Get it Together Thursday

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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:59 pm

Lady M there is a language warning for Graeme Norton. But it is the best celebrity show I've ever seen. And he'll have 2 or 3 big names on the same show and they just chat with each other.

I'm watching very old shows so can then follow up with Netflix to see if the projects being promoted or older work mentioned are available to watch.

I'm in bed trying to warm up. From knees down needs heat since blankets alone isn't working but that will trigger itchiness.

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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:44 pm

emails gone through.
printed out dd youngers flight information for my calendar - she sent me the information today.

I know I should stop on paperwork but I just want it done for today.

hope you can warm up d kathryn
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:46 pm

I am home again - good discussion today about fear of failure, which is where I am on the portfolio. And why I was awake last night worrying about it. :shock:

I am glad that Dee and Mr. Clutter are safely south.

I went through a D unkin Donuts and got myself a small latte. It's so cold here! I'm giving myself until 5 p.m. (that is 15 min) before I have to get moving again.


So then dh called and will run a bit late, but suggested we go out to dinner at 7 p.m. So that works.
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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:07 pm

Waving from Thursday.

Thursday - I could walk somewhat better and was able to walk slowly to and from bus stop for an appointment.
Winter edition Issue 79 of Cosmos - - had an interesting (to me) article on inflammation overload as a factor in many disorders in heart and brain. Lots of details of studies and various trials.
Today I when searching what I could find on the web, and couldn't find that article, but found another linking herpes (cold virus) to Alzheimer's in some cases. Stress as usual is a major influence of all of the above, but that is old knowledge.
Sry - issues aren't cheap, especially sent o/s.

Last night I didn't sleep. I gave up and read hoping to drop off, but didn't.

I did catch up on dishes by deciding it was easier begin them on wednesday than walk back to bedroom and back to look at the mess that precluded breakfast. Finished the catch up yesterday, and continue on. Life is easier when the kitchen is useful.

Yesterday I asked uni student next door if she wanted to mow. It was a yes, but today its done apart from the areas at the back.
growling -
that is how I came to have a jungle behind and beside these areas, from when her bug brother was doing the mowing.
Get someone in to do it says the father. Yes that is the way to go, and maybe make some headway into the unkept too instead of just whats easiest.

one load of washing happened yesterday, another almost ready for the line today.
I'm expecting someone to come or I would make headway back to bed and cross my fingers for the sleep that didn't happen last night. I had wondered about changing helper days, but I don't think the day after therapy leaves me with the bandwidth, and maybe g*d alone knows what time the person will get here.
Hoping she really will help as I've been cancelling appointments due to 'its all too much', and for now I'm back to weekly. Here she is now.
Have a good evening.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:26 pm

H. Is on his way home. I raked the front yard again bagged up one more bag of leaves. We had a nice 52* for our hi temp. I got writing in for today.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:48 pm

waving at you d lynn!! thank you for sharing
I am glad you are walking better but so sorry you didn't sleep. hope you can sleep better
wishing you the best!

welcome home d twins.
I am glad you are able have a nice dinner out!

hello all. good night all.
dinner done but now have to put the dishes in dw

tomorrow I am hoping to cook and I have a hair dye appointment at 1 pm .
sweet dreams
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:13 pm

Poor sleep last night and 6+ hours of resting today but no sleep. Not even a doze. I guess I am slept out.

Will be heading to bed soon, although I am not tired. Took my temp for the last time today and have gone 24 hours with no temp above 101.5. And my temp now is 2 degrees lower than at bedtime last night.

I took it after putting clean sheets on Dh's bed. He claims I did that on Monday but I was too sick to even get dressed on Monday. I gave myself a sponge bath at bedtime because I smelled so bad and then couldn't find my clean pajamas.

I have 2 loads of laundry lined up for tomorrow and I finally folded and put away the loads from the weekend.

I Skyped with dd and dgs. Seeing myself on the camera made me aware of how much I need a bra. I'll try wearing one tomorrow.

I need to figure out if I have bills to pay. Someone was talking about not being up to date with bank accounts. I haven't balanced mine since June. At least I have been up, mostly, with bills. But I know I have 2 due soon. I just have to find them in the piles of papers on my desk. Dh did a stash and dash on Monday before the meeting which piled onto the stash and dash I had done when we had the guest here.

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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:21 pm

We missed the anniversary of Harriet and HRH 11/14. :( Hoping you were able to do something together to celebrate. Yes, blessed you did catch that too.

Dentist appointment went well. Hygienist said it was my best appointment so far.

I took back books due today. It was a challenge getting the last book read in time, it was 686 pages long! Now I miss having it to read. I've had my head wrapped around that story for quite a while now. (I've read through the whole Poldark series except for one book in the middle that I'm still watching for). This long one was the last one he wrote to wrap up the series.

Looking for 2 small lampshades to replace broken ones in the office. Can't find the right ones. Most of the small ones anywhere aren't the kind to attach to a harp. The kind that just clips onto the light bulb socket won't fit these lamps. I may have to go to a lighting company and pay more money than I wanted to.

But while I was in that store I got a nice wall calendar for 2019. After I brought it home I decided the printing was too light to see easily so I sat there and went over ALL the numbers and the lines of the squares. That took a while! But I like this calendar now. I already had 3 appointments to put on the 2019 calendar.

