Orderly Wednesday

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:48 pm


FINALLY, I have an appointment for celiac screening. YES! YES! YES!

And just because that was so easy, I will consider fixing my lock tonight. That is another pending AP day project. It will require a trip to the hardware store followed by taking apart my front door lock. I get an immense feeling of satisfaction from completing home repair chores. Probably because so many of my friends think I "need a man" to get them done. I admit I did hire out last spring's swamp cooler turnover to a man at my church. However, it required multiple roof trips and I was on crutches, yeah I needed someone. But it was a whole lot easier and faster to make an appointment and fork over some cash than to acquire a boyfriend. Probably cheaper too!

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:27 pm

WTG on making that appointment, Elizabeth!

Dd is thinking of asking for screening as well. She's now convinced herself she has Silent Celiac because a first cousin once removed with fertility issues has it plus she thinks Grandma had it since it took her 5 years to get pregnant (but then went on to have 6 children.) I'm afraid I'm rolling my eyes at this since the connection is too tenuous.

She is married to an Italian so I'm not sure she realizes she should not be wishing for this. Already onion and garlic are out of her meals because of the gastro discomfort they cause her. I'm concerned she'll limit her food intake too much since it is her way to follow everything to a T (i.e. she won't even have onion or garlic powder in recipes.)

Dinner is done. Tonight I am really going to do the cleanup. Unlike last night when I said I would and then didn't.

Dh is on another conference call. We got a walk in this afternoon in the rain, but I'm 5K steps short and suspect I won't get on the treadmill since it is in the office. We'll see how the evening goes.

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:49 pm

Starting tax return software. Went to import tax slips. Fine for dh, failed for me so had to start right back at the beginning (the software never saved and was hung up because the government website failed.) Tried again, phone rings, I click download, government website fails again. I'm still not sure if I'm doing something wrong. This time I walk away from the computer while on the phone, clean up most of the kitchen and when I return the tax software isn't hung. So I save again (although at this point I had been saving at each question) and tried a third time. Everything went fine.

Now I have to reconcile these chits with the ones I have in my possession.

I'll do 15's I guess - 15 minutes on taxes, 15 on housework. I find this so stressful.

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:07 pm

J & c update and news.

80* here outside this evening.
I need to start dinner and bathe ddog, soon as h is out of that room.

Got a lot of rocks painted this afternoon.

Temp drop this weekend then warming back up some next week.

Oh yes saw they caught the golden state serial killer in Ca. After 40 yr search.

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:39 pm

I kept pushing through thinking the tax stuff would get easier. Nope. There's a stupid form that used to be separate but is now integrated into the software. You must file it. It has nothing to do with your taxes, it is about foreign owned stuff. I have US stocks held by my Canadian Broker. That counts. So I have to convert everything to Canadian dollars, figure out where all the corporations are held (both my US stuff but also anything overseas) and enter in all the numbers. For no purpose whatsoever except to add hours and hours to filing my return.

For stocks that I sold and have to pay taxes on the gains, that's reported elsewhere on my income tax form. This is different. So this is a huge pain and I've spent an hour on it so far. Just trying to understand what they want from me. I filled in the form wrong last year because I included stocks in my tax-free savings account. That doesn't count for some reason.

Sigh. There is no reason "why" to this form. If it is to stop people from hiding money offshore, I will point out people who do that are the sort of people who don't fill in stupid forms.

I'm skipping over and returning to it later.

In fact, I might just stop now since I'm frustrated. I'll hang up the load of laundry and wash up the hand dishes and start the dishwasher.

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:03 pm

I am finished for the day...

dinner done, dishes washed and put away and everything is ready for the morning. Nice way to go to bed.

Nitters to y'all.........
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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:31 pm

I do at least want to report.

Car in to the inspection place
editing for dd's letter (finally)
Errands to
bank, pharmacy2, grocery
wrote and mailed 2 bills (incl car sticker one)
one check for payroll delivered
one request for payroll info made by email
one other email to give former minister's address
picked up car and paid

That and getting the dailies done was all - I feel like I've really been pulled in directions.

