Tip toeing Tuesday

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Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby Emptynester » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:43 am

I'm tip toeing thru the boxes today. Making sure they are all labeled before going in the cargo trailer. I want to make this move easier than any of our previous moves. No more multiple boxes of MISC!!

Where are you going to tip toe today. (Say that fast 3 times).

It has been so long for me to open the village of a morning that I've almost forgotten how. But it is done - so come on in and post.
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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby helia » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:20 am

I said it 3 times fast and it made me smile, MT. :)

I'm going to be tip toeing through my Hebrew today.

I was up early (for me) at 6:40, showered, got a mug of tea, and went to the high school to sign up for a few P/T conferences. So, dh and I will meet with some of dd16's teachers Thursday evening. Her workload this year is extreme, and she is not happy about it. She has had to give up her hobby of writing stories. We are considering dropping her down a level in one of her classes -- not exactly sure which one yet. No need to talk to ds' teachers. I'll probably skip conferences for dd13 too, involved and committed parent that I am. :roll: I think I explained here last year why we find the way our middle school does P/T conferences absolutely useless in terms of passing on pertinent info. If we have a problem or question, we'll set up a one-on-one time with that particular teacher.

a.m. routine is done; 2nd load of towels is washing. I'm going to crack open the books for the rest of the morning.

Later today: I think I may rejoin the gym to get in my exercise; the weather is turning cooler. Later, dd13 has a field hockey game at 4, and then it is my turn to have a dinner date night with dd13!

((lucylee)) I read all. Won't post comments here.

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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:28 am

Tip toeing here through my morning routine. Kept coughing last night so came out to the recliner. Realized I hadn't turned down the heat last night so did that 2:30am. Came on at 8am -at 61 degrees in here. Then hated to get up cause I was nice and cozy. So only am through picking up the bedroom, making the bed, s2s, meds and breakfast.

Never did rearrange my closet yesterday so think that will be first up.

I'm hearing you, LucyLee and have posted such as the advice might be.

Have a dentist appointment at 2pm :cry: Getting 2 new tires on my van Thursday morning.

Have an appointment for a perm next Tuesday and a Dr. appointment on Wednesday -nothing like waiting until the last minute. BS is continuing to be at very good levels so am happy with that.

Have 12-13 days to finish getting ready to move for the winter. At least this year we're not taking any furniture to FL so hopefully the van will have more room. Sure you'll be even more organized in this move, MT! :D
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby Lilac » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:33 am

We are home! We had a great time but were absolutely worn out when we arrived home yesterday afternoon. Dh spent most of the evening napping and then went to bed and slept 10 hours.

We have decided to buy dd2 house. Now to get the process started! We both get nervous about selling our house, but it is paid for, so we do have some flexibility on the price if it doesn't sell fast enough. Everytime I started doubting the decision, I remember that if dm ever needs to live with us, this house would be too crowded. We have 1500 sq ft up and a finished half basement of 600 sq ft. Dd2 house has 1742 up and down plus a sunroom with at least 300 sq ft. I also think that if we don't buy this and then need to later that interest rates might be higher, that we might not find something like this and wouldn't be satisfied with anything less. Another thing I get nervous about is that our house is paid for but once we sell our house and put that money on the loan, we can have it paid off by the time dh retires. Dh has said that he is thinking of approaching them closer to his 62 birthday about promoting someone to take his present job and him going back to being a shift supervisor. He misses shiftwork because on a 35 day cycle, he has a week off every 35 days. He said the paycut would be minimal. Anyway if they will agree, he said he would work a few more years, with a lot less stress. We should have the house paid off by his 62 birthday so that he doesn't have to keep working if he doesn't want to.

Dgd2 really missed her grandma. I missed her too. Yesterday the doorbell rang and she ran to the door. When it wasn't grandma, she told her mom "I really want my grandma". After we unloaded we went over there. She jumped into my arms. Dgd6months finally had her first tooth come through while we were gone and her looks had changed. I went and picked up dgd15 from cheerleading practice. I could see her smiling all the way to the car. When she opened the door she said "Gramgram, I missed you". She never calls me gramgram but it meant the world to me that she expressed that she missed me. Have I mentioned that I have 7 grandkids that I love to pieces? :D This weekend is homecoming and I am so glad to be home so that I can see both dgd15 dressed up for their first homecoming dance.

Well I haven't cuop but did see that MT is rid of the truck with $$$ in hand and that bittersweet has a beautiful new granddaughter.

