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Re: Saturday Sabbath

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:21 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
At the pub still. Heading home soon but enjoying the performer.

Tomorrow is a potluck after church so I need to think of something to take.

Re: Saturday Sabbath

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:20 pm
by LadyMaverick
5K finished. It energized me so now I feel back to normal.

Tomorrow is BBQ cook-off contest after church service. Six teams are competing. The congregation is the winner because we get to eat all of the entries. I need to think of a potluck dish to take. Hum.......I'm thinking a green salad and chocolate chip cookies. Easy and quick enough that I can fix it in the morning. I already have cookie dough made up in the refrigerator so it will just mean baking them and chopping vegetables.

I'm going to take a bath and relax the rest of the evening.

Re: Saturday Sabbath

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:44 pm
by Nancy
I made chili for dinner. I walked the dog to the corner to pee. Dishwasher is going. I have been sneezing a lot today. Might be allergies.

Re: Saturday Sabbath

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:46 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Service is printing now.

I'll make rice krispy squares and then head to bed.

It is a later service tomorrow so we don't need to leave until 10. I like the idea of not having to rush. Next week, I'll have to leave here by 8:20 because I'm driving up the valley. I might go even earlier and have breakfast when I arrive, plus pick up something for that potluck.

For now, I'll just focus on the potluck tomorrow. I plan to take the squares and some biscuits.

Re: Saturday Sabbath

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:03 pm
by Harmony
I couldn't get my dinner to bake properly, it took forever. Finally I fed DH left-overs from last night and then when it was done he had some of that also. DSiL came in and "didn't want to bother me" but I pulled the dish out of the oven and he had dinner. DD2 doesn't have time to cook much and they are always amazed when they come here and I cook. My DGKids told DSiL on his phone to bring some of my food home!

We just spent the last 2 hours looking for a list of companies DH had for a project that got stopped about a month ago. I even went through the office big wastebasket, we looked everywhere and finally I looked in the last box I'd packed up when we thought we'd have to evacuate with Irma and there it was. It's always the last place we look, isn't it!! :roll: I did at least get the kitchen table organized while I was doing all that.

I have systems in place and files for everything, if only DH would use them. This last paper we found, I copied and put in 2 different places so we wouldn't lose it again.

Think I'll stay home tomorrow. Just worn out.

DH has 2 jobsites to check on tomorrow after church, I probably won't see him till the evening.

{{Hugs for LadyM}} know things are hard right now.

Re: Saturday Sabbath

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:13 am
by Nancy
Talked with my dsis and as I was processing sorted some yarn tossed empty bags.