Monday, Monday, so good to me...

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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:06 pm

hello elizabeth! So sweet!

sweet kathryn (())

hi d twins!

hello d lucy! I hope you have fun with your new bullet journal

hi d dee

hi d austin granny so happy to see you
wahoo and getting all your weeklies done
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:07 pm

I put away my errand stuff!
dh got his car fixed
I wrote what I spent in my book but still have to work on the check book balance

Missing d mom in law and feeling a sad... I will make sure I go to the cemetery soon.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:38 pm

We walked to the far end of our shopping street to do post office (a retail outlet inside the pharmacy) and to pick a bank for the church's refugee bank account. I was looking for one with low fees on transfers since we have 2 per month and I don't want to eat into the donated money with bank fees.

That is now another task for tomorrow. The banks are closed today.

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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:46 pm

testing picture posting
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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:59 pm


Harriet - I'm interested in how HRH likes the Air Fryer. We enjoy ours and use it several times a week.

Today has progressed smoothly. Typical Monday doings plus 2 chiro appointments (DS9 and myself).

The chiropractor doc showed me DS9 x-rays taken of his neck and explained in detail what was not right. DS9 definitely has some things to be worked on. His neck curve is missing and the top part of his spine (C1 and C2) are at the wrong angle. I suspect it is from the repeatedly violent neck popping tic. She said it was going to take several treatments (months) to get it at the correct angle. She doesn't want to force it or cause pain. Oh man. I wish I was smarter at this type of thing. Do I trust this chiropractor to mess with DS9 spine? I'm totally untrained but even I could see the angle was off. When I look at normal C1 & C2 angle and spacing it makes me greatly concerned. Need to think on this and develop a plan for DS9 neck.
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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:25 pm

Robin, Ophelia, Octavia '17.jpg

Hmmm... .. why is that happening with photo... ... okay maybe now I've got it... ..
As usual, makes it much larger than my intention (which was thumbnail size). But seems to work. I'll delete soon.

In my experience, chiropractors have been rather wise, but maybe you could check the reputation, the education, etc. in some way. I find it encouraging that this is the person who has discovered (and shown with evidence) a concern when no one would have otherwise (also a pat on the back to you for getting him there), and that she at first chose not to touch very much until she thought it through, etc.
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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:36 pm

ci wout cuop. I am ok have been dealing with leaves in front yd before rains came. Got laundry current, did a rock drop painted up a couple of new batches of them. Got the crock returned to the neighbors.
Called about getting Rx.
Dsis said her loa is over will be returning to work end of this mo. Or 1st week of Dec. For some reason she thought she had till Jan. off. :roll:

Dgd will be here in a few we will do hen chores then. Nope shw did not come bc no pass from parent sigh....
I have a plan for dinner.
I love the pic of your hens Harriet.

It has been pouring outside the past hour I'm so glad I stared with the leaves at sunrise! Did several 15 min. Rounds of them yea me!
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:56 pm

I called DS9 pediatrician and got an appointment in the morning (they are going to work DS9 in). I called chiropractor office and requested DS9 neck X-rays to take with me to pediatrician appointment. They were very accommodating so I went back to the chiro office and picked the x-rays up. The chiropractor counseled me that not all medical doctors agree with chiropractor care. I do not expect our pediatrician to be a fan of chiropractors. I have already discovered that he isn't a fan of homeschooling. But I'm not looking for the pediatrician permission to take DS9 to a chiropractor. I want a second opinion with the pediatrician medically trained eyes on DS9 x-rays. I do highly value this pediatrician opinion even though I don't always agree with him in DS9 treatment. If it was up to the pediatrician then DS9 would still be taking a legal dose of Meth making the ADHD, anxiety and Tourette symptoms reduce until he fit into "normal" kid parameters. Who knows what other side effects the legal drugs would be causing if we choose to follow that path?

When I brought the x-rays home I immediately showed them to DH. I had a small glimmer of hope that I remembered them wrong. Nope. It looks just as bad the second time viewing them. DH immediately agreed that it looked bad. I hope my lack of knowledge is making it seem worse than it really is. Regardless of how bad/good it is, I want to find out the truth and seek the correct path to get DS9 the care he needs.
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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:03 pm

Oh, (((LadyM)))... I know that has to be worrisome to you -- anything involving the spine certainly sends up a red flag, especially with a child. It does sound like this chiropractor is trying to be gentle and take time. That sounds like a good sign to me.
I'm glad you're seeing the pediatrician about this too, but also glad you aren't blindly following the pediatrician's advice. (legal dose of meth???) I am so glad ddil doesn't want dgs medicated for his "highly functioning autism."

