"I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby MadHouseWitch » Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:39 pm

So I was reading the section in "The Happiness File" and the parts about putting things in January and "file and forget it" so it is fitting that this hits today LOL

I'm due for a formal clearing session, but that has not happened.
I worked in the garden a *bit* mainly just got some thistles that were bugging me! and pulled a FEW more weeds out there. it was the first really hot day so that really was not that long but at least something is better than nothing.

I've started doing the cleaning focus from here, but rotating it along with zones, however the zones are DAILY, and adds 6th and 7th for car and outdoor in the mix. FOR now it is just 15 min in each area so a total of 30 min each day. Some days I miss one or the other, but I'm seeing some progress so I am happy. Today was "Bedroom Bedroom"
Focus Zone = Weekly (basically) I just plugged the ones here into my google calendar
"Daily Dirt" = Daily zone to work on, and I thought the name was cute LOL

I tweaked my BWP for summer, we will see what sticks! For the first time ever I went "I'm BUSY I should do the modified style with moderate clean days"

My hope is that by doing sort of 2 rooms to focus on at once that for some things like bathroom, that drawing the tasks out all week feel like agony, I'll have SOMETHING else to worry about as well. Does that make sense? again it is the "stick with it and eventually those things will all get dusted too" SEE? BUBBLE! HAHAHA

DD17 tried to choke on her allergy meds this morning
Hubby called 911, and that is what I woke up to. She was still breathing THANKFULLY, but it was lodged in there and she bled a bit from getting cut from the pill. It went down before they got here though. But that was "excitement" for the morning. My other Uncle (one that does not live here (used to) is a volunteer so he heard about it) So then I got to get a call from my Grandma about that! DD is fine, just going to enjoy soup and ice cream for a day or 2! She then went to work, and when she got home she napped as I'm sure adrenaline crash got her at some point

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:35 pm

I am glad your dd is okay d madhouse!!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby Harmony » Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:11 pm

Wow, Madhouse, I'm glad your DD is ok. Did you try the Heimlich maneuver?

I thought a lot about those 2 Rx vitamin drawers I went through yesterday and decided to do mine again. Took everything out this time and put different organizer boxes in there and took more stuff out for good. NOW I'm satisfied with it. Showed DH and he wants me to do his drawer next!

Sometimes I declutter and organize something and then I must subconsciously think about things and find there's more to do. It doesn't all get done with the first pass.

Roasted a chicken for dinner, veggie and baked potatoes with gravy. Yumm. I had the kitchen cleaned up and everything washed and wiped before 6:00 today.

Brought all the dry laundry in but folding will be tomorrow. I want to be sure there's no humidity in them.

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:41 pm

Ran one errand before the movie, so one down, 2 to go, plus unload my car, plus accountant at 10 tomorrow, plus, plus.

Lots to do to get ready to go but progress is being made. As I think of something or are told something to bring, I put it in a pile. I have 3 piles at the moment. That's all 'stuff' not food, or clothes! Must remember to do laundry tomorrow.

The movie was 'fine'. I certainly don't feel as I did coming out of Love Actually. This movie seemed to wind up too fast. I've not watched the Mindy Project so was not familiar with the writer (also shared lead in the film.) Emma Thompson was wonderful. There's something missing, though. I'm not convinced of the metamorphosis of the main character since we aren't shown proof of a change of heart, just a glimpse from the outside.

I read one review talking about it as a fairy tale (after all, the main character is a late night talk show host of 28 years, it must be a fairy tale!) and in those terms it works. But if you weren't looking at the movie from that structure, you end up disappointed. Yet the movie doesn't hit you over the head with it so I think that's why the review I read was not glowing. I was prepared to be angry with the male reviewer but in fact, I'm not glowing either.

Still, I'm very happy I went.

Now I need to settle into bed early since tomorrow is busy.

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby Sunny » Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:12 am

It is midnight and time to turn out the lights, but I wanted to wish Elizabeth a Happy Birthday! Also want to say hello to everyone and that I am thinking of you all even when I don't get to post!
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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby Lynlee » Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:24 am

happy birthday Elizabeth.

caught up with washing today. Inc. 3 jumpers.
I need to get it brought in and away. The afternoon clouds are here already.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.


Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby MadHouseWitch » Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:27 am

blessedw2 wrote:I am glad your dd is okay d madhouse!!!!

Thank You! we are too, bit too much excitement for that early!

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Re: "I see you, I will have a plan for you" Thursday pwyc blow it away in a bubble until you have a plan for it!

Postby lucylee » Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:04 am

Oops — its 1:00 a.m. and I’m just now getting here to wish ELIZABETH a happy birthday! :)

Dh and I have done nothing all day but read newspapers, nap, and watch tv. We had hamburgers for supper and I cleaned up the kitchen. We got home at 3:30 am from yesterday’s ballgame. Rain delay and extra innings, but we had a great day.
I did talk to dmom and she is feeling much better re: stomach bug, plus she got an excellent report from the neurologist re: her MRI. No signs of dementia, etc. She was thrilled!

Guess I’ve been blowing bubbles all day, but I plan to be a little more active tomorrow. ;)
Tomorrow is another day.

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