Keep on Running Tuesday!

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Keep on Running Tuesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:35 am

I'm home so will now join the runners from yesterday!

Are you ready to join the runners or keep up your momentum from yesterday or is life conspiring against progress?

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Re: Keep on Running Tueday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:46 am

I have a loooonnnngggg day today. I'll be out of the house at 9ish and back home just over 12 hours later. I have volunteering in the city this morning, then I hope I'll get to the bank, the oil changed in the car and dh's dry cleaning picked up (that will be interesting since he failed to get a pickup tag.)

After that I'll help set up the book display at a nearby church, have dinner there (or at Subway to save calories), then a Presbytery meeting that will be over slightly after 9 and then clean up the book display before coming home.

I'm exhausted just thinking about today. This is why we came home yesterday, skipping a Thanksgiving with dh's friends in their new house. We had a lovely visit with them for a couple of hours yesterday. The house has two sections, one 130 years old and lovingly updated, and a new 'great room' that is stunningly gorgeous. The house is at least 4000 square feet too much for us but they are planning to fill it with children (they have 2 and want at least 2 more plus her mom lives with the in a granny suite in the basement.)

The day started well visiting with more of dd's friends. I really didn't want to go but dh dragged me out. We had a lovely hour-long drive through the back roads to dh's friend's place.

Then we took back roads for as long as possible before dropping down onto the toll road (so we didn't take the big road back but drove 20 miles out of our way to avoid it.) We were home in 5.5 hours, including a 40 minute stop for supper and gas. That's almost as fast as it could have been. There were two complete stoppages on the highway but they only lasted a few minutes each.

I made dh drive the whole way because I didn't want to. Not fair at all since this trip was my idea and I just sat and daydreamed. But I'll make it up to him.

Watched some of my favourite tv shows and then was into bed at 10:20.

I'm dragging, not running this morning but am on the treadmill now. Am hoping to bake muffins before leaving for work. But I leave in just over an hour and still have to eat breakfast and s2s (and finish my exercising.)

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Re: Keep on Running Tueday!

Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:23 am

Hi, Everyone!

Wow, Kathryn is on the move.

Lilac, have a safe and happy trip!

lucylee, I wish you less hectic (and zero bonfires). I have heard of the rodent one but have not seen it.

It is raining here, and I also feel headache-y, like the weather is kinda messin' with me! I've had my first breakfast, an apple. After some water I'll make my second, a smoothie, and be able to take one Exedrin with it.

My ddad was up at 8:30, but just to tell us he doesn't feel well, didn't sleep well, and wanted to go back to bed for a while. I hope he awakens chipper.

The daily email I've been getting from Mercola was about prostate today, PLUS there is a front-page article about it in the paper in response to recent guidelines. So, thinking of my ddad's appt Fri, I am perusing these, especially the email since it is not news driven but study driven. A British study recently showed ginger is good for prostate health.

Next up, I want to clean the front bathroom, which was neglected yesterday.

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Re: Keep on Running Tueday!

Postby OKay » Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:26 am

Good Morning!

I went to bed an hour early and got up and hour later than normal. Those extra 2 hours of sleep are greatly appreciated and have resulted in feeling fully energized. I woke up with an idea of something I should send to youngest DGD so I got that ordered and on its way immediately upon getting out of bed. By the time LO woke up I had the last 2 days of deposits ready, so we went to bank and did MPB early morning chores together. Home to prepare/cook/serve muffins for breakfast before DH left to do his work.

I have been teaching LO how to play tic-tac-toe the last few days. We usually play 1-2 games after every meal. Watching gradually understand how to play the game & now developing his strategics to win is hilarious. He holds his hand over the pegs that he wants to use next :lol:

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Re: Keep on Running Tueday!

Postby Nancy » Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:44 am

Joining the ranks of runners today.
I was going to post the following yesterday but did not get back to do it. We baked cookies, play with the play doh, had lunch, drew some pictures, read a story, watched some videos, nap time is coming. After school home work, snack time and dgson got his school pics., & lost a tooth. I'll "save" that news for dd to learn when she talks to him. Last evening after dinner I took a nice long walk it was great for me!

Today I've spiffed up the kitchen, coffee is ready, apple for breakfast. I have dgd in a bit for a short while & then I take her to pre-school, we'll check on their cats on the way home. I think I'll take my book read, do an errand, or take a walk while I'm down town we need a couple of things & wait to pick her up down town instead of double up on the trips.
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Re: Keep on Running Tueday!

Postby bittersweet » Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:53 am

There's a lot more waiting than running going on in this corner of the village these days - DD is now at four days overdue and counting *sigh*. She has a prenatal appointment this morning, so we'll see what the doctor has to say. It would really be nice to spend some time with her and the baby before I go back to work next Monday!

In the meantime, there's the usual parade of housework, critter care, getting the garden ready for winter, and so on and so forth. I'm even less focused than usual, though...which means that not much is getting done. However, I AM seeing some progress, so I'll be content with that 8-)

I've already done the upstairs litter boxes and swiped the bathroom, but I'd better keep moving.

- downstairs litter boxes
- put away clean dishes
- put bags of bottles in the car
- water indoor plants
- make l*st of errands
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Re: Keep on Running Tueday!

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:43 am

Good morning everyone!

I did decide to go to the church meeting yesterday and am glad I did. Not so much for the meeting, but for talking to people afterward. I am not as tired today as usual. I have been almost a week without caffeine, maybe it is helping. Yesterday's deliverable is delivered. Today I have lower stress stuff to do. I need to do some cleanup in my kitchen before 6:30 when my pastor is coming to do a house blessing. It is also Girls' Night Out with DD, who will be bummed not going to Chuck E Cheese, but will like seeing the pastor outside of church. I also need to do a load of laundry. Back to work, see you later.

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Re: Keep on Running Tueday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:24 pm

I am also on the run today. Left home at eight and got dmom to 9:30 dr appointment, and just now arrived at work after getting her back home and grabbing lunch for myself. We are having flu shots today at work - at least those who want them.

Tonight I have a 5:30 meeting at temple also. Not a meeting I run, but a committee meeting - I try to attend them when I can to keep up on what is happening....
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Re: Keep on Running Tueday!

Postby Emptynester » Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:58 pm

Sitting here waiting for emails but only get them from truck buyers pushing pushing pushing.

Need confirmation of $$ transfer and Sellers permit from DMV. Both should come in email form.

Absolutely stress city here.

Wish I drank .. :lol:

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Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:23 pm

((((MT))))) There are days I wished I drank too! I think there are less calories in alcoholic drinks than bags of potato chips and chocolate bars!

Slow but steady day here at volunteering. Another 3 boxes of books from a minister who is retiring. I sorted by decade published, double checked to see which we had in the library already, then sorted by keep, maybe, toss. The ones we already had I just added to our free-book box and kept one of those for myself. Started reading it at lunch.

I've now finished my morning assignment so will go see what is left for me to do this afternoon.

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