Smilin' Friday

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Smilin' Friday

Postby bittersweet » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:39 am

Did y'all know that today is World Smile Day?

What will you do to help spread the smiles today?

I'm up late...probably because I was napping off and on early this morning, then had yet another two hour nap this afternoon. Now it's 2:30am, and I can't sleep! :roll: It hasn't been entirely unproductive, though...I did manage to get all the dishes done :P

Now I think I'll set out the cyber breakfast buffet (all calorie, sugar, and carb-free, of course!), watch the end of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, work on DGD's blanket ... and then see if I'm sleepy enough to go to bed.
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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby lucylee » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:24 am

I didn't even get to say anything to y'all yesterday! Dmom didn't need me, so I came home @ 4:00, vacuumed the hardwood, bathrooms, and kitchen floors, then dh & I went out to eat.
When we got home, I said, "I need to grade those papers, but I have GOT to take a nap." This was @ 8:00 p.m.
So then I awoke @ midnight, graded the papers, and was probably asleep again by 1:30 a.m.
It was a broken night's sleep, but probably 8 hours' sleep altogether, and I figure I must have really needed it.

(((Indiana))) I am sooo glad you have such wonderful friends in the cafeteria (and all around) to look after you IRL, since we can't all be there to help out!

Thanks for the smile, bsweet! * That will be my journal topic for today (@ school). "When was the last time someone made you smile?"
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby OKay » Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:05 am

Good Morning!

Smiles?!?! What a wonderful theme for today. Thank you bittersweet!

I have a VDNeice that is always....and I mean ALWAYS smiling. She has the most beautiful smile you have ever seen. I've seen her go through some of the most trying and difficult times that you can imagine, and she still maintains her lovely smile. She once told me that giving smiles away are easy and something she can always do. She has done it so long that now it is part of who she is.

Today DGS14 gets glasses for the first time. He is excited and counting down the hours until his appt. :shock: :lol: I wore glasses for years and years and was thrilled to get rid of them. Soooo I can't quite understand his reason for the anticipation and excitement, but I'm thrilled this is a positive experience for him. :D

Flu symptoms are starting to show up in this area so I need to get LO flu shot. :cry: I'm trying to think of a place I can take him, other than the doctor office. He JUST recently got over his fear of the doctor office. I know WM and WG gives flu shots, but I don't think they would appreciate a very VERY loud screaming recipient in the store. hummmm....

Tonight is FNG meeting in our home. The house is basically company ready, but the floor can ALWAYS use some extra attention (thanks to our dirt yard). And the bathrooms a little extra attention. Drinks and snacks are available ..... quick & easy.

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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:06 am

Good morning to all! Today is a busy day - dmom to doc, pick up dd to come home for Yom Kippur (four hour round trip!), then to temple this evening for services. Will probably order pizza for our pre-fast meal, because we won't have much time before heading out to services. Dh is picking up ds this afternoon as well - his first trip back home since he departed for college - and we'll all be taking showers later. :?

Gotta get rolling....

Thinking of you all, even when I don't mention you...
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:32 am

I'm not smiling all the time but I try hard, especially when I'm out. Dh was waiting for me in the car one day and commented that I was the only one coming out of the store with a smile. That kind of resonated. Wednesday, when I went, I was aware that the check-out person was watching me in the line instead of the woman in front of her and realized she was smiling at me. She was responding back to my smile at her as I came up to unload my things.

Of course, today is an easy day to smile, I'm getting to see dd! I just have to be patient because it won't be until 11:30 p.m. or later!

I've got some outfits laid out to pack and we are switching our shower days so we don't have to shower tomorrow and will on Sunday when the big Thanksgiving dinner will be.

Now to get caught up on other stuff so I can leave the house in a relaxed mood.

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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby Emptynester » Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:47 am

I'm going to see my daughter today, too. She flew into Phoenix last night and my Dbro picked her up. We will all be going camping for the weekend.

Need to get going this morning as I have about 5 hours of work to cram into 3 before we take off.

I will probably be out of touch as we will be out in the boonies with no cell (therefore no internet) until Sunday afternoon.

So TTFN. See you all on Sunday.
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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:27 am

I'm not doing anything except breathe and sleep.

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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:43 am

Indiana at least you made it here to say hi! Rest well. We love you.

I'm moving at a glacial speed. Need to go dry my hair now and then pack for the trip.

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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:07 pm

Well, bittersweet and lucylee found themselves kindred spirits with broken sleep patterns. That's nice that lucylee can take away an idea for school from our topic.

helia, I was so sorry to read about your dear aunt.

For Twins Mom and Emptynester, I hope there's a lot of enjoyment in visiting with children.

Kathryn, what that tells me is that dh is watching for you until you come back out! I always watch for family members until they come out of stores, probably a little bit "on the alert" until I see them emerge again. Dd likes to be the one to put up the buggy and my eye is on her every minute.

Yes, Indiana, we love you and are frustrated along with you that you must bide your time right now. I am tapping my foot SO hard for you. :| Hrruuummpf.

My ddad is spending 2 hours at his house today. That seems to be working out.

HRH called and asked what groceries he could bring - WAY helpful.

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Re: Smilin' Friday

Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:24 pm

Oh, I was so hoping to read a good report from Indiana. We are all so happy that you have so much help around you.

Have been cuop for a while now, but keep getting interrupted. Anyway here I am at last.

Harriet, how is the numbness today? DH has numbness in his feet due to nerve in his spine, residual from his disc problems. Accident with hole-stepping sounds likely.

Lucy, sorry to read your DMom still has pain, hoping add'l surgery will not be needed, but if it is, well, just another thing to conquer.

(helia) sorry about DAunt. Bittersweet, how is DD today - anything happening?

OKay are you still on schedule to have rain today? Are there clouds at least?

Well, I've been super busy with the office. Huge packet to Gov't office has been assembled, copied, signed by all parties, and is enroute. Hopefully that is the last. They wanted us to give them a completion date and we refused, saying 3 months from when THEY give us final okays. Delays have never been on our side of things. :evil:

House is kept up, laundry, kitchen, groceries all up to date. Most errands for the month are done; desk is current except for spreadsheets which is my next task. I have a 3 1/2" stack of files and stuff to go through as I update things here. DH has 2 nice work jobs awaiting plans being done, so all the recent work has produced something tangible. A few other things waiting in the wings also. Was nice to finally get here and read what's been happening.

Hello to everyone I haven't mentioned.

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