Monday Moments

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:44 pm

Nice house, Twins.

Not a good day here but I got the bills paid, quicken updated and some of the accounts reconciled (still have three to do.)

I saw that I still don't have a refund for the preaching book. I'm beginning to wonder if the credit note they sent me is actually a credit note and not a refund. It is an invoice with a credit balance. I have an email saying they are cancelling the order. I kind of assumed that cancelling the order meant refunding my money. Silly, silly, me. I'm calling my credit card company and asking them to reverse the original charge since it has been two billing cycles since they did the order cancellation and I don't have a credit yet.

I watched a movie with dh while we ate.

I'm working on getting a neighbour's computer backed up so ds can reinstall the operating system. There are corrupted system files so it is hard work. Also, all her tax files from this past year were corrupted (not just the data files but the files that were transferred to the government for e-filing and all the backup files from this year.) The idea is to reinstall the operating system, put on a anti-virus program and then move over the data I saved into a zipped file and scan it for viruses as we unzip it. That should protect my portable hard drive which is where her data will sit temporarily.

I ruined one of the duvet covers today so I'm annoyed about that. Dh got a bit of blood on it (and the sheet.) I'm annoyed with him for not wearing underwear when there was a risk of bleeding on the sheets and I'm annoyed with the stain removal attempts ruining the duvet cover. Because it is like a pillow case, it is ruined on both sides and I can't just put the spoiled side down (which I could have done with the blood spot had I not tried too hard to get the dang spot out.)

Since this duvet cover isn't made any more, and we need two matching ones, this is a VERY expensive mistake so I'm in a really foul mood. Actually, that's why I'm up still, I'm just too angry to go to bed.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby bittersweet » Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:54 pm

My first "day off" was a complete bust! At 9:30am, I got a call asking if there was any way I could possibly come in to work :roll: One person had her furnace break last night, and couldn't get a repairman in until 1pm today. Another was sick (and she has to be REALLY sick before she'll call in). The extra money will be nice (the City pays double time for overtime), but I really did need to do some things at home.

Tomorrow will be busy....errands to do, a house to clean.......and crossing my fingers I don't get called in again!! For now, I'm going to crochet and watch the season finale of Terra Nova.
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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Harriet » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:13 am

Twins Mom, are you considering the Craftsman or Traditional exterior, and would you choose the garage/master to the left or right? I like the double window for the upstairs bonus room because I think it might be less maintenance problem potential than two separate dormers, and I just think it looks nice.

Hi to Dove, BookSaver, maxsgrandma and Lynlee.

Oh, bittersweet is crocheting tonight - how calm.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Harmony » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:22 am

Kathryn, is there a way you or someone who sews a lot could put a nice applique on top of the spot, at least on one side so the duvet could be used? That seems like such a waste.

I cleaned up my desk, did a few more things on that huge project, and typed DH's report. And I did dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. I hope tomorrow will be more productive.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby BookSaver » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:24 am

Oof the crowds were worse than I was expecting but the weather was so nice it was a beautiful drive.

As contrast to tomorrow, when prediction is for "wintry mix" meaning the roads will be slick and dangerous. I will not be going back to The Big City tomorrow, may not even leave the house.

We're supposed to be back to nice weather by Thursday, so I can try again to get out and pick up the rest of the stuff on the list.

In the meantime, tomorrow will be Apron Day. I am being optimistic that Wednesday will be a fun day at work. Finish the shopping Thursday as early as possible, and avoid all retail establishments Friday and Saturday!!

Hi, Harriet!

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Lynlee » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:06 am

waving from tuesday

I did have a stress free sunday. taught myself to use my sewing machine and have finished 2 ufos and 1 new doll dress gift. Could not wrangle button holes today so packed proposed buttons and will take it to a new home for christmas. Hoping sewing household will help me with that. I'll need go back to the shop for a button hole lesson. I used do them manually but this is meant to be automatic with error message in lieu of even a practice one on scrap. Sewing was yesterday. buttonhole attempt was today.

I'm finally getting some patch up work done on the house. I will really haveto vac and dust after the plaster complete is done tomorrow.

Needing to sift thru the bought gift sellection and make sure all bases are covered. then to wrap.

yoga was canc today - was told in carpark by another attendee. instructor ill.

car being serviced today. yep the noise that sounded like breaks was breaks so thats most thankfully done b4 christmas.

I'm going to set timer 10 min feet up b4 I hit the afternoon jobs.

Twins - interesting house plan. I love looking at house plans.
till later.
Just begin.
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Look for the good in all.

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