Tuesday trips?

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 29, 2019 8:31 pm

Dee my dh likes to listen to a Buffalo (?) station 104.1 I think. Earlier this afternoon they were saying that all schools were closed Wednesday and Thursday in the area. Dh texted me at 3 and asked if I was ready to go for a drive. I was, so I went. UGH! Whiteouts, snow covered roads, snow covered signs, blowing, howling, yucky, messy WINTER!! So glad I wasn't driving. He had to go almost an hour away to deliver a tire rim! One, just ONE tire rim. 2 hours of driving in that for a tire rim!

We got back home just north of the escarpment and what a difference when we drove down the hill. Clear roads, plowed streets, just a bit of wind. So..... dh asks if I still want Chinese at one of the large chains of buffet restaurants. So we went. It was fine until the drive home. That stuff that was on top of the escarpment was now all over the highway and blowing, and white outs and howling winds, and messy WINTER YUCK! ! !

Really happy to be home and in my head-to-toe, I-must-be-married, grey PJs. They are fuzzy and warm and the top has a hoodie. They go perfectly with my thick grey "reading" socks. Dh just grinned when I walked out of the bedroom. Yep, I'm married... :lol:

Edited to add: Jeopardy was pre-empted on channel 4 to give a weather update saying that as of 8 p.m. tonight that transport trucks and all buses were banned from the roads due to this storm. Talking about the lake effect band of snow... missed the entire end of the show. But we got riveting coverage of a street camera showing absolutely NO vehicles driving down the road! Thank you WIVB!! :lol:
Last edited by CathyS on Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:06 pm

:lol: , Cathy.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:10 pm

Dee I added a bit more.
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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:33 pm

If it is snowing here, it isn't snowing hard because I can see lights in the distance.

I finished the vacuuming and dusting. Dh cooked dinner. I'll clean up in a bit. I think we'll use the dishwasher because of the deep fryer but I'll do the hand dishes which include the vitamin dispensers I bought today.

I received word on when the funeral is, so have sent out the mass email about that. Now I'm fielding the replies from those who didn't know about the accident. Earlier today I had to remove his name from the list of executive members and their contact info. So this is still really raw for me.

I also paid the deposit on the cottage I've booked in June. Yesterday dh bought his flights to Africa. So we are both making our holiday plans!

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:16 pm


Brrrrr.... just thinking about the extreme temps in the northern states makes me shiver...
Everyone here is just LOL at our weather forecast... governor declared a "state of emergency" yesterday afternoon, so all schools closed, courthouse closed, (not just in our town but practically all over the northern half of the entire state!) Then: Nothing. DDIL sent her family in IL a picture of her perfectly clear front yard, telling them to look at all our invisible snow!
And then there's poor dgs... who wanted to go to school... shaking my head...
* I guess that means he isn't too terribly withdrawn and isolated, is he, Lynlee? (Thinking about the book you said you were reading.) He may have no close individual friendships, but he obviously enjoys spending his day at school.

Oh. My. Goodness. Just realized... ds is headed waaaay north next week... how long is this cold supposed to last???

Supper has been eaten, kitchen s/s, paper read. I'm just being lazy today. Tomorrow and Thursday, we will have dgd from lunch time till around 5:00-6:00 pm (tomorrow, just me by myself!) and dgs after school. Then Friday and Saturday will be College Town with dgs... so I'm just taking it easy today. I can finish up a lot of cleaning tomorrow with dgd around. She loves to "help."
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:17 pm

I like your explanation of your loungewear, Cathy!

I have a dainty spaghetti-strap satin nightie I no longer wear. I am a confirmed short-sleeved cotton-knit nightgown girl these days, pretty much year-round, just changing thicknesses. On the coldest nights, knit stirrup-pants. The nightie is good for covering a pillowcase so hair doesn't muss. :)

Happy Anniversary Lilac and dh and thank you to those who reminded us! I hope the anniversary was very nice.

