Wild & Whacky Wed.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:55 pm

Progression stopped. I did a couple of things and unfortunately, that added to my to-do list instead of taking away!

Dh and I had a lovely walk. It is sunny AND above freezing so we had a 3 mile walk (round trip) to the bagel shop, post office and store. Couldn't get what dh hoped to get (really smelly liquid soap he likes) but we tried another scent. This one is fruitier, vanilla and pomegranate; the other was more vanilla and something flowery. I think plain vanilla would be fine for me and I'll keep looking. I'm sure they are available anywhere, I'm allergic to most scented soap like that so just ignore that section of stores.

I haven't been able to get back in the groove since getting home. Dh has errands to run with the car starting in a few minutes and he'll bring a pizza back for himself (and I'll have a frozen dinner.)

Two loads of laundry are done and the dishwasher run, so there's been progress, just not what I planned.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:07 pm

Computer got too slow so I downloaded updates and rebooted.

In the meantime, I opened mail and sent dh off with an errand to run for me as well.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:55 pm

My one thing yesterday was to empty the planter it was frozen so I was able to finish that task today. I have txted dgd she will take some things for her apt. This summer. It is good to know that.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:11 pm

Nancy: I have fake fall leaf branches frozen in my planter. They'll be there well past Easter!

Dh is watching a movie so I'm going to try and get moving on the paperwork again.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Harmony » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:47 pm

Sad day in our state today. :(

DH and I both had long naps this afternoon. We did another batch of papers which will go out tomorrow.

LadyM, no DH never wanted to work for someone else. All his life he's worked for himself and at this point I don't think he'd make a good employee! He's so used to making his own decisions. I remember once when I worked outside the house, I'd run an errand for him on my lunch hour and got lost. I'd called him to say I'd used up my whole lunch hour and wouldn't get anything to eat. And he said why don't I just go to the shop across the street and get something. No, that's the sort of thing you do when you're your own boss, not when you're on a time clock for someone else. I don't think he's employable!

I still don't know what he'll do. Maybe once he gets comfortable that we're able to pay our bills without him bringing $ in, he'll think differently about it. Our $ changes this summer, so we have the rest of 2018 to get used to not needing more $. We'll see.

Chores for today are done.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:04 pm

sweet dreams
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:12 pm

Sweet dreams, Blessed.

I'm off to bed myself. Dh's movie wasn't any good so he stopped watching that and did a tv episode instead.

In the meantime, I frittered away half the time I had and then got to work on the service for Sunday. That's done now (not well, but done) and I've started a file with the few notes I have on the sermon and have opened some webpages to read tomorrow.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby lucylee » Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:20 pm

So... I HAVE made progress:
* went to dcousin's house & got strawberries (chocolate covered w/coconut sprinkles... oh my... these are so good)
* laundry is caught up; everything is washed & put away or hanging to dry
* dusted den, computer room, hallway, guest bath, & master bedroom (truth -- as blessed said -- this was slipshod, but I figure better than nothing and it is helping me establish a routine, right?)
* s/s all three toilets and dh's shower
* recorded FIVE episodes of The Cumberland Highlanders (RFD-TV -- do any of you watch this?) It's a bluegrass show. We save them on the dvr, but the dvr was getting waaay too full so I'm transferring them, plus The Marty Stuart Show, plus some ballgames to dvd's. It's a very slow progress. And now I need to check that the discs are correctly "finalized" so they will all play on the other tv
* phone call to salesman at car dealership (Hooray -- dh's "mistake" in pricing vehicle to dfriend will cost us less than $200 in tax benefit, although * sheesh * dh might have gotten $500-$1000 more from the dfriend if he'd played his cards right. * Sigh * He could not sell hacksaws in a jail. That is why we are not in the furniture business. He could have inherited (along with his dbro) a very successful furniture and appliance business here in town, but dh said he'd lose everything overnight that his parents had made in their lifetimes. Dbil wasn't interested in the furniture business either.)
* phone call from tax man -- I couldn't answer his question and he said he would call dh and/or dbil tomorrow -- something about rental property that they do share (dbil got the great bulk of dinlaws' rental properties, but there is one very small house we share with him)
* talked to dmom
* went to nearby service station and got local weekly paper
* ate supper
* ran the "clean washer" cycle

Nancy, I think giving up clutter is a great idea. I've seen some things where people were given a trash bag and they were supposed to put one item in each day -- then donate the bag on Easter. I may try that.