(((Kathryn))) NO ONE would blame you if you do just cut off all involvement with this bully. She obviously can't work well with others. I think if I were you I'd just cut my losses and tell her to have at it.

Harriet, I have a friend who seems to use her Air Fryer every day. She loves it. It sounds like it would be perfect for dh's dietary needs here, but he is so locked into his few meal choices that he is afraid to branch out. So we never fry anything, Just corn on the cob... every night... :roll:

My countertops are very cluttered, in spite of my best efforts. DH has lots of stuff out all the time. He lays out his breakfast stuff for the week... stack of bowls, juice glasses, spoons, etc... He leaves grocery list out all the time, so we can add to it. He has stack of stuff that goes to ds all the time. Some of this I contribute to, so I can't really blame him. Medicines. Medicine dispensers. Water glass (which I seldom use.) Stack of medical/insurance papers. It's ridiculous. It all looks fairly NEAT, but there's just a lot of it.

(((Blessed))) (for thoughts on dmil)
Glad you got so much done!

Elizabeth, I was so sorry to hear about Tiki. So glad your dd had a chance to say good-bye and is accepting of it all. Glad Briggs got a forever home, too! Hope your back feels better soon!

Waving to Austin Granny... glad you're joining us more these days! Can I ask what kind of surgery you're having? (If you don't want to say, just ignore me. :lol: :oops: ) I hope everything goes well.

Waving to Twins... Oh my... I know you ARE glad to be home! That is quite a long trip to have to deal with all that social stuff, family stuff, etc stuff. (((BIG HUGS)))

Waving to Dee... Cathy.. cats.. BookSaver... MT!...

OH! Speaking of insurance. Dh's got a notice from his insurance company (retired teacher w/Medicare are on different plan than retired w/out Medicare. His is U nited H ealth (?) I think that's it. Mine is BCBS.) Anyway -- he got a notice that some drug they gave him during the arteriogram was denied coverage and he owes the hospital 60 CENTS. I said, it will cost more to get it to them than it will to pay them. Just smh... but he has an follow-up appt next Monday, so we'll probably take care of it then, just to make sure his record stays clear.

Harmony, I definitely need my Sunday nap. We just do NOT "do" Sunday afternoons around here except in VERY rare circumstances. And dh seems to avoid those, LOL! (Thinking of two child-cousins bday parties that I attended without him.) In our case, it's the early church service that really gets to us, b/c we have to get up about three hours earlier than our normal waking time. This Sunday, after trip to college town, I was REALLY wiped out. I even forgot to look at my Sunday card, and therefore, missed my allergy shots yesterday. (I took them today, no problem.)

The bullet journal is probably just going to be over-the-top for me... I mean, I don't want to give up my cards or my checklist or my weekly to-do list/stuff that's not on the cards (and yes, some stuff that is). That saves writing stuff down over and over. I can NOT give up my calendars. Have to have purse calendar for scheduling when we're away from home (doctor's offices, etc.) Have to have wall calendar in kitchen so dh can see what's going on and I can see it when on the phone in there. Have to have bathroom calendar b/c that is my "command center." That's where I keep my cards and checklists and weekly master list. So WHY do I think I need a bullet journal???
But I am going to try it out for the next few weeks and see if there is anything there that will help me. I'm kinda thinking it would be a better way to organize gratitude and prayer list... since I am so COMPELLED to write, perhaps this would channel me in a way that I wouldn't be embarrassed for ds/ddil/dgrands to see if I died suddenly.
I really do need to do some SERIOUS journal purging. I need to cull all the bad stuff/worries/fears/panics, and "only keep the moments that shine" as Ruth Graham advised her daughter.

So... Monday Monday...
I have a few ta-das: (not in this order)
* walked a mile
* colored hair
* S2S
* breakfast, Bible, vitamins
* 2nd load of laundry in washer
* 1st load of laundry wrinkling in dryer :o
* returned out-of-date chicken to Wmart, got fresh chicken, talked with friend there whose dh also has heart issues
* talked to ds (dgrands will be here in about an hour while he gives lessons and ddil goes to class)
* messaging with a dfriend/newspaper reporter who wants to do a story on dh -- b/c dh has seen 60 consecutive rivalry games between us and that Other Team in our state. That is quite a record, I would imagine. DH has not missed one since he was 6 years old.

Must take care of laundry!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday, Monday, so good to me...

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:07 pm

Figured out which bank to use from their websites. And the central telephone service works 24/7 so I can book an appointment with them at the local branch once I get our ducks in a row. So that was worth making a phone call (I called to get a list of everything I needed to bring.)

I just sent a text to W saying "safe travels" and he responded back with a photo of the road to the airport. They are on their way to the airport right this second! I'm vibrating with excitement.

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