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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:49 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
My dinner, which was my only proper meal of the day, was a serving of cheese and broccoli stuffed chicken and a salad. Other food I had today: apple, two pieces of raisin toast, blackberries, saltine crackers, and grape tomatoes. Plus Dr. Pepper and ginger ale. The Dr Pepper really settled my tummy this morning since I went to the doctor with only the apple. Even ginger ale made me feel ill in the morning but was fine in the evening.

Fever continues to rise.

LadyM, thanks for the explanation. I would have called that chilling since my no-bake cookies go into my fridge to firm up.

Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:00 pm
by LadyMaverick
I have quit using my scanner because it is so much easier to use Office Lens software (free). Sometimes I have it scan documents to pdf files but mostly I have the scanned documents sent to OneNote. The scanned documents are searchable so it makes it super easy to find anything by doing a search in OneNote.

CCC = 77

Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:14 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Off to bed now. I'm going to get dh to help me.

Dfs called and said they are hoping to get home for Christmas. There are logistics issues but I have offered them a chance to stay here. That way no grandparents are excluded from having the baby stay with them. They all are!

They need to find a a cat sitter first so once that is in place, I can start offering help, like gas money or hotel stays along the way. This will be the easiest year to do the 17 hour drive. In the future, the baby won't be as happy in the car seat for all those hours.

Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:46 pm
by Harmony
I was also wondering at LadyM's no bake cookies cooling. Makes sense after her explanation. I looked at the recipe. Wonder how one could make that without the butter? We're off butter and margarine here at the moment.

I did find a pie crust recipe I will try for Thanksgiving that uses oil instead of shortening (a definite no-no). I have never tried this before so it's a puzzle how it'll work. DH loves mincemeat so I will make that (a small one) for him. The rest are M Calendar frozen ones this year. I have no time or effort to give to homemade ones this time. Oh except for the chocolate pie one for DGS who is allergic to dairy. I found one graham cracker one made without dairy. Know when I make them from scratch I use butter, but this hasn't any. I will use almond milk for the pudding. He thinks it tastes great!

I am so glad I am not gluten free. I had a loaf of bread once I'd bought for DD when she was supposed to come and was trying this gluten free stuff. I thought it was absolutely awful. It had the most slippery slimy texture in my mouth, I've never had anything like it and couldn't eat it. Threw it away. So I feel sorry for anybody doing gluten free. Blek!

Didn't get anything else done all day. 4 hours of all that paperwork just did me in. And there's so much to do here. Tomorrow is the dentist, Fri is the doctor. Man.

Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:54 pm
by Nancy
I had soup for dinner planned left overs. H had clam chowder from a can.
I helped h with some paperwork got info. Via web. So he can make a call later on.
I did 30 min. On the stat bike.
I will wash up the dishes in a bit.
Folded last load of Laundry and got it put away.
Swept the carport.
I picked up after the dog in the back yard earlier today.

Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:47 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Woken by the itching. Took my next dose, had a pee break and walked around the apartment. The last time I had itching this bad was with the hepatitis. It is the bottom of my foot so I took a photo (can't see it myself because my leg does not bend that far) and, as the doctor said, there's nothing on the bottom at all so this is nerve itching.

I put a small ice pack into a sock and am putting my foot on that to reduce the itching.

Other suggestions online include distraction so that is why I am posting.

On the plus side, my temp was almost 103 before bed and is down considerably now. I am tired of the fever and am telling my body that it has done its job announcing the shingles so it can end now. Either that or there is a something else wrong with me too.

I am acutely aware of sound and the living room radiator fan causes a rumbling in this room. I have this radiator off because it overheats the room but the living room was down to 65 the other evening and that was before the outside temps dropped below freezing. So it has to be on. Unfortunately for me, once I hear something I can't stop focusing on it.

Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:26 am
by blessedw2
d kathryn I am glad your temp has gone down! sorry the itching is so bad. praying it goes away! I am glad you went and got help!

My dd has those noise cancelling headphones - she says it helps. - it takes a little while to get used to but she swears it cuts out a lot of little noises that really bother her. She is more sensitive to sound with her migraines or when her nerve pain is high.

I am praying each day for you to feel better each day (and fast)