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Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:17 pm
by LadyMaverick
We are getting more transmutation of food items.

Is that another way of saying processed food?

Progress is being made. My stomach is flip-flopping so I'm not at my normal speed. DGD7 has been picked up from school, fed a snack, taken to & retrieve from piano lessons and fed dinner. DS10 has been playing nonstop with a friend since he got home from piano lessons.

Our state is in tornado watch again. Wall clouds, hooks, and funnels are being tracked. The storms are expected to last for hours. So far our area isn't in the bullseye.

Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:28 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
LadyM: for today it will be acceptable for you to be off-target!

I'm home. I've lost all motivation to proceed. I was doing well in the car and cut 200 emails from my in-box and responded to an email that had a deadline I didn't miss. But once home, I slipped into a poor-food-choices stupor.

We stopped in at a discount store in the town with the hospital and got a shirt I wanted. A choir member was wearing it on Sunday and it looked so cheery, I kept saying how much I loved it. She gave me a hug and said, Giant Tiger. I grinned and said, that's good, so's my shirt! The colour was wrong for me but she said they had other colours and I got a deeper blue with magnolias on it tonight. Plus a night gown and two more shirts and a sweater to wear with sleeveless or spaghetti strap sundresses. All in brighter colours/prints. I've been feeling so down, some shopping therapy was called for.

Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:39 pm
by Nancy
There was a beekeeping meeting I was considering attending I am SO glad I double checked the info. Card for address, I had the wrong week. Plus there is a gas leak on that street further up. My route would have been detoured. But I did find the loacation using google maps, I know where it is.

Dinner is done. Neighbor behind us found more 2 yellow jacket nests in old tires along their fence.
Yet another reason to declutter unwanted and unused items!

Dish washer has been unloaded.

Doing rounds today has gotten me past the I do not want to.

I can vacuum the upstairs carpets this evening. Done.
I still need to mop that can be done later.

Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 9:25 pm
by Harriet
Well, I was certainly sorry to have to vehicle-shop, too. However, I'm glad I did.

This was HRH's best stab at locating (online and phone) what dd wanted at the same time being affordable for a very poor person, also good gas mileage, also clean, low-ish odometer, no obvious problems. It's a wonder he found anything! But he just didn't feel like traveling. So we 3 did. I was to give it the snif (literally) test and test the windows, which are manual, and hopefully notice what HRH couldn't determine from a distance, getting a general feel for whether it was a value. Ds' task was to test drive and haggle. Dd's job was to decide whether she could live without it.

Ultimately, it fit the bill. So dd now has a small pickup truck, which is the idea she's had in her mind a long time. She has several friends who have them and love them, including the young man, who inherited his grandfather's. Now we get to start the tag/tax/ins dances with the DMV. Fun, fun. I have no doubt there will be something that will cause us to make 2 trips there, lol.

Yes, blessed, a Bible study. It is held at my church although it's not just for our members.

Temperature differences in the house - we have this because warm air travels up our central staircase, and upstairs is where HRH has a bank of computers and monitors in his office, so another reason it's often too warm. It's a pain to be too cool downstairs and have him complaining about being too warm.

I'm really tired after a very social day and lots of travel. I already did floor exercises first thing this a.m. so I may decide to let that be it for the day.

Dstepdil has been over to borrow a microphone to complete a power-point. She says my tiny grand-dog is not doing very well following her 14th birthday - not very mobile right now. I'm so sorry. I hope she can bounce back. They will travel to visit dstepdil's mother for Mother's Day and sometimes a trip makes the little dog get interested in new things.

Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 9:43 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
OK, I finished the three accounting tasks I had set for myself for yesterday.

Tomorrow, I'll start in on fiscal 2019 in earnest. The new accounting software isn't scary, it really is just an update from the 2014 version. So I'm pretty relieved about that. I still have to register it, but that can wait until after the year-end is done unless it looks easy (I think I have to dig up an email with the information.) It has a 2 week free trial so it will continue to run until I'm done (I have just 1 week to complete everything but since dh is going away, in theory I must finish by Saturday afternoon.

I'm off to bed as soon as I finish with the kitchen clean up. Just a little to do since I put everything in soak before leaving this afternoon. We have to wash dishes by hand for a while because we are out of dishwasher liquid.

Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 10:45 pm
by LadyMaverick
I laid in DGD7 bed with her tonight and we discussed her bedroom. The moment I mentioned changing her bed frame she had tears streaming down her face. I showed her how the current bed frame has made holes in the wall. I showed her the kind of bed frame I wanted to put in her room (like DS10 has) and explained the advantages of having 3 extra drawers. The tears kept falling. I explained that we are not moving her bedroom we are just making it better. Then the tears stopped. It was then that I finally understood why DGD7 was so opposed to upgrading her bed. I promised DGD7 that it would stay her bedroom. That was not changing. Once she truly understood that the room itself was not changing, it will still be her bedroom then she became excited about the changes/upgrade. Her little creative mind went to work and she started dreaming about what she would like. I want to get rid of all the window blinds in the house so I told her we would change the window treatment. She asked for rainbow curtains. She asked if she could have a drawing wall to display her favorite papers. Both of those requests are easy to do. I am relieved that she is excited about the change to her bedroom now and I can go forward on the deep cleaning of her room.

Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 11:49 pm
by lucylee
What. A. Day.
As anyone in the entire universe could have predicted after hearing dgd's sleep schedule last night. OH. MY. GOODNESS.
She fell asleep in our bed, (this was after 2:00 a.m.; we were reading) but when I put her in her bed she woke up and I had to lie in bed with her for over an hour till she fell asleep. In hindsight, I told dmom, I should have left her in OUR bed and gone to HER bed myself, alone!
In spite of getting less than 5 hours at that point, which did equal more than 8 for her (counting the evening nap) -- she was up before 8:00 a.m. and ready to roll....
UNTIL she had a complete and utter breakdown over the fact that I would not put mascara on her. :lol: :cry: :roll: :lol: :cry: :roll:
She fell asleep coming home from the post office, but again, woke up when I brought her in the house (no way I could stay out in the car and let her nap, (although, in hindsight ;) running the motor and ac would have been best!) and there was no way she was taking a nap indoors... although she claimed to be "seepy..." but wouldn't lie down or let me hold her... and claimed to be "hungry..." but wouldn't eat anything she was offered.
After we picked up dgs, who mercifully, had science club till 4:00, the situation escalated... total chaos between the two of them, and when ddil called to say she could come pick them up BEFORE she met the lady she was buying a sweatshirt from at 5:30 -- I almost said, "YES. DRIVE FAST AND DO NOT SLOW DOWN UNLESS YOU SEE FLASHING LIGHTS IN YOUR REARVIEW MIRROR." What I actually said was: "That might be a good thing."
DDIL kept me on the phone all the way on her drive home, adding to the confusion and chaos, and I could see dh was just about on his last nerve.

And tomorrow, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we shall take a 10-hr drive with the twothree of them. ;) :lol:
Fortunately, they are all good travelers.

DH has packed, we've been to the bank, and I have ordered & printed tickets to the attraction -- S ilver D ollar C ity. If he wakes up and it's a no-go, boy are we out a bunch of money. (Hotel reservations have already been made.) But if dh can move in the morning, there is no way he will back out.
He said he was going to leave off his meds tomorrow, and see how long he could go without them. He is feeling very "woozy" from something he is taking. Have no way of knowing if it is the pain med, the muscle relaxers, OR the CDB (hemp) oil... so... :?
I told him if he could, to wait till he needed something, then take one or the other and wait an hour or so to see if it helps, then add the second rx if it doesn't. Of course, both say "may cause drowsiness" and the CDB oil is supposed to help with sleep problems as well, so, it could be any one of the three.

On the list for today, I have done NOTHING except order tickets and send a text to my beautician, asking for an appt. next week. She has not replied... and I realized *EEEEK* my 40th class reunion will be the 18th and that IS the Saturday of next week. MUST do something about this hair!!!

Oh... I am sooo glad dgd7 is excited about her room now, LadyM! What a relief! I wish dgrands here had beds like that, with storage underneath. Their rooms are so small, with small closets. House was built in 1965/66, I think, so you know, people weren't thinking about all the big closets and things that homes today usually feature. Dmil didn't even think kids should use their rooms for PLAY anyway; they should keep toys in another area and bedrooms should be for SLEEP.
BTW -- happy birthING day to you! Hope your ds had a wonderful day!

Congrats to dd on her "new" truck, Harriet!

Waving to EVERYONE!!! I've got to try to do the bathroom s/s and EXERCISE tonight b/c I skipped last night exercising and I am sooo determined not to let this month be a waste. Plus tomorrow, there will be no time for it -- we expect to get there around midnight, I guess, adding in stops that will be needed for all concerned. Potty-training dgd (who is doing very well, actually)... two women... man on bp meds and diuretics... and a six year old who never needs to go when everyone else does (although that IS our rule -- if ANYONE goes to the bathroom, HE goes to the bathroom! LOL).

Hope to check in with y'all during the next few days. Y'all say a prayer for us!

Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 12:13 am
by Harmony
Lucylee, have a nice, restful, safe and healthy trip! :lol:

LadyM, when I read how upset your DGD was, I immediately thought she was thinking everything was going to change again. Her space and time with you is the one constant in her life and she doesn't want that changed. I'm glad she understands now what's really going to happen.

Harriet, good job getting DD a vehicle of her own! We so need a new one ourselves.

I was out the door early today for my trip up to see Sunny and my DCousin, and Sunny's DH. It was an hour and 3/4 trip, mostly on a busy interstate and some city traveling at the end, but I made it and only got confused and somewhat lost once. My GPS was set wrong and didn't want me to take the big long bridge with the toll, but that was the shortest route, so I finally did that anyway and got the GPS to cooperate with me and change the route. I fixed that for the trip back which was unremarkable except for me being sleepy driving home.

Got home after 6. I've been kinda wiped out ever since, sleeping in the chair most of the evening. I can't wait to get into bed.

We had a lovely lunch together and an even nicer visit and extra time spent sitting in the food court of the shopping mall across the street. A lot of reminiscing about older generations of our family which was nice. I'm going to really miss the opportunity to do this when they move away. :cry:

DH, who stayed behind to work, asked what I was doing in the little town north of us (he called) and I said "remember I told you today was lunch with my DSister". Oh, yeah... I had to get this job down the road a bit more but we can go back up again before they go away... so we will have to plan that too now.

On the schedule for tomorrow: wash the car and remove a ton of love bugs I smashed all over it.

Ok, I'm off to bed.

Re: Tactical Tuesday

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 1:59 am
by lucylee
Thanks, Harmony! So glad you had a good visit!

Exercise — done
Bathrooms — done
Misc extra packing — done