A little church Desk Day is done. Supper was sandwiches, easy peasy, while watching Abbot and Costello. HRH got a phone call from a friend during, but actually enjoyed the chat as much as the supper I think. They talked about old times working together and what's going on with that company now.

We got the bill for all the additional HVAC work that had to be done at our house to repair the mess the ______ (fill in the blank) installer left in the summer before being jailed over a different (thank goodness) job later. The invoice is no picnic, but reasonable. Harmony, since you and Mr. Harmony might find it interesting, here are a few notes from the initial visit of the competent HVAC co, to see what on earth we were dealing with: "The outdoor condenser is barely sitting in the pad and not insulated. The valves are burnt very badly due to an amateur brazing job. The liquid line is 5/16" and needs to be installed in order to withstand the new 410a pressures. The system is running in air conditioning mode while set to heat. The system needs to be taken apart and reinstalled properly."

And that was only for the bedroom side of the house, with the first floor room that got those ceiling stains. The kitchen side of the house had its own problems. And of course had it not been for HRH being able to fix (alone) the mistake that was overflowing the pan under the indoor unit, those ceiling stains would have become a fallen ceiling. You live, you learn, you're grateful you aren't involved in the criminal proceedings. :roll:

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:36 pm

Married here too, LOL... my lounge wear is always an x-large cotton t-shirt. If really really cold, I add fuzzy socks.
We sleep under two light/med weight quilts, a cotton open sort of-waffle-weave blanket, and a sheet. I always generate a lot of heat once I get under the covers and settle down, so I seem to spend a lot of time looking for the cool side of my pillow or even sticking a foot out of the covers. I can be freezing when I go to bed, but in half an hour, I'll be burning up. That cotton blanket has sort of "migrated" over to dh's side of the bed (it isn't really big enough for a king-size bed) and I've just let it stay there.

You live, you learn, you're grateful you aren't involved in the criminal proceedings.

Oh, (((Harriet)))... :lol: You always have the best perspective on things!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 29, 2019 11:30 pm

Married too. Dh bought me a fleecy dressing gown many moons ago and I wear that and fur-lined moccasins when I'm out of bed. In bed depends on the weather. Our bedroom goes down to 68 on the really cold nights so I wear a satin nightgown with cap sleeves to cover my shoulders (I have 3 of those.) On regular nights (72+ in the room) it is either a silky nightie or a camisole and my underwear. When dgsM2 is sleeping over, I wear lounge pj's pants that are too big and need replacing with a smaller pair. And a yoga top that's designed to wick away sweating (I bought it for when I was having night sweats.) I wear them when I'm sick as well.

I put my fluffy dressing gown across the bottom of the bed and use that as an extra blanket if my legs are cold. We have a water bed so we can control the heat under us although this year we have neither turned up the heat, nor switched to the winter duvets. The basic heat in the room is sufficient that I don't really need to make changes.

In the house we kept the bedroom at 62 but had a feather bed under us and the winter weight duvets on top.

I wear pretty things to bed because I want to feel pretty. I wear the fluffy dressing gown in winter because it is deliciously warm. (In summer I have a satin gown, similar to something Kate Hepburn would have worn in a 1940's movie.)

All this talk about sleepwear has me ready for bed!

The dishwasher just finished. I mopped the floors as well and then put my mop head in soak with Oxyclean. I bought a big tub of it from Costco many moons ago and the tub literally disintegrated tonight. Thankfully, I had a sense it was breaking and transferred the contents to a ziplock bag a couple of years ago. I don't use it much but when I do, it does what I want it to, and does it well.

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Harmony » Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:06 am

Happy anniv. to Lilac and DH!

I'm sure glad I don't live in North Dakota right now. -56° wind chill. Wow.

We have another night or two of cold. Cold for us.