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:48 pm

Well, DH's drafting table. He has no formal training, but he's as good as if he had. He took drafting class in High School and I have to say, that was probably the best class he could have taken. He used to draw all his own plans, 3 and 4 page sets for a house, and all the additions and remodeling stuff he does. Now the engineer won't let him draw his own big sets because then they have to take it and add all the engineering notes on. It is easier for them to make DH go to a professional draftsman who does this with computer, because with their programs the engineering is automatically attached and drawn in. It's less work for them and a whole lot more expense for us.

But DH still does little jobs on his own. We take an existing floor plan and add what we're doing: take down this wall, add this window, etc. and we'll make our own engineering notes and attach the engineering for the product. It's complicated. Over the years DH's printing has gotten really bad, especially after his hand surgeries, so we sit together and I do all the lettering. We have all the templates and the 3-sided scales (rulers). DH is a numbers person and understands all that. I just know how to make it look pretty.

Yes, sure been doing a lot of decluttering. House is in really good shape right now. I took sweeper around through all the rooms and put everything away. If I did that every night it sure would be an improvement. Still don't think I cold do a WHB in an hour, unless I did a whole lot of focus work during the week. I just might try doing that more and see what happens.

DH came home in a hurry and ran out the door to a youth concert. I made him sandwiches to eat on the way. He didn't get home till after 10. I told him if he's gone this much maybe I'd just consider him obsolete. I think I saw him all of 15 minutes today.

Since everybody was making appointments, I thought maybe I'd call about getting my wisdom tooth pulled...and then thought I'd have to wait till DH wasn't quite so busy so he could come along because of the gas...

Nancy, 40 years, wow. Interesting. Last week they caught a lady who came to FL and killed someone and took off for Texas and wasn't hiding and they were trying to catch up to her and found her in a restaurant, livin' it up. Been following events up in Toronto also.

I gotta say, I had a loaf of gluten free bread I bought when DD was supposed to come, and didn't, so I put it in freezer. Got it out to use it up and twice tried. Finally threw it away. I've never thrown away bread before but the texture of this was just something out of the twilight zone. So all I can say is good luck to all of you. Oh, I think chex cereal is gluten free.

Ok, bedtime.

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:38 pm

Have to agree, Harmony, that lady (and I use the term very loosely) was definitely a pretty stupid criminal.

DD's finally home from her mother-in-law's. She'd only been at the banquet for her former students who are graduating from high school, for about 10 minutes when she got a call that the ambulance was on its way for her dmil for the 2nd time today. After she got home, she of course was wired. So we went online to A River and ended up ordering a new phone for me. It's supposed to be here Friday. I will be sure to wait at home as I sure don't want that package to end up being a 'porch theft'. I had some lotion that was an 'add-on' item that now qualified. I tried to pick it up at W mart today -seems like everything I've gone there for in the past few weeks -no luck. Even my test strips for my glucometer I had to end up ordering online. Think last weeks I had 7 things to pick up from the pharmacy -they had ONE.

I sure hated to spend money for a phone but it's done. I'll take it to A T & T as soon as it gets here Friday and get everything set up.

Hate to go to bed and acquire 'bed head'. My hair looks really good and I'm afraid with only one arm I can't duplicate it. Thus have to have a very simple style. Getting a perm on my birthday next month so maybe that'll help a little bit.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Orderly Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:46 am

All my vacuuming is DONE!!!

Sad to say, my WHB is more like a MONTHLY home blessing. — sheesh —

But it IS done for this week!

You know what’s sad, Harmony? I designed our floor plan on graph paper and ddad did the blue prints...
and now I can’t find one single copy.
So sad.
Friend in tech Dept at school who made some additional copies for us TOLD me to be sure to get my copies back from all the contractors, etc... but apparently, I did not. :(

Oh — ddad only did jr college courses, I think, and was one of the few in his dept who did NOT have an engineering degree by the time he retired — but he retired as a supervisor.
And by that time, he had had to take all the computer courses in CAD. He hated studying all that stuff, but I think he thought it was kinda neat, how they could do all that on the computer.
Tomorrow is another day.

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