Traveling Tuesday

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:10 pm

I would like to try calif. Rice and zuchini noodles. We enjoy spagitti squash.

H is home. Hens are back in.
Me time for my day today got some drawing done.
Got the new cc so I can do a store run.
Giving up net flicks to save $. Pouty face.

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:38 pm

Nancy: our local library has videos. But they also offer online movies and tv shows. So it is worth it to check out if yours does too.

Dinner is done. It was leftovers tonight for me, fettuccine for dh to use up the cream he bought last week. Tomorrow for dinner I'm trying what dd had for lunch today. Or more accurately, half what she had for lunch. It is a chicken wrapped around cheese and broccoli from Costco. It looked and smelled good but only one has to be a serving. She's doing high protein as well but also needs high calorie so she had two of these things, 500 calories. Nothing else, just that (and it was almost 3, she had forgotten to eat any lunch since they had a late breakfast.) No wonder she's so tiny. I can't imagine forgetting to eat lunch! I had my breakfast around 9, a snack at 10:30 and then my lunch at 12:30.

Dh wants pizza tomorrow and I'm not eating pizza yet (or at least, not take-out pizza.) Eventually it will have a place in my eating plan but not right now. Despite walking for so long, I'm over on calorie intake today because of my nibbling while at Costco. I had carefully had a protein bar before going but it didn't help. Oh well, the goal for this month is to fill in the food diary each day so I still succeeded at the day!

I'm exhausted though. I'm going to try and enter a small pile of receipts (ignoring the giant pile that is next to the small one.) If I get on a roll, I'll do more. If I don't, I'll go to bed.

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:44 pm

:o :shock: I was sitting watching tonight's taped version of Wheel of Fortune when suddenly it hit me! Yikes! I'm supposed to 'be at a meeting'. Completely forgot to get tonight's church council meeting scheduled with the pastor. At that point it was 7:50 and too late to contact anyone. I felt like a dunce. Actually it was after 7 before we had dinner as dh and dd had gone to L owe's to pick up some supplies and I simply never thought about it. The whole day has been a waste for me and I've just vegged and snoozed and coughed.

2 dnieces were due in tonight at dbil/dsisil's. Niece from SC had posted on FB when they were on their way from the Orlando Airport and mentioned a name as being with them. I know that name is her dog. Kinda wondering what's happening as I know no one ever mentioned she was bringing her dog. Doubt highly that dsisil will take too kindly to that -but then maybe they did know. Guess we'll know when we meet them for breakfast tomorrow.

Guess dsonil may be coming home after the weekend. Guess his dsis managed to walk (with walker) 85' today. If she can keep it up they'll let her go 'home' next week. Supposedly they're putting a hospital bed at their Mom's for her and the daughter is supposed to be staying there to care for his Mom and sister. Somehow I have my doubts about all of this. And to top things off today, his dsis was notified that her health insurance was terminated albeit their payment was on time. Guess they have appealed but who knows. The daughter has 3 girls under 5 and her dh of course. Twill be interesting.

Wondering what dh's reaction will be to his 'valentine's day present' tomorrow. Know he has absolutely no idea that I've booked a flight for him on March 8th - 13th. He'll be going back north, driving, on the 25th. He's either going to be thrilled or not happy that I spent that much on him right now.

Plan, Kathryn? I'm supposed to have a plan? I thought I did but it completely went out the window today. I absolutely have to get that scale headed south! My weight is inching up and up. Not good and I know it's definitely not good for me!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:46 pm

K in C thanks. I will check into that. H said that we can still get it. But other changes in the works for us in the next year see J & C for details.

I need to get dinner going.
After dinner stuff done.
Dark clothes going in the dryer, dishwasher is going as well.
I did not go anywhere waiting on a package it came yea!
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:21 pm

I haven't traveled anywhere today, unless you want to count errands around town.
* electric bill
* post office
* school pick-up
* dollar store
* bank
* drive-thru for supper

Lots of travel around the house with dgd, though, and later, with dgs also.
Must continue that -- travelling around the bed, putting sheets back on. I even washed our pillows today (well, three of them -- dh uses a dozen, I think, but I only washed the three My P illow brand pillows.

Tomorrow, I will be alone from about 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm! :shock: DS says they should certainly be home in time to pick up dgs at school, and he will bring the grands to me around 5:00 pm. I don't know what I will do with myself! :lol: I know I will go to the post office, and to dcousin's house to pick up the chocolate-dipped strawberries she is doing for me. (She sells these, and they are dipped in chocolate and then different toppings -- coconut, nuts, etc.) So I'm getting a half-dozen as a Valentine's treat from me to me, LOL!

Dmom talked with a lady at a rehab facility in Next Town, and now dmom is under the impression that Medicare WILL pay for "in-facility" rehab following outpatient procedures. Dmom and I had thought this would be impossible without a 3-night stay in the hospital. I intended to contact dxsil today and ask about that, but time (and dgrands) got away from me...
She did say, if it became absolutely necessary, she would do private-pay in rehab if she could get accepted that way.
Dmom was doing well though, so far as dental procedure was concerned.

Also... aggravated b/c dh priced SUV to dfriend for the same amount dealership would give us, and now dfriend is reconsidering -- thinks he may take it after all... and I reminded dh that the dealership price also gives us a tax break on purchase price of new SUV. :roll: So now dh is aggravated at himself and wants to see if I can find out tomorrow the amount of the tax break. Says he will just tell dfriend that if we let him have it, we'll have to add on that amount. I don't know if that's even ethical. If he takes it for $3500, I guess we'll have to just let it be. Remember -- this is a 10 year old vehicle with over 275,000 miles, which needs a LOT of cosmetic work on the interior, and will soon need brake work.
DH -- in his own words -- is such a terrible businessman. * sigh * He said dfriend said, "I would have liked to have had that SUV, but I just can't afford it right now." (No numbers had been discussed previously.) DH told dfriend, "Well, that's okay, they're going to give me $3500 for it." Dfriend was like :shock: :o "Well, I might can take it for THAT. I figured you were going to ask $8000 or so for it!"
* sheesh * :roll:
In dh's defense, he had no idea dfriend was going to jump at it like that.
Dfriend said he'd have to talk to his wife and he would call us back about it.
We had said (in the beginning, months ago) we would ask dfriend for $4000, but when we first talked to him about it, we didn't even get far enough to talk about what the friend had in mind. * sigh *

Dee... that is sad about the 90-yr-old and divorce proceedings.

(((Hugs))) for Kathryn's dgs!!! (AND his dmom & ddad!)

Also hope they get your dd's meds straightened out, blessed!

Maybe tomorrow -- with time alone -- I can manage to keep up with y'all a little better! :oops:
Tomorrow is another day.

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