Yep, married here too. I wear nightgowns mostly, ones that look like longer soft t-shirts. But not in winter. I have flannel PJ's of different weights depending on the temperature. Last couple of days I wore the one flannel knee-length long sleeved nightgown I own with mismatched pajama slacks and fluffy soft bed sox.

Lucylee, about the roof thing, I think it was the guy thing they have about not liking being told what to do. This guy previously had gone up on roof and calked all the metal screws. But that didn't solve the leak. Leak was in the spot where the porch roof joins the main roof at a different angle. He was probably miffed that his "fix" didn't work.

And Lynlee, I do monitor phone calls a bit. When someone calls, I'm often able to say he doesn't do that any more, or refer somebody else. This woman is someone we might hear from again and she left a message on the answering machine.

I got my errands done this afternoon. Had to help DH bring the big truck home first. Then I went to cpa; dropped off book at library; stopped to pick up some groceries. I went into the optical place first and asked if the optician I've seen for years has anybody he recommends for cataract removal. Both gals said a name... and then told me he sent his own mother there. I will look up this dr.

Made the soup blessed shared yesterday and it was easy and delicious. I already had cooked Turkey pieces in the freezer to add. Really tasty.

Tomorrow DH has a dr. appointment so we are out the door early. I forgot to stop and get gas today so we'll need to do that on our way. CPA called and I had to look up some information I forgot to include. Now have one more thing on my lists to remember to take to him. My lists are getting very long.

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Re: Tuesday trips?

Postby Lilac » Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:38 am

Thank you for the Happy Anniversary wishes. We have been married 48 years. Where did all those years go?

Dee, the day we got married, it was sunny and cold, with no snow on the ground.

lucylee, I remember you mentioning that your parents anniversary was the same day as ours and that they had been married 10 years before us.

Yesterday was dd2s and the girls, every other Monday off. She invited me to go out to lunch with them and dgd22 and dggs almost 18 months old. I was so looking forward to spending the time with them and then I woke us feeling very nauseous with a headache, so I cancelled.

Today dh and I planned to go for a late, late lunch or early dinner by 3:30 or 4, but he has had a sore throat for the 3rd day, felt like he had a fever and his chest feels tight. I told him no way was he going anywhere. Dgs14 had a 5:30 game, so that is why we were going to eat so early. If dh still feels bad tomorrow, I am going to insist that he go to urgent care for a strep screening. He has had strep twice since we have been married and both times he was the sickest that I had ever seen him be. On top of that, he was a lot younger also.

I met dd2 at the game. We were playing our biggest rival, the school that is 50 miles away. The rivals got off to a big start and stayed that way, most of the game. At times we were down 15 points. The start of the last 8 minutes, our boys caught fire and we won 71-62.

Last week dgs13s team played one of their middle schools and it was an ugly loss for us.

Dgs13 woke up sick on Friday. They didn't have school that day and were to go back to their dads. Dd2 tried to get her ex to let her keep him but he insisted that he would take him to urgent care if needed and would let him rest all weekend instead of their usual running here and there. He ended up having strep and missed Monday and today. He is better so of course they insisted he come to the game tonight. His team played last night and lost. The one guy who is soooooo cocky, started cussing at his teammates and using the F word, telling them they weren't doing their part etc. He has been suspended. Dgs13 doesn't know for how long. A friend and teammate had told him about this. Yikes! He is a good player with the ball but he isn't a team player and that is what is important. His mother spends the whole game on the top row of the bleachers, yelling and coaching. Not just her kid either, it's "whose guarding number 30", and on and on. It will be nice to attend a game where we don't have to hear her. Dd2 says the high school coach is very serious about having team players. A kid could be the greatest player in school but if he isn't interested in being a team player, the coach doesn't want to coach the uncoachable.

Our area is missing the extreme cold that they are getting up north. We are suppose to be in the 50's at least Friday through Sunday. Sunday dh grilled steaks for us and they were great.

Well guess I better get ready and head to bed.

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