Terrific Tuesday

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:28 pm

Neglected to say, what an alarming discovery, Dee. I'm so glad you ran into a family member who could reassure you somewhat. It would have been bad to continue on with those images in your mind of so much abandoned! Hoping their home can calm down now.

Feel better, lucylee.

Found out I'm off the hook for the 4-hour baby-sitting gig this week, because ddil's needed weekday work hours happened to coincide with toddlerC's Mother's-Morning-Out this time. (She works weekends otherwise, but ds is there.) Ddil only needs 2 hours over classroom party for K class Thursday - siblings not invited to that! And dd19 would like to do that if she can, since her last exam is tomorrow and she hasn't gotten to see any of "her" little ones in a while. So this is cool - a little extra time for all the extra work around here.

By the way, working on cards by Halloween is the best idea EVER.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:17 am

Lucylee, I do hope you're not coming down with something. Oooh I didn't really say that, did I? :?


Oh drat I forgot everything I wanted to say as I read through.

Oh, Kathryn, with sore back. I'm right there with you. Have been trying to ignore mine. Which is NOT working. Ever since before Thanksgiving the pain has flared up something awful. The more I do the more it hurts.

Happy Hanukkah, Twins!

So this morning very early when I woke up I found a program (fund raiser of course) on PBS I watched...how not to die... interesting. Then was morning stretch or whatever that stretch exercise program is called. I decided to get up and do a little. This gal is so limber but I did get my back straightened a bit and that helped with the pain. I'd like to work on this a bit more to see what it might do for me.

I managed to get the pkg in the mail. Long line at the post office, and I will probably be back there 2 more times. I got some outside lights on the bushes across the front. 3/4 of the way done. One string was half out and DH was working on it for me but we needed more replacement bulbs. DH got called out and picked up another box of 2 strings on the way home so we'll finish tomorrow morning. I did get the wreath hung.

I did a great deal of cooking, made a nice dish with leftovers for tomorrow at least. But it was a couple hours' work cooking and cleaning up in the kitchen. I did take all the stuff out one cabinet drawer and clean that good. My whole kitchen needs a good housecleaning. Especially the pantry. I can't find anything in there right now.

Harriet, congratulations to DD for winning the scholarship. You mean she has to send a REAL thank you, not just a text or a face time? Good for them making that a requirement.

Going to bed. I've been up a long time. I can't seem to sleep long these days.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:03 am

Feeling lots better after my long nap. Still kinda have a headache. Thanks for good wishes! All in ds’s household have respiratory complaints since returning home Sunday night — I probably do have a touch of whatever they brought home. I’ll be okay. It’s just making me lazy(er) — if that is possible.
I finished Christmas cards last night, except for a few that I have to find new addresses for — four people on my list have moved in the past year! I’ll have to text dcousin, and search texts from others.
Tonight I have done NOTHING. :(
Have not managed to make myself exercise/walk one single day this month. :(

Democratic Party won tonight in case y’all haven’t seen.
That’s all I have to say about that.

Happy Hanukkah, Twins.

Congratulations to Harriet’s dd!!!

I’ve been “window shopping” online. First for a new Tahoe... next for pretty index cards, LOL.
I now am hopeful we actually will be able to find a Tahoe in our price range after all... one does not HAVE TO buy the $70k PREMIUM model, you know. Sheesh. (If any of you are driving high priced SUVs, that is perfectly all right with me. It’s just a little out of our budget at this point!) Fortunately, we will get duncle’s employee discount, and the lower end Tahoe starts below $50k.
Anyway. That cheered me up a little.

Index cards... I’m being silly, but I want to make some modifications to my 3x5 file... just to spruce it up a bit. Some of my cards are getting kinda rough looking. Some need reorganization of the tasks.
Apparently no one makes the pretty pastel marbleized(?)-print ones anymore?
Thinking about buying some washi tape. Isn’t that what it’s called? The decorative, scrapbook tape.
Thinking, in dh’s words, unless they’re giving it away free, I shouldn’t be out buying anything for myself right now.

Also edited some pics in the snap Fish file. I’ve got everything uploaded. Just have to get them ready to print — I’m deleting some that are basically just duplicates.

I think I will tune out of electronics for the night. I am trying to read Dickens’ Christmas Carol. That will be much better than tv tonight.
Tomorrow is another day.

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