you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:04 pm

I've decided to attend a "Live Shooter" type course at the temple tonight. DD is required to be there and she's asked her teachers to attend. She says it will be an overflow crowd. Dh and I are going to eat out and we'll take her something to eat, since she doesn't have much time between the end of Hebr

I need to do some planning for tomorrow, then there's get away day.
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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby Sunny » Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:26 pm

Hello everyone!

Happy Happy Birthday to Harmony and Lucylee! Wishing you both a wonderful day. I'm thinking of Sherinjoy also.

We've just had a nice rain shower here. It started about an hour ago, no lightning or thunder. The temperature was around 83* and it is now down to 74*. I knew we might have rain this afternoon so got the trash bagged up and in the big container and the yard bombs picked up just in time. The cool air coming in the open window feels good.

[i]Blessed,[/i] congratulations on the new great niece!

Dee, WTG on finding your keys! I'm glad you are starting to feel better since off that RX.

We've been watching the tropical storm (now hurricane) progress through the Caribbean, and worried for our Florida families. There is a chance that it will move more north and even though turn west at some point will miss our families directly. I know Dee would be concerned for her dfamily also.

Cathy, good luck with the low carb research/diet. Some years ago I gave up bread, potatoes and sugar (no ice cream or candy). Didn't do any extra exercise, just kept my same schedule and allowed myself one dessert on the weekends. I lost about 15 pounds over nine months.

Dson#3 came here early Saturday morning. We all went out to the storage place and pulled a lot of boxes out and reorganized them better. We brought home the rest of our clothes and a few other things. Now I can begin going through those things and hopefully do away with a good bit of it.

Harmony, I've been wondering what your dh's doctor said about his nose (unless you already said and I missed it).

Dh is calling....
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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:41 pm

Wishing a Happy Birthday to Harmony and Lucylee, and Sherinjoy, where ever she is!

I don't remember if I did that earlier....
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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:23 pm

Home from little town grocery store. We were out of milk and eggs so it became a priority.

I bought a couple of sacks of items to put in the Blessing Box on my way home. As I was trying to decide what to buy, I tried to think what a young Mom with little kids could use. Who knows if what I bought was the right items but it was a good reminder to me.

DH has been launched to our church. DS11 will attend the church near our home with the robust kids' program.
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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:32 pm

The $5 rotisserie chicken at WM is about 2/3 the size compared to the $5 rotisserie chicken at Sam's.
I will make a note of that, Lady M. There's Sam's in FL where DD is but the ones here closed when they were closing so many. DDIL-R has a BJ's membership here so put me on her account. DS-R asked, "What about me?" :lol: DDIL's answer was: "When are you ever there without me?"

Yes, I believe dd will also be watching, Sunny. And dsonil will be a nervous wreck if it's coming anywhere near them. We'll also be watching to see what direction it takes. DS-R & family are in Myrtle Beach right now but I'm not sure yet if it's going that far north. They also plan to go Darlington Speedway for the NASCAR races this weekend. Their plan is to be home the 3rd. They took our then small fifth wheel a long time ago to the race in Dover. There was a storm that time too and they ran into some trouble with that.

Dee, WTG on finding your keys! I'm glad you are starting to feel better since off that RX.
I have been so relieved to find that key fob, Sunny. And I am feeling better. It's amazing me. Hope the halter monitor next week shows my heartbeat at an acceptable level. Hoping not to have a pace maker. So far my bp has not been too bad. Hoping that if they put me back on anything it's something I can tolerate well. And then perhaps with feeling better my weight will continue downward & perhaps that'll have a bearing on it. I know it does on blood sugar. Haven't walked today but plan to once the sun begins to go down a little. It's too hot in the direct sun.

Dh told me a few minutes ago that our dneighbors have left. He saw them and told them good bye. I didn't think they were going until tomorrow. Didn't say goodbye but I guess I did earlier today. Think they've gone to stay with their dd's family nearby. I will miss them very much. They were our last friends nearby who were always here all week. :cry:
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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby Harmony » Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:41 pm

Our Sam's chickens are way bigger than the ones at W-M. However ,in WM if they aren't sold timely they put them in the cooler back by the deli and mark them way down. DH brings them home and I make things out of them and we can't tell the difference.