I hadn't called the county to come pick up the old furniture out there. Was waiting to see what I was going to do about the love seat first. Either today or yesterday the pile of furniture pieces disappeared! The regular pick-up guys for the county must have reported it for us. Nice to have it gone!!

DH has the little utility trailer out towards the road with a for sale sign on it. He welded another "foot" to fix one that rusted off. He'd been talking about selling this...but I was surprised to see it there. I guess all the welding on our friend's trailer put a bug in his brain about fixing and getting rid of his own.

Dee, sure glad to see you both safe and sound here. How about this cool weather?!

It was cloudy with a misty rain this afternoon and cool wind for a change. I wished I had my sweater with me.

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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:56 pm

Oh my goodness -- I feel like I practically need to introduce myself -- it seems like I have been MIA forever here. I don't know why -- it's not that I have been "getting it together" or working on anti-procrastination tasks or ANYTHING. I don't know WHERE this week has gone!!! And I'm pretty sure last week got lost, too. Maybe it has been because of this crud I've had -- but I am much better now, so there is no excuse.

I am quite a bit overwhelmed right now, to tell the truth.
Tomorrow we go to College Town for last football game of the year -- ds, ddil, and both dgrands are going with us this time. (DH & ds will be going to the final game of the season the Saturday after Tgiving, but I will not, and possibly we will be going to a Bowl game, but we don't know that yet.)
Sunday we will be home... church, groceries, etc... always busy day around here on Sundays for some reason...
Monday, we will celebrate dgd's THIRD bday, here, at our house. I have our presents and dmom's to wrap... the house has not been vacuumed in who knows how long? Of course, dbil and his gf will come. Since she has been in my house twice and never gone past the kitchen/dining/den, I have relaxed my standards quite a bit, so this time, she will probably be brave and ask for a tour. :roll: :oops:
Tuesday we will go to the local nursing home for singing... and Monday AND Tuesday we will be needed for babysitting at some point...
Wednesday -- I have no idea what I will be doing -- because I have no idea where we will eat
Thursday -- or what foods I will be asked to bring.
Friday -- I will HAVE TO get the ironing done. No more excuses... and maybe do some online shopping... and
Saturday -- while watching our team likely be humiliated by the Other Team in our state, I may put up the Christmas tree.

Since dbro suggested to dmom that I should host, I am kinda hesitant to ask questions of anyone in daunt's family. OTOH -- There are eight adult/married grandchildren and great-grandchildren in this group, my paternal grandparents' family, who all live in the same county. I am the only one so far who has EVER hosted a Christmas or Thanksgiving event, so I think someone else should step up before it's my turn again. I know Cousin3 has hosted many summer events at her house, but that is different, IMHO, b/c she has a pool and most activity takes place outdoors. Cold weather events are more involved, I believe. And of the three siblings -- my late ddad, his dbro, and his dsis -- duncle has not taken HIS turn since I was a very small child. I know, I know, they are older and in poorer health these days. Still. DH is not in excellent health either and it is kinda stressful for him to have all this bunch underfoot too, and he does not want to take our turn again until someone else starts continuing the rotation.

I don't think I ever wished Harriet and HRH a happy anniversary -- so I hope y'all were able to enjoy some time aside from worries about doctor stuff and all the other things that crop up from day to day.

And I have been checking in sporadically, enough to be glad that Dee & Mr. Dee are safe and sound in a warmer climate.
(Kinda envious on this point, b/c we apparently skipped "autumn" and jumped straight into winter here.)
Oh -- now I see that maybe it is cooler than usual for y'all too? Hmmm... Well, it's already 26 degrees here tonight, so I'm still envious! :mrgreen:

And I have been sending good wishes to Kathryn for a speedy recovery from shingles. :cry: (((Kathryn)))

Well, good for you on a good dentist visit, Harmony! That is always a relief for me, personally. I don't dread it as much as the ob-gyn, maybe, but I always fear he will find something that is going to be painful (a) physically and (b) financially!

Hope you have a better night, Lynlee! And you too, Twins!

LadyM -- THANK YOU so much for mentioning the rooster comb shot. DH got his today -- one in each knee. I could tell it was a pretty big shot, too. He grimaced and I could tell it HURT. And he was achy in his knees afterwards, but doctor said that would be temporary. Like your dmom, doctor said he would have to wait 3-4 weeks to see if it was effective, but at least it gave him hope after being told he could no longer take steroid shots.
OTOH -- meanwhile, cardiologist nurse called and said he COULD take the Zirellta (sp?) shot, which the orthopedist said is a much slower-acting steroid that would not cause the racing heart effect of the other steroids. Cardiologist will have to send approval to ortho office for this, but dh is fine to wait a month and see how today's shot works out.
Nurse also told us that dh should leave off his Eliquis for TWO DAYS prior to taking the rooster comb shot. Hmmm... I did not tell her that, going on her substitute's recommendation last week, we were already on our way home from the ortho doctor and the deed was done, after dh had taken both doses of Eliquis today. Ooops. I told dh, just leave it off the next couple days and maybe you'll be good to go. * sheesh * As dh said, once you involve more than one doctor, there are too many things that can go wrong.

Waving to blessed... Nancy... and EVERYONE ELSE!!! I miss you ALL sooo much when life gets in the way and I don't have time to visit and TALK with y'all! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Get it Together Thursday

Postby lucylee » Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:29 am

HELLO, Lilac!!!! I have missed you!!! :D
Tomorrow is another day.

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