Tuesday Thank You PWYC

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Re: Tuesday Thank You PWYC

Postby Harmony » Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:19 pm

(Norma) so sorry, hope you feel better soon.

Twins, yikes that's bad having something so close to your window like that.

We worked until 8:15 with just a couple 10-min breaks for water and lunch. Shop will never look amazing, but it is sure a sight better. Everything we sorted and tidied has been vacuumed with shop vac. Floor space is clearer in a lot of spots than it has been in years. I cannot believe DH wanted to keep going like he did, and I worked along side him. It was a lesson in patience to me as I could not hurry him or throw away anything he thought he would use someday. We have another 2 spaces to tackle at the back of the shop, and to my amazement, DH asked if we would be going out to finish out there tomorrow. :o

I am sore all over. I'm going to soak in a warm tub tonight.

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Re: Tuesday Thank You PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:51 pm

As per my usual, I am late to this birthday party, but YES --

:D :D :D Happy birthday to Kathryn :D :D Oh, how I hope she pops in and sees all our messages.

and YES -- THANK YOU so much, Kathryn & Ken, for keeping this site alive to give us all this little corner of the world where we are all accepted and encouraged, and where we find so much understanding and wisdom. I literally do not know what on earth I would do without all of you ladies.
Just reading through tonight, my posts from two years ago, when dh was sooo sick... when the doctor literally did not expect him to see another year begin. At the time, I did not fully realize how close we were to losing him, but somehow, you ladies kept me sane and calm and here we are, pretty much back to all we did before. He still gets tired more easily, and he can't take a lot of stress -- absolutely have to limit how much time we have both dgrands together! -- and we do watch his/our diet more closely, but cheat days don't put him over the edge anymore... and we're going and doing and most importantly, he is able to lie down and sleep at night!

(((HUGS))) and prayers for Norma! Glad you're getting good care!

Guess where the hottest spot in the nation was again yesterday (according to USAToday)? Yep... sweet home Alabama again. :roll:
Two days in a row.

I have very little to report today -- haven't even done my ONE SOMEthing for the day, really...
* got lunch for everyone before dh/ds went to sing at ass't living facility
* took dgd to speech therapy
* got (temporary?) reprieve from jury duty
* talked to dmom on phone
* picked up dgs at school, took him to get a hamburger since he was disappointed he missed out when ds/dh were eating lunch
* called doctor for dh
* kept dgrands 2 hours while ds got some work done at home
* picked up toys (with dgd's help)
* went to drug store, picked up rx
* took dgrands home
* took a nap! :oops: :D

I was just TIRED... and tomorrow, I'll be up at 6:45, I guess, to make it to dentist appt at 8:30.
Dentist is going to think I am crazy. I won't let him work on the two teeth HE is concerned about, but now that I have this teeny tiny chip on my front tooth, I'm rushing over there like my hair's on fire. The thing is, I am not "aware" of the two he is watching, but this one concerns me because (1) it IS on the front tooth, and (2) I can't keep my tongue off it, checking it, worrying with it. I just want to make sure it's not going to break off further. I do NOT want a crown on my front tooth!!! That is for CERTAIN. I am hoping he can just fill it in with something.
DS broke his front tooth, almost the bottom half, at an angle, when he was in 4th grade. The dentist we had then just filled it in with some sort of resin material, and it has only been replaced once since then! The dentist said he wanted to crown it when ds stopped growing because this would not be a "permanent" fix -- but it has lasted at least 15-20 years at this point.

So, y'all wish me luck and I'll let you know how that turns out tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another day.

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