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Postby Lilac » Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:23 pm

LadyM, I was so happy to read about your progress in getting speech therapy both thru the school district and privately. That warms my heart that the school district was immediately helpful. I'm just assuming it is a smaller district and I may be wrong, but they seem more helpful than a large district.

Dgd5 is in kindergarten and still having trouble with her alphabet. Last week they notified dd2 that she will be receiving individual help for 30 minutes daily to work on this. I had read a school note that said that they wanted the kindergartners to know 15 letters of the alphabet by months end. Eeeek that is tomorrow. Dgd5 is so smart and it is puzzling how she is having trouble with the alphabet. I keep waiting for it to "click" for her.

Today dd2 and I were talking and she mentioned that our school district uses styrofoam plates and disposable eating utensils at all schools. That is over 5000 students a day for 180 school days. What a lot of waste. She asked dgd7 what they use at the small rural school they are attending. Metal eating utensils and trays. This school has just been a wonderful experience for both girls and they love it.

Dgd7 was sick today. Dgs12 had a football game, so I watched her, so dd2 could attend his game. I had intended to attend the game for the first time this season, but it was more important for dd2 to be there.

Harriet, dh is getting along well with his ankle. If he is tired or on his feet too much, he has a slight limp. Oct. 10, he has an appt. to get the long screw removed. The dr. is hoping this will give him more flexibility.

Today in the shower, I realized that my big toe and the next 2 toes were not bearing weight but raised. After 5 weeks of walking on my right heel with those toes raised, I guess it will take some time for them to return to normal.

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Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:35 pm

All laundry put away/hanging to dry
Talked to Dmom on phone
Talked to daunt on phone (today is her birthday)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:55 pm

Thunder storm rolled through here tonight. Ddog headed to the basement w h. I still need to unload the dishes. Dinner is done I need to do the p m routine. Done after a fashion.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Elizabeth » Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:39 pm

Hi everyone. I am so discouraged. The new separate but equal cat program is now taking two new cats. This will make three and they have a foster home for only one. They have a vet office that has agreed to show two of them, but that space could have been used for two of the six kittens we have in the original cat program. If the troublemakers spent a third of the energy they used on destroying the existing program on finding homes for our cats, only Cleo would be left! They are now doing everything by email chain to avoid public discussion. I sent the board a notice that I have serious concerns about continuing to decide non-emergency things this way. Federal regulations are what requires open board meetings, not me and not our bylaws. I may not have a lot of power, but the IRS does!

The dog with the eye surgery did well. They don't want Cleo even on our web pages, because she is old and has health problems. However, her quality of life is good right now, with only one medication. They'll do everything for a dog, but want the cats they have no control over to just disappear. I found out that Deputy Troublemaker has been asked to leave two animal orgs in the past. One of which is very closely associated with this org.

It's 930, and I have done very little on my daily list. I have gotten cat litter and food, given meds, planned tomorrow's lunch, and set out clothes. Oh wait! Maybe I am not so behind as I thought.

I hope I don't get another late night call from my unemployed friend (UF) about her SOB. I've had about as much soap opera as I can take. I liked my life better as a sitcom. Thanks for listening. Y'all are the only ones I can talk to about this. The xBFF can't grasp the concept that some people are evil, my mom never approved of my fostering cats, and the SOB gets jealous when UF talks to anyone other than himself. I tried to explain the situation to my Sunday school class last week, but got called away when DD got sick. I haven't felt so alone in a long time. Another reason I can't talk to anyone, the only "solution" they recognize is a man. And how would that help? It would just be another episode.

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