Thursday Thanksgiving

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:59 pm

We went to dcousin's and had a great time with her family. I ate too much, but OTOH probably won't eat again tonight! I had a nap when we got home.
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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Lilac » Thu Nov 23, 2017 7:13 pm

Dd2 lives in her own time zone. Dd1 had told her we were eating at 12, when really we were planning to eat at 12:30. At 11:15 dd2 calls me and said that she just put the sweet potato casserole in the oven. If she went ahead and put her squash casserole that was ready to bake in the oven, it would be 12:30 before it was done. So should she cook it and be late or forget it. I told her to forget it. Then she said that she had intended to make a carrot cake but didn't get it done, what desserts were we having? I told her a 9x13 of apple cobbler and a 9x13 of chocolate peanut butter dessert plus dd1 had made 2 pecan pies. So she wondered why I hadn't made pumpkin pie, it's not Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie. I told her that the last 2 years I have brought my pumpkin pie home, untouched. She went into a tailspin, that is not enough dessert, blah, blah, blah. I reminded her that last year we went to the hotel buffet at noon. That evening we went to her house for turkey sandwiches, she had baked a breast. Then we had several kinds of chips and dip. She had bought 4 pies at $18 each from a M ennonite lady, dgd had brought a pie, I had made the pumpkin pie and the chocolate peanut butter dessert. We didn't make a dent in all that dessert and at the time we said next year, we won't do that. I was so irritated at her and called dd1 to tell her the latest. After we hung up dd2 called dd1 and was still stewing about dessert. Dd1 told her we would have plenty. So dh and I go over a little after 12. Dd2, her dh and the 2 little girls showed up at 1. Dd2 walks in and asked if we had eaten and we said no, we were just getting ready to start. She was carrying her sweet potato casserole and looked at the bar loaded down with food and said that next time she probably should bring more than this time. Dd1 and I don't care that we can't count on her to bring what she says she will bring, so the 2 of us always cover the meal. What we care about is her questioning us on how much to fix or what to fix and her acting like we don't know what we are doing. Because guess what dd2, we do know what we are doing. Anyway after dessert, dd2 admitted that we had plenty of dessert. There were just 12 of us and we had lots of dessert left.
The funny thing is that right after they got there, dgd6 questioned me about why I hadn't made a pumpkin pie and I gave her the same answer I gave her dm earlier. Dd2 acted like she wanted to crawl under the table, she was so embarrassed. Well if she hadn't made such a big deal of it, dgd6 would not even thought of pumpkin pie.

Anyway they left at 3 because they had only brought 1 vehicle to town. She needed to pick the boys up at 4. Dh and I came home. Then dd1, dgs23 and I went for a walk. We will go back around 6 and have turkey sandwiches, chips and dips plus those desserts. I don't feel like I can eat another thing today. Uggh... Later we will probably play games. If we do, I know my dh will come home and probably dd1s dh will come over here, also.

It is suppose to be in the 70's here through Monday. Don't know if I will be motivated to put up the tree when it's that nice or not.

I think I will try for a power nap......

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby lucylee » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:19 pm

LOL -- Lilac -- DD lives in her own time zone.
That is so funny! Ddad was like that.

We had a nice time and I can barely stay awake to type this.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I am so very thankful you are here!
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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:51 pm

I am so very thankful you are here!

Me too!

Swim pool winterize prep is on hold. DH decided he would help me so I told him what needed to be done next. I cautioned him about doing it slowly but he tends to be an "all in" typa guy and immediately broke the pool equipment. I ordered another one from A-river but it isn't scheduled to arrive until next Tuesday. Tomorrow I'll go to city and try to find one at pool store. I am insanely late in closing the swim pool. Thankfully, the weather is playing nice or I would be having more regret than I already do.

I am aggravated at DD for causing DS9 tears tonight. She didn't keep her word to DS9 again. That's twice today she said that she would do something with him and then was a no-show both times.
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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:09 pm

Poor Ds9. I used to get angry with one of my daycare moms who was the same way. Her kids knew not to count on her but from time to time she'd promise my kids something and they'd be disappointed.

My mammogram went very smoothly. Boots off to boots on was 37 minutes and I had a 'long' wait.