LadyM, of course, dgs is a lot younger than your ds9, but he is having such a time learning to hold his pencil correctly AND write using upper AND lowercase letters. He wants to use all uppercase. I would not be a kindergarten teacher for all the money in the world!

Pouring down rain when I went out to get paper.
Harmony, IKWYM about all this techno-stuff w/doctor's offices. I keep putting off getting dh signed in to his cardiologist. It would be nice to be able to look at reports like they do, but it is such a hassle.
Also downloaded an app from Amwell (?) from my insurance company, but I don't think it will cover dh, so it's not much use. It is supposed to give us access to doctor on the phone or video and promises rx for many common, easily diagnosed things -- but I don't really have much problem getting regular doctor on the phone when I want him. It's just dh and his doctor phobia that this would be useful for, I thought. So I never filled it out.

Oh, blessed, social media is such a huge mindless time-waster for me, too!

(((Donna))) -- How old are your parents? I hope your dmom does well and gets to go home soon, and that your ddad will be okay in the meantime without putting too much strain on you and your siblings.
Eldercare is -- as you've already seen -- a common topic here, and something that is always on my mind. My dmom is 72 -- well, she will be 73 in 2 weeks! :shock: She still lives alone and drives, is very independent... BUT... she has LOTS of ongoing chronic complaints. She is something of a hypochondriac, but many of her complaints are extremely legitimate, and I don't know that I would be much better in her situation. She put her life on hold while my ddad battled leukemia, and in the almost-five years since he passed away, she has really battled with depression and multiple health issues.
Saying all that to say I (like MANY of the ladies here) can relate to what you're going through!

And speaking of dgrands -- ddil called to say she wasn't going to work the rest of the week; hospital didn't want her bringing her germs in, LOL! So -- unless she gets worse -- I'm off the hook for Nana-duty until Saturday night, when dgs wants to spend the night with us. DS is about 2 hours into a 20-hr trip right now, and he won't be home until sometime after midnight Sunday. (He's not alone -- there are 5 people sharing the driving, thank goodness!)
DDIL also wanted to share good news that she made an A on most recent test. I'm so glad she wants to share all this kind of news with me.

Harriet, I"m glad you have found another "kindred spirit" at your church. Glad the other lady is returning. Strength in numbers.

Sooo happy Mr. Dee is so pleased with his Valentine's Day gift!

Blessed -- I just learned that we are instructed to pour the grape juice out and scatter the leftover bread for the birds (which I have heard from other sources isn't exactly healthy :roll: ) but oh my... yes... I would NOT want to be the priest or any person who had to DRINK all that after everyone in the congregation had their fingers in it or mouths on it! Yep... some might say I'm sacrilegious too, but... YUCK.

Continuing to think of all our Florida SHEs and those in the school community affected by this shooting. So heartbreaking. :cry:

Well, I'm going to continue my taping but take a break otherwise and watch our ballgame -- our team is hosting Kentucky tonight. I certainly do hope we win b/c dh will be more than miserable driving home if we lose!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:06 am

We won! 76-66! College team is having best season since 1999, I think. This is amazing — sooo thankful dh has been able to enjoy it. Even if he will be feeling poorly tomorrow.

On a less happy note... I now notice that dh is also saving episodes of Hee Haw, Larry's Country Diner, The Jimmy Dean Show, and Opry Star Spotlight.
This will never be finished...

At least, I now THINK I have figured out the steps to simplify recording -- although it still requires 2 remote controls and a bunch of flipping back and forth. :roll: There's bound to be an easier way, but I don't know what it would be.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:48 am

I have two large planters to get off the deck that I will need to use a hand trowel to empty them first.

I will be continuing to work on the outside in the mornings when I am out doing morning round of hen chores. It is a good way to begin the day!

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