Monday Magic

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:49 pm

worked for 45 minutes on removing more wall paper - done for day - almost done.
swiped floors, tossed garbage and rinsed out sponge and bucket. rinsed scraper
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:50 pm

hi d nancy and d kathryn

now for exercise - yoga and shoulder exercises
still have to put laundry away and dinner prep - simple dinner

soon: fun paper stuff and learning
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:23 pm

Good afternoon everyone! I am working on meeting "homework". Normally it would be due tomorrow, but I will be at DD16's biopsy waiting room. The x still has not told me where it is, but I know he will. In fact, the last time (which ended up cancelled), I rode with him. We did none of our usual Easter activities, because Dad's flight home was not timed well for them. My bedroom has been rearranged completely. Dad didn't even have to measure, he has enough experience to just put things where they belong. There is still some put away, decluttering, and rehoming to do there.

Tonight, I must run some errands and LOLs. I may leave payroll late today, because one rider has a meeting. It won't be a problem.

Sunday's Easter dinner with the xBFF went well. The x and the other woman were blessedly absent. xBFF thought they had some romantic plans while the kids were away, but when I dropped off DD, they were ensconced in the LR in front of the TV as usual. SNARK ALERT: My traveling companion friend saw them at a play Friday and agreed that the other woman looks tired and run down now. The boyfriend that xBFF wanted to bring to Mardi Gras asked me about it. I don't know if he was even aware she had proposed bringing him. I gave a good description emphasizing the family stuff.

In answer to lucylee's question over the weekend, my church still does confirmation classes for the 6th graders. There is also an adult new members class that is shorter, but covers some of the same territory.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Nancy » Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:23 pm

When I took the dog out to pee a few mins ago. It was snowing a bit just a flake now and then.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby lucylee » Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:07 pm

Thanks for that input, Elizabeth! Maybe our church will return to this tradition soon.

Hope all goes well for your dd tomorrow also!

AND — I’m hoping all goes well — for ME! — at dmom’s appt tomorrow!!!
Dmom is back to wanting to come home for recovery...
I’m back to feeling overwhelmed.
Tomorrow is another day.

Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Monday Magic

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:34 pm

Back later then had planned. Got all Sunday Desk jobs done along with my Monday work, last load of laundry in dryer. Was hoping to work Magic
on the Linen closet and Coat closet(2 smallest closets) Dh had more important things for me to do :roll: so I only got the linen closet cleaned.
Wont be home tomorrow, Dgrands dont have school due to elections(kids safety and security with people in and out) so will be spending my day with them.
Hope everyone had a Great Day.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:58 pm

I'm doing desk work too, but refugee desk work. I've repaid those who've had expenses so far and updated the spreadsheet that is my cheque register. It balances to the penny to the bank account so I'm relieved.

I need to clean up papers so things don't get lost by blowing under a piece of furniture, for instance. That's my next task.

Dh and I went out for burgers because I couldn't deal with cooking and he didn't want to either. We gassed up the car on the way home with cheaper gas than last night so that's my justification for going out!

Before leaving for dinner the moving team had a conference call with me and we clarified the individual teams and what their tasks will be. Someone found me four young adult males to do the lifting and people to give them rides in from the country. This will be a big deal since there are stairs involved in the move. As well, two of the drivers of trucks with trailers are not allowed to lift anything over 20 pounds. So now I have enough helpers. Woot!

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:01 pm

Refugee Bookkeeping is finished. Some receipts are now organized. I need a new file for the banking information - it shouldn't be in the main folder now that all the money is in the account. I finally found the receipts from Dec. 29 showing I paid $2300 before I went away (rent plus living expenses.) That would be the $2K too much I had in the refugee records. I couldn't understand why there was extra. It is from a weird period when $16K wasn't in the church account or the committee account (it came out Dec. 28th but didn't go into the committee's account until Jan 3 therefore the year end records were badly messed up.) During that time I needed to pay W&R before I disappeared for a month so used cash from my own account. That is money I will finally get repaid tomorrow. I'll pick it up from the committee's bank and walk it down the street to my bank to return the money to myself. That also explains why that account doesn't have 2 months of expenses in it.

I've emailed the people I owed with financial info and have sent other replies to emails. I also sent a special thank you to the lady who donated $230 worth of bedding from IKEA. She gave me the receipt in case I had to return anything. Turns out M likes her taste so all is good but now I know how much she spent.

Off to bed now. I'm not thinking straight.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Lynlee » Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:52 pm

waving from Tuesday.
I'm having a day with flyers today so some magic is happening.
bed is changed. clean sheets. Still just a cotton blanket and 'autumn quilt cover'.
Its sunny so am having a multi load wash day. I may push some more through. One never knows how long the sunshine will last.

WB Donna. WTG having a 'web' free lent.

WTG Kathryn for all you do for the church and refugees.

love all you all do with families.
Sometimes some of mine accept a phone call, for a while at least.

Hugs and prayers for all doing hard yards.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Harriet » Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:33 pm

I see RunKitty's light on! Hi!

Oh, there's cats! Hey, girl!

I did nap.

Afterward, got some church Desk Day done.

The new top arrived and I'm bummed.
I ordered the next smaller size because the one I'd ordered 6 months ago was large on me, but i didn't think it was worth exchanging. Then I lost a little more over the fall/winter and it seems even larger now this spring. I thought, well, this is just one of those things I'd be willing to lose some money on - I really like the top and I got some use out of the one that was big, but I deserve to wear one that fits. But getting the "right size" did NOT work out! I'm shocked to find that the quality is completely different - for instance the sleeves' hems are skimpy and skewed rather than deep and neat like the first one. I can barely get my head in the opening (that can't be right) and the bustline is tight. Why can't there just be quality control and honesty in selling something, a little pride in workmanship.

It's not worthless. I can give it to dd ( :roll: ) like so many things, or save it until I lose 5 pounds and see what it looks like then I guess. (how many times have I done that.) Is it worth going to the trouble of returning and still losing the shipping money... .. I doubt it.

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