Better get busy or the day will get away from me.

I wore capris daily on the trip. We came home to 50's and windy. We had a little rain overnight and it was in the high 30's. I'm not ready for the cold.

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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:41 am

Waving & hugs to all.
41* outside sun is in the forecast. 8-) Yea.
Neighbors dogs were up in the night barking and running around their yard. sigh
Power surged had our digital clocks flashing when we got up, I woke up like one min.
before the alarm went off.
Dgd will be here in a bit then it's off to pre-school for her I"m thinking of the library or a walk by the river.
Dd is flying home sent me a fb message she's missing the kids after two weeks I would think so.

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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:47 am

I'm up and sort of at it.

But no great progress to report except for tidying my purse. I didn't do anything with the papers I pulled out of it, but I did tidy my purse.

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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:56 am

Good morning everyone! Last night I ate at a friends, so no lonely dinner. My friend told me that I can always visit them after work. The downside is that I did not get the housework done I needed to. Won't get it done tonight either, it is Girls' Night out with DD9. The big news from yesterday is that DD broke her arm skating Sunday. Not seriously, just a fracture, but I am more than a little aggravated at the kid who was skating backwards in the wrong direction and plowed into her. I was surprised because it was not swollen, so I was thinking at worst a sprain. I am not sure if she will want to do Chuck E Cheese so the backup is the library (after Chinese food of course).

At payroll, I am going to be doing lots of reading, because there really isn't anything to do right now. That scares me, I don't want to be laid off again.

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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:04 am

Grandkids are the best, aren't they?!

I am finished with desk duties until the mail comes today. Trade magazines caught up and in recycle bin. I cut out anything DH needs to see and put on the table for him, otherwise the piles of mags get really high.

Got company safety reports caught up. One more for this year and 2011 is done. Just one of my many hats I wear, I'm "safety officer" for us, yeah and the guys could care less!

Went with DH to equip. warehouse that had yard full of pallets and we brought home truckload of them. His plan is to take them apart and use the wood to make lumber bins. Presently different kinds of lumber is all sorted in piles on the shop floor. Sigh...I suppose I will be out there helping if he needs me. At least this one part of the shop will be organized.

Hi, Elizabeth, hope work picks up for you. That's gotta be scary.

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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby OKay » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:37 am

~~~~~waving Hi to all~~~~~

This week has appt scheduled for every day, some days more than one appt plus we are celebrating 3 birthdays this week too! I am scrambling to stay up with the basics, plus the extra things going on ....PLUS the appts.
** Yesterday was yearly "glitter washrag" appt (IYKWIM!). Afterwards I went shopping (YUK) for LO some jeans. He is out growing them at an alarming rate. I am closely monitoring the amount time spent playing/running & every bite he eats.... but he is still growing/gaining too fast. :roll:
** today is yearly physical check up with my family doc and XDSIL birthday. After my appt, I will pickup DGS14 & DGS16 from school and take them Bday card shopping. I'm happy that was *O* enough to order/receive 4 of xDSIL favorite shirts so the gifts are ready to go.
** tomorrow is meeting with lawyer about upcoming trial and documentation prep :cry:
** Thursday is funeral for VDFriend mother (DH is pall bearer), repairman coming to work on ice maker, and the start of older DGSons fall break (they have asked to come stay here)
** Friday is my BDay.- hope to do something a little unusual and "HAVE SOME FUN!" as my DDad frequently says
** Sunday is DDIL birthday. I found an extra nice card and will drop it in the mail today. Then depending on a variety of factors....we might be able to do the 8 hour drive to take her out for birthday meal.

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Re: Tip toeing Tuesday

Postby bittersweet » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:42 am

I'm up and have already taken care of the "most important" errand for the day - Miss Trudy has gone to the vet to be spayed. It turns out she also has ear mites - big surprise :roll: DPTkitty has had them since he was a kitten, and no matter what we've treated him with, we never seem to be able to completely get rid of them. I suspect CallieAlley Cat also has ear mites again, and treating her is next to impossible *sigh*.

Time for one more cup of coffee, then I need to get a quick round of critter care, etc done. After that, it's change into work clothes, get my stuff ready, and head out for a short visit with DD and DGD before work.

- upstairs critter care
- downstairs critter care
- swipe bathroom
- make bed
- put/throw away 10 things from computer desk

I agree 150% with the advice given by Kathryn and the others, lucylee!!

Wow, OKay!!!!! You have definitely got your hands full with things this week!!! :shock:
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