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Re: First Friday

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:49 pm
by Harmony
LadyM those towels are so pretty! I'd buy them just for the colors! I have microfiber kitchen towels and microfiber dishcloths and all of them are poor at sopping up water.

I don't like big heavy towels. Big's ok, but thick and heavy takes too much time to dry in the dryer or out in the humidity. I have a couple nice big thinner towels that are perfect. They are called dry ___something__ and I got them at Tar get. In the shower before I get out I "dry" off with washcloth, wringing it out and that gets an amazing amount of water off before I get out. Then the toweling is fast.

Harriet, DD's "office" sounds great! I'd love to have a space like that.

Salvaged my day. I managed to corral piles of papers and get everything where it needs to go. I drove down to the bank and then to the library. I've been missing having something to read and I've noticed since the Christmas rush is over I'm not getting more done having nothing to read...I'm just more anxious about stuff. So I got a few books to read.

Stopped at pharmacy to PU DH's stuff. First of the year I'm back to the highest amounts to pay...and one of his costs us $400/month. Later in the year it will go down a little. I am going to call the drug company and figure out when this goes down and what a year of this will actually cost. DH goes to the dr. end of the month so we may have to find out if he can switch to something else. I know DH doesn't want to talk about this to anybody, a matter of pride I guess to say he can't afford the medicine.

Dinner was good. Appreciated having something more than leftover chili again.

At least all my dailies got done today. And the papers are manageable. Calling that a success.

Re: First Friday

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:03 am
by LadyMaverick
This is hard for me to believe but I just bought DS10...A TEN YEAR OLD electric razor. He had to start shaving about a month ago and has been using my electric razor. 10 YEARS OLD! Hair is growing everywhere on him IYKWIM. UGh. DS10 has the body and hormones of a teenager.

Thanks for the Microfibre towel information!

Re: First Friday

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:11 am
by lucylee
[x] 1. Clean bathrooms :D
[x] 2. Transfer photos from phone and camera to computer, label, organize, save to external hard drive also * :D :D
[ ] 3. Exercise * :|

* Photos -- no small task -- probably took twice as long as the bathrooms, b/c (1) so many pictures from Christmas and our trip to the Opry w/dgs... AND (2) allowing dgs to take pictures also meant a BUNCH needed to be deleted AND (3) I used my "good" camera, which is MUCH better than my iPhone, (which I realized does not even COMPARE to the quality dfriend was getting on her Samsung -- but I don't want to switch from Apple, and don't want to upgrade -- this one isn't even paid for yet, LOL) ... BUT -- using the "good" camera meant I had to sort through old files on it, too. It no longer keeps the date and time set, so I have just given up. Therefore, when I pull up its files on the computer, they ALL appear as if they were ALL taken on Jan. 1, 2000 or some such... :roll: This camera is a Canon SX160IS and I don't think it has near the quality that my old 35mm did, but the advantages of digital photos is not worth the trouble of dealing with film anymore, IMHO...

* Exercise -- I PROMISE I will do that as soon as I cuop and post this. There is a new episode of Blue Bloods on AND a new episode of Dateline. ;)

BIG WTG to Harriet's dd, even if she IS a bit TOO modest! :D Her "cubicle" sounds AMAZING!

Must read back to see what happened to blessed...

I WILL try to make these goals a bit smaller. I'm thinking weekly/daily could be one thing. Or if I do ONE thing from the daily list, it could count. But my dailies are almost automatic -- s2s, Bible reading, etc -- and then s/s baths, but I must admit, I do not s/s baths DAILY. A quick visual check might suffice.
Haven't had a chance to look at the towels. I like a big heavy towel, though, and so does dh... and that is why his "towel" laundry marathon is such a horror show. * sheesh *

My (mine & dh's, I must say) good deed for the day: I realized that ddil had asked me way back in October probably, when we were FIRST discussing Christmas ideas, if dmom or me could get her a journal/coloring Bible she had seen on QVC. Oooohhhh... lost that link somewhere in my mind (it was still in the phone) but today when I was searching to see what she said her school schedule would be, I came across it again. Told dh about it and he said, "Get it for her. She deserves a new Bible if she wants one." :D So I ordered that for a late Christmas present for her. It should arrive during her first week of nursing school and what better time to give her some inspiration, right?

Oh. My. Goodness. LadyM... bless your heart!

Re: First Friday

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:23 am
by lucylee
Exercise — DONE — 16 min walk away the pounds