flags and the boys building fires for instance.)

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:39 pm

The last four just confirmed for dinner on Saturday. Now to plan the menu!

Woot! I just learned how to make a secret group on FB so we now have a place to plan it all.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:13 pm

Happy birthday!
Posting while peddling away on stat bike half done with this session.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Sunny » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:31 pm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATHY! Hope your day was perfect!

Hello everyone. Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes! You have all made this day very special for me!

Dh and I were busy today and didn't hear about the tragedy in Las Vegas until suppertime. So sad; I can't imagine the anguish people were and are feeling during this and that of the family member of those involved!

Cathy said:
Does Sunny's real name start with a J? Someone who is a SHE who is on my friend's list on FB has a birthday today and her initials are JP.

Yes, Cathy, that is name is Judy.

Lady M said:
We went to Museum of Osteology

Dh and I watched a program on one of our PBS stations last night on Osteopathy and how doctors began the process of becoming DOs instead of just MDs.

(((Elizabeth & DD))).

I always enjoyed reading The Swiss Family Robinson as well as watching the different movies made about the story. I think I was about 9 or 10 when I first read the book.

My busy day... after breakfast this morning while dh and I were getting ready to go out on an errand, my dcousin-S called to say she was on her way to the dentist whose office is about a mile from our home. About an hour later there was a knock on our door and there she was. She came to say happy birthday and visited with us about an hour. It was good to see her again. They are leaving Wednesday and will be in Virginia until the first week of Nov and we will get together again then. After she left we drove towards downtown to the tax office to pay the registration renewal on the other car. On our way home we stopped at a Bob Evans for lunch. I brought half my cheeseburger and fries home and had them for supper.

Once home again I finished the morning routine and got the kitchen cleaned up, vacuumed carpets, throw rugs and hard floors and did pupa that needed done. By that time ds#2 was here to mow and trim front and back yards. He also brought roll of construction fence (black plastic tarp stapled to thin stakes) which I helped him put up in a large area outside our back door as an added security to keep dMinnie from getting out of the yard. I'm still going to use her harness and chain! I'm sure she will be fine.

By that time it was time to fix supper; I had my lunch leftovers and dh had yesterday's leftovers. While we were eating ds#3 called. We also got to talk to dgd21 and dgs15. I also got a nice card and letter in the mail from dsis! In all, I've had a very nice, happy day. DMinnie has been out for her last time and a drink and her treat. I will be happy to climb into bed and read a little before lights out!
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:03 am

d elizabeth I think I understand???? the couple is married but he has a girlfriend and you are invited to the party. (if that is the case don't go and get involved) I have seen this so many times and no matter what it is not good to be involved in their boyfriend girlfriend status especially with you dd)
You can still love them but not get involved in what they are doing.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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