Wonderful Wednesday

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Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Lilac » Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:30 am

I kept checking in and no one had opened so guess I will get us started.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Lilac » Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:46 am

Dee, when we were touring the Ryman on Thursday, we watched rehearsals for that evenings Americana awards show, that was shown on PBS. We had never heard of that awards show but had heard of some of the nominees. While there, we found out that the Opry is at the Ryman during Nov., Dec. and Jan. I immediately thought of how lucky you will be to see it there. Their seating is fantastic and there isn't a bad seat in the house. It will be a wonderful trip for you and your dh as you make your way to Florida.

Dh went back to work today but instead of going to the plant, he had to go to company headquarters, 3 hours away for a meeting.

Dsonilaw that works at the hospital can get boxes to use for moving. The gal who dd2 is buying her house from works with him and so far he hasn't been able to get boxes. Dd2 said she will buy boxes to get started. I mentioned this to dh and he told me that he can get boxes at work. I'm glad I found that out before I paid money for boxes. Today I don't feel so panicked about the paperwork part of the move. Yesterday I was having a meltdown just thinking of dealing with that.

Guess I better get a bath and get started on something..............

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Emptynester » Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:54 am

Check at the grocery store for boxes. I asked in produce and got some banana boxes. VERY heavy and sturdy. They have a hole in the middle for ventilation, but put a tray or a cookie sheet, etc. in first and covered it up.

Neighbor came by to pick up some things from her sheds (her husband died over the summer and she is not staying here this winter) and had extra boxes, too. So now I have no reason not to pack. Except I can hardly walk in the 5th wheel. So we will start loading the trailer today.

Lots of emails going back and forth between title company and us as we get down to the final dollars on our escrow.

Still don't know about closing as they keep talking about a signing day before closing. Maybe things are different here - at our last closing we signed everything and then got the keys the same day.

Time to get moving.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby bittersweet » Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:00 am

I'm up and sort of at 'em. Critters are done, as is the bathroom. I'm dressed, and just need to toss a couple of things in my bag before heading to work. I decided to go in a little early today - whether I get paid for it or not - because the only time I can actually get focused on my work is when there's no one around asking me questions about this or that or wanting to chat or some other interruption :roll:

Hmmm....my tummy is grumbling...I guess I'll stop at McD's on the way and grab a couple of blueberry muffins.
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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Lilac » Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:07 am

MT, for some reason, our grocery stores including W@lmart will not let you have boxes. But I just remembered that I should ask at the cigarette outlet store and there is a liquor store next to it. Those boxes are always sturdy.

I need to quit procrastinating and get that bath......

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby OKay » Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:49 am

Good Morning!

I sat down to check my cards and a update a list of questions I want to ask lawyer.

I have been double timing it this morning to get things done before we leave for appt. We are having VDFriend come stay with LO at our home. I love her dearly and know she is a NEAT NEAT NEAT lady. As in I don't think there hasn't been a piece of dirt in her home in years. :shock: And everything is ALWAYS in its place. :shock: :shock: She knows me well and knows our home is never in that TOTALLY clean status, but we get along anyway. However, I have felt a little pressure this morning to get things in as close to totally clean status as I can. VDFriend is already worrying about LO activities (what he can do and can't do) and I told her whatever didn't result in blood is okay with me.......then I remember she is a LPN so owies will be well taken care of. No worries. EEKS I am nervous this morning like a cat on a hot tin roof.

Breathe in....breathe out.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:51 am

Crafting Goal to make more puppets for the church nursery and pre-school. I have finished up one more last night.

DD said that on their vacation in Hawaii most of the time they stayed with a work crew guy that used to work for them. It was diff. they rented a van and had to drive to see the various sights did not have tour buses like I've seen on the T.V. Her spin on it was way diff. than SIL's she was talking about having to shop at Costco for food for the crew and it was not all that relaxing it sounded like to me. SIL liked the clear water & had fun fishing and snorkeling but got
ill :idea: did not read about taking breaks doing it until on the flight home.

I had a low before bed last night so BS was up today I'm not surprised. I slept well! Yea!
I saw on the news it said our hour long power outage was from a fire on a power pole and they had to reroute it and doing repairs made it go out again.

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:36 am

Last night DD did not want to take her broken arm to Chuck E Cheese, so we went to the library instead. She got 8 books on ancient Egypt and one Hardy Boys graphic novel. I got 4 more books too. I did not do much on the house work, but did get a little done in the bathrooms and put away some books in the hobby room.

I am still going over a document in payroll and waiting for customer comments. At home, I need to make some progress on the house before the Halloween party. Fortunately, I have not had enough time living there to get it too messed up! I can't decide whether to have dinner at church, I don't know what the menu is. The company might be worth it though. I have to figure out by tomorrow what my next art class project will be. Hydrangea maybe?

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:12 pm

I can almost feel the excitement building as you prepare to go into your house, MT! There sure has been a lot of packing and moving going on on this board in the last few months. Think of Indiana, Elizabeth, Nancy, Lilac, MT, Me/Dee, are there others?

Just said good-bye to our closest friends here. Then neighbors across the road left to go to her sister's in the next town for the next few days before they leave, other dear friends plan to leave on Friday. Then we will be truly alone on this side! :? Part of me keeps thinking that about everyone will be gone well ahead of when they're shutting off water. We HAVE to stay at least until that Sunday. And I'm sure until Monday the 31st because that's when they're draining the sprinkling system in the rec hall. DH is hoping to get at least to Erie, PA that day/evening.

Feel like I haven't even started to pack/close. But I have -have taken quite a bit over to dd's MH to stage from there. At least keeps the mess down in here.

Warming dh's lunch slowly so it should be ready by the time he comes. He's power washing the bathroom floor on one house today and then plans to paint that bathhouse. He'll do the other one in the spring.

Microwave just beeped so need to check that and see if lunch is hot yet.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Postby Dove » Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:57 pm

Rainy, windy & cold here. A wonderful day to stay home & enjoy the cozy feeling of being warm & dry :) . Earlier this week I had planned for this to be an errand day but switched it when I saw the weather forecast. Dh picked up a gallon of milk on his way home yesterday, so I can wait until tomorrow or Friday to get other groceries. As long as we have milk for cereal (dh) & tea (me) we are happy ;) .

For all of you that are packing & moving, another great place for free, sturdy boxes are bookstores. I still have about two dozen I picked up at different Borders bookstores stored flat in the basement. They come in handy for decluttering & sorting & donation runs.

Thanks for opening the village this morning, Lilac :) .

It's so exciting that soon you will be closing on your new house, MT.

Good idea about going in to work early so you can focus while it is quiet, Bittersweet.

Hope everything goes really well at your appointment today, OKay. LO will have fun playing with your dfriend :)

I love your idea of having crafting goals, Nancy. The kids will enjoy the puppets.

So sorry your dd broke her arm, Elizabeth. A Halloween party sounds fun :mrgreen:

Good luck with your packing, Dee. How nice that you have the Ryman visit to look forward to when you get on the road.

How are you feeling today, Indi?

I've had a very quiet day so far. No outdoor walk this morning because of the rain, & we slept in. I ignored the treadmill calling my name from the basement :P . Have thawed some things for dinner, dealt with a little paperwork & done some puttering. Lunch is up next, & hopefully I'll be more productive this afternoon.

Waving to all who stop by later ~~~~~~ have a good day, everyone!

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