Twins, I guess your town is ok now?

Phone's been crazy. Everybody wanting to talk to me now that I've reached a new decade. I wasn't thinking so much about it being different, but apparently they think it's something of importance to note.

A/C quit working, place was getting hot. We couldn't figure it out so called the MAN who just happened to have a helper in the area. 10 min. later here he came and showed DH how to fix the switch, clean out the line, vacuum and hose, which DH did, so the MAN only charged a small service charge and nothing for the fix because he said DH did it himself! This was almost as good as Elizabeth's service people.

We were talking about the ladder we have hooked up to get up above the high shop ceiling and the MAN told me he was a bit worried about DH going up there... so this is the 2nd time people have said something...they are starting to notice DH's age and infirmities.

Sunny, this was just the annual Medicare wellness visit where they just take BP, temp, look at labs etc. We did tell him about the nose and he asked if he got xrays, but he didn't look into it... or up it in this case... so I guess he wasn't too alarmed. (He didn't see the geyser we had when it happened!) We found out today the VA Drs. are down in Cape Coral and there's just a clinic up here for paperwork and I guess it is good you didn't come here to this area. CC is only an hour away, but still....

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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:18 pm

Happy Birthday to those celebrating!

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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Aug 28, 2019 11:16 pm

:D :D :D Happy birthday to Harmony & SherInJoy!!! :D :D :D
(We miss you Sher, wherever you are!)

Everybody wanting to talk to me now that I've reached a new decade. I wasn't thinking so much about it being different, but apparently they think it's something of importance to note.

LOL, Harmony...
I'm feeling kinda older having reached 58, LOL... DH, at 68, had little sympathy for me. :lol: I guess 57 was technically midway between 55 & 60, but 57 is definitely closer to the new decade? Oh well -- it is just a number, and so far, I have been blessed with very good health -- and did I tell y'all -- I still get mistaken for ds's WIFE rather than his mother, when we're out somewhere without ddil. So, that's always nice. (A little bothersome to dh, I suspect, because then he thinks they think he must be REALLY old. ;) )

Well, my day was happy.
DH and I slept incredibly late, even for us... and then I dusted the house, s2s, etc.
Dgrands came over after school and stayed while ddil went to the chiropractor and picked up pizza for our supper.
Dmom, dbil & his girlfriend, and ds, ddil, and dgrands -- and dh, of course -- came over for pizza, cake, and ice cream, and we all had a nice time, I think. I had a nice time, anyway.

Everything is (kinda) picked up and put away now and dh and I are just settling down, reading the newspapers... nothing special.

I wonder how high in sodium the rotisserie chicken is...

Thinking of all our Florida SHE's and their families -- and those anywhere on the coast, like Dee's ds/family!

Cathy, I have not contributed anything to your low-carb thread -- because that is such a horrible weakness for me. I remember though, my ddad once did like Sunny -- cut out practically all breads, sugar, starchy vegetables and lost a lot of weight pretty quickly. I should really make an effort to do that.

Twins, we were just talking about church security at our council meeting last night. We have been TALKING about it for over a year and nothing seems to be getting done about it. And some in our group seem to think it's not really necessary. DH's cousin's husband has really been pushing for action on the issue, and I agree with him. In this day and and age, we can't be careless about stuff like that. I don't know that we need armed guards or anything like that, but we need to be aware and alert.

Waving to all!!! Thanks again for the birthday wishes! :D
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: you Can't do it all Wednesday - and it is okay!!! PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Aug 28, 2019 11:42 pm

BookSaver -- I know you will be so glad when the work is done! WTG on the early morning routines, though!

Blessed -- I'm going to watch that video right now, while I "walk away the pounds." DH will be needing the computer soon, so I'm not going to start it here; I can watch on my phone.
Congratulations on your new niece!!!

Something else I was wanting to say... hmmm... can't remember...

WTG to Dee for finding those keys!!!

I certainly could not do it all today... soooo much I needed/wanted to do! But -- dusting was PROGRESS and that IS ENOUGH!
Thanks so much for that reminder, blessed. And after all, today is the first day of a new year for me! ;)
Tomorrow is another day.

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