Last Saturday of the year

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Re: Last Saturday of the year

Postby Lynlee » Sat Dec 29, 2018 9:02 pm

home from church
phoned dsis and dm. A short call as they were going out.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Last Saturday of the year

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 29, 2018 9:25 pm

"There's no such thing as poor weather, only poor clothing."

We say it is a Nordic expression because we've heard it in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Each have claimed it as their own!

We picked up more food, some that we'll need for Monday, some that was just on my list because we were running low and I don't want to run out.

We are home now. Dh had a few slips but nothing dramatic, just enough to make me feel better about wearing the grippers, which are a pain to put on and off (you can't wear them inside because they are hard on floors and slippery to wear on store tiles.) One thing about good weather, you don't spend 10 minutes getting ready to walk out the door and another 10 each time you come in, taking off layers. Plus, with my ski pants on I was hot at the pub.

I'm ready to go to bed. Not much productive I can do tonight. Ds confirmed (with gf) for dinner so we'll be 6. I think the roast is big enough but we won't be burdened with leftovers!

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Re: Last Saturday of the year

Postby Harmony » Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:01 pm

We had a party to go to tonight. At the last minute DH told me there was some sort of grab bag and we had to bring a gift. So we stopped at a store on the way and picked up something. It was a BYOB thing so we sorta knew what kind of gathering it would be. We were right! The majority of the gifts were bottles of this or that and they were ooohing and ahhhhing over them all. We ended up with a bottle of rum which we have no use for. The only person I know who might drink this doesn't live this thing might stay here for a long while.

But the food was delicious tonight. This couple has just opened a restaurant and she is the cook / baker.

Tomorrow we have ushering duties. I hope it goes better than last week did.

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Re: Last Saturday of the year

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:14 pm

Harmony: we don't get invited to parties like that but dh did want me to match the value of the hostess gift I received from today's hostess when she came to our open house. Hence my walking all over to get pretty napkins. Flowers or a plant would have been safe but I didn't want to take my own baking since I eat so little of what is given to me (and don't want my own to go to waste.) And we don't drink alcohol so that 'standby' isn't an option either. I was right to not bring baking, the host is on a restricted diet.

I'm off to bed since nothing useful is happening here.

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Re: Last Saturday of the year

Postby Harriet » Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:06 pm

Sounds like a good idea, Lynlee. They will probably benefit from time with you.

Cathy, I really enjoyed reading how you are using your Roomba and changes you have had to make. I've always figured the way for a Roomba to be a success in a home would be preparation for it.

Pretty napkins sounds like a lovely gift.

At the risk of sounding like Pavel Chekov in the Star Trek franchise, who believed the Russians invented everything... ..

I've heard that quote attributed to the Scottish Borders (southern Scotland bordering England) ever since Highland Games became popular in the U.S., and I think it's much older and came over with the Games. It's a warning that tickets to Scottish Games are traditionally non-refundable and events are held and sport/event titles are still awarded, even if few contestants can show up. Just alongside the Borders in Northern England, though, the residents consider it their own, because Alfred Wainwright actually published it in 1973 in his book, A Coast to Coast Walk, about walking in Northern England beside the Borders. His exact words in the book were, "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing." One of my older Games programs quotes a "Very Old Scottish Proverb" : "Remember there is no such thing as bad weather just improper clothing."

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