I dropped off my inhaler prescription at the grocery store but it won't be filled until tomorrow. I wandered around trying to figure out what to have for dinner. Ended up buying ham and grated cheese and having pizzas made at home using naan bread for a crust.

I located the Instant Pot in the store and am ready to go get it in the morning if they have them still. The store opens at 6 but I'm likely to get there later. They appear to have 18. The Canadian Tire has 515 but I won't be going there for it. I've promised myself I'll only get it if I can also get the 'no-tax' special so that means from the grocery store.

Dd can't decide on play kitchen for ds. The grocery store has a cheap one but reviews were poor. The one from IKEA is the same price (if I get it tomorrow), bigger, and sturdier but doesn't come with the dishes.

I'm the one going for the play kitchen and need to be there for 8 if I'm getting it so I need to know before bed.

Dh and ds are on their way home from Toronto now. Dh texted me when they landed. They decided to take a taxi to my sister's instead of transit in order to save time. They should have just parked at the airport, total cost would have been $40.

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:58 pm

(((your d sweet son 9))) d lady

good night all. happiest of thanksgiving. I have to be up at 4 :shock:
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:18 pm

Winds took down a smallish tree branch I moved it from the front steps.
Winds have settled down.
The 8 qt insta pots I looked at were not in stock not on sale so I will wait.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Thursday Thanksgiving

Postby lucylee » Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:55 pm

(((LadyM's ds9)))... and you, (((LadyM)))... nothing hurts like seeing your child hurt.

I had a long long nap... then got up and ate some more... ;) But I'm not someone who just stuffs herself on Thanksgiving food, really -- at least except for dessert. I'm too picky. I only ate meat, potatoes, and baked beans today, and a TINY portion of dressing. Not really crazy about my daunt's dressing, b/c it is too "moist" for me. We (dh/myself) like our dressing more like cornbread -- or at least we want it to have a distinct "crust" on the outside. Daunts is basically just warmed up from the moment it is mixed. It is very well-received in my family, just not by dh and me. DS prefers it dryer, but will enjoy it at any consistency, LOL.
However... the dessert table... dmom's fruit salad, dcousin's divinity, other dcousin's 7-layer cookie, Italian cream cake daunt brought... oh my... and I turned down a BUNCH of other desserts, btw.
Of course, we also had macaroni & cheese (three kinds), green beans, corn, pasta salad, broccoli salad, some kind of squash casserole, potato salad, sweet potato casserole, and some other stuff I didn't even identify.

I didn't even take any pictures this year -- just enjoyed talking to all my family, especially glad that dmom, dbro, and d-not-my-sisil-really ;) :roll: were all able to be there. Dbro & dnmsil were very pleased with the drive time from Atlanta.

I wish I had gotten a picture of dgd in her little birthday shirt though. DDIL had a friend do a monogrammed-appliqued shirt with a big 2 on it, her name, and a little turkey with ribbon feathers, and the turkey is wearing a strand of pearls. It was really cute. I told ddil to let her wear it over to our house one day next week.

DDIL went to Wmart and did some Christmas shopping for dgs tonight, but I will stay far, far away from the crowds. I may look online a little bit later tonight. All I have done since coming home -- except for sleeping -- is to help dh get our clothes packed for tomorrow.

So glad you had a good report from the mammogram, Kathryn!

Blessed... ooohhh... 4:00 a.m.... ooohhhh...

Nancy -- hope you don't have any more strong winds!

LadyM -- sounds like a man. ;) "All in/breaks the part" -- hope your weather holds till you get the winterizing completed!

Lilac, I know I'm going to need to get busy with getting our tree/etc up next week. DDIL and DS have already got theirs up tonight, and dgs is looking forward to helping me decorate ours. I sooo need to vacuum and dust beforehand, but then I think, well, it always creates a lot of mess anyway so maybe I should do the cleaning AFTER. (It's an artificial tree, but it still seems to "shed" a LOT. Some year, I think I'll pull it out of it's bag and it will just be bare branches. And of course, lots of little ornaments & table decorations that are in styrofoam packaging and that always seems to leave a trail behind, too.)

Waving to ALL!!! Enjoy your weekend! If you're watching TV at 2:30 Saturday, look for me. I'll be wearing blue! ;) :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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