who doesn't have 15 minutes Thursday

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Re: who doesn't have 15 minutes Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:17 pm

HaHa Thank you Harriet. I guess the chicken crossed the road too slowly. :lol:

Dinner and dishes are done. I put my PJ's on. Uncomfortable in my clothes right now. Sorted mail. Watched a western with DH and looked up an actress to answer a question he had. I guess the day is done.

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Re: who doesn't have 15 minutes Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:53 pm

Don't know what I'd do without you ladies.

I went to cuop (starting with last night after I posted) and was reminded:

1. I need to clean up the kitchen
2. I needed to put the wet clothes in the dryer. (That I got up from the computer and did immediately.)

After I post, I'll fill my humidifier and start it so the room will be better before bed. Then work on the kitchen.

Long day. It is done.

Cardiologist appointment went either well or poorly depending on if you are a glass half full person or not. Nothing wrong with my heart. It is working properly so my shortness of breath is caused by something else. So that's both good (nothing wrong with my heart) and bad (don't know why I can't breathe when walking.)

Dh dropped me downtown for the rent review hearing. The room was very empty. Apparently my nemesis had negotiated a settlement with the landlord for almost exactly what the landlord offered last July. That covered everyone but the one hold-out who was getting the full legal hearing. I came in about 11:40 and she was going through the document highlighting questionable expenses. Eventually the lawyer for the landlord asked for a recess to go move his car and it was determined the hearing would go all day. Instead of breaking for lunch, the landlord dropped the rent increase completely for this one tenant. That will cost them about about $50. The lawyers fees would be $$$$.

My rent increase will be 4.5%. That's down from 4.91% asked by the landlord in the rent increase application and slightly below the 4.58% offered in July. So I'm ahead by $2.72 per month by holding out for 8 months. Sigh.... I will get a statement of what I owe the landlord (I've been refusing to pay the increase until there was a ruling.) It will be over $1000. Thankfully, I realized that back in November so have been setting the money aside. On the plus side, I've legally held back $100 per month for the past 10 months which, in a way, punishes the landlord. I'm in a rent controlled apartment but apparently that means nothing. My rent has gone up by more than the controlled amount for 3 of the 4 years I've been here.

When I got home, I had lunch then dh and I took a walk to enjoy the day. I made my appointment with the family doctor to figure out what to test for next and had a nice chat with CM on the phone. She called to let me know how she was doing. Apparently, the mourning custom for her culture is at least 9 days of daily prayers and catechism, mirrors covered and other stuff that seems strange to me. The main point is she won't be back for Easter and has our Church Musician, that means dh and I will be doing the music instead.

Plus I'm handling her job regarding the refugees so worked on that tonight as well. I still have to get out a newsletter for the residents about the rent so I have a bit of work to do before bed.

But first, start the humidifier.

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