Monday Monday - So Good to Me

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Harriet » Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:49 am

About gift-wrap bags, here is my post from Dec 29, 2016 in the holiday thread, after my year experiment:

My gift-wrap experiment 2016 - I wrapped NO gift except a fishing rod all year. I used bags only otherwise. It wasn't as much help at Christmas as I'd hoped. It still took time to get right-sized bags, tissue, still had to have tags, strings. Carrying a lot to in-laws is just as much trouble, really, keeping them from falling over. I guess there was enough time saving that I'm glad I found out what it would be like. I'll say there was less opportunity for perfectionism to be a problem.

Nancy, once in the past I wrapped a gift in fabric for a lady who sewed, and that was fun because she appreciated it. But if it wasn't going to be appreciated I would be too cheap to part with it, and would just grab some paper, I think. I don't think any of the people to whom I give gifts would understand that fabric is - to my mind - such a nice wrapping.

I got a good bit of Desk Day done today. Trying to get out ahead because HRH reminded me that immediately after Christmas, 26th, we start our cycle again, and he may be feeling bad - don't know, uncharted territory.

He got a good phone call from kidney dr's nurse today. Blood work had good news on two important kidney numbers. Of course nurse is in a rush and so many questions come up after she's off the phone. Does dr attribute this to the new treatment or is it too early for that? We're going to have to write down a long list of questions and try to speak quickly at dr's office - they only have minutes to talk to you and it doesn't seem to make any difference how complicated their prescribed treatment is - you get the same few minutes.

A different ( :roll: ) HVAC co comes tomorrow - we are back to hoping HRH's family member can be the one who will help us. He insists he thought the ball was in our court when he just never showed back up more than a year ago. I can't imagine how he got such an idea - we wanted the work done and had agreed, even on price, thought we had a plan, had always paid our bills to him in the past without delay. He was the one who had to schedule it, not us...???? Now, we can hardly turn him down if he's willing to come, because we need him so much, in limbo again. HRH says he should never have talked only to this guy personally back then, but should have called the wife in the office - says it seems the wife knows everything and schedules everything and maybe the husband never conveyed our agreement to her. (what?) I'm just tired of it all, and embarrassed to know so many people who are unprofessional. Btw, all 3 companies are well known with websites, their names on their trucks, history in the area. A friend suggested get a phone book and throw a dart to pick anybody at all, as long as no one we know has ever heard of them, and we might be better off.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby lucylee » Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:25 am

A friend suggested get a phone book and throw a dart to pick anybody at all, as long as no one we know has ever heard of them, and we might be better off.

Thanks for giving me a LOL, Harriet. I needed it -- it has been some more day. NOT so good to me.

I woke up with a sore throat, and was glad it was the day I was supposed to see the allergy doctor. He said my lymph glands on one side felt a bit swollen, but he felt it was likely just a viral thing, not something that needed antibiotics, and that he could give me a steroid shot, but I'd have to weigh whether or not the side effects were worth it... which I said not. I have to get up early in the morning and I do NOT need a hyped-up steroid frenzy night.
By the time I started home, I questioned the wisdom of that, but I took two Aleve when I got home and it helped some.
I do still feel a bit achy, but not really feverish, and the sore throat is not horribly painful, just annoying and somewhat worrisome right now. He told me to come back later in the week if I didn't get to feeling better, but I think if I get worse, I'll just see the family doctor or go to the walk-in clinic, b/c allergy doctor is 45-60 minutes away.

Then home and * whew * called dmom... had to hang up with her b/c dbro called...
had to hang up with him b/c elderly-friend with bankruptcy and mortgage problems came over (unannounced)...
made phone call for her, to no avail, b/c mortgage people will NOT talk to ANYONE except her bankruptcy lawyer...
she left, very thankful for my time anyway,
DDIl called... had to hang up with her to talk to dbil... who was not very dear at all, according to dh, and is now a matter of J&C...
FINALLY... dh and I got out of the house, ate at Captain D's and saw The Mule -- the Clint Eastwood movie we wanted to see last week.

It's a good movie. Of course, we like just about everything we've seen Clint Eastwood in.

I have it sticking out of a (wrapped) tall (but not tall enough!) skinny box, with the top end open, with tissue and wrapping paper around the exposed end of the umbrella. It looks really stupid. :lol:
It's a good thing I got started with the remaining bits of my wrapping though -- I realized that I totally FORGOT to buy dgd's Christmas ornament for this year. :shock: So I've got to get that some time SOON!
Also need to buy dniece some little something to go with her other present -- I want her and dnephew to have the same number of gifts.
Then I will have to get cash for all who receive cash to finish out their gifts, and MAYBE I will be through!

The best part of my day? Reading my book while waiting on the doctor. I am reading
The Wife Between Us
, and it is VERY good. Kinda like Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train, (reviewers say) -- one of those books with unexpected twists and turns.

I've also changed my sheets, or will have, when the dryer is finished. Everything is back on the bed except pillowcases. I am tired.
Tomorrow is another day.

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