Thrilling? Thursday

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Thrilling? Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:40 am

Maybe it will be thrilling. :?
Today is ds's 28th birthday, but I think we're done celebrating w/him. I don't really expect to even see him today, but that's okay. He had a nice time last night, I think.

I'm afraid some of you think I've made the wrong decision re: work, and I hope you don't think I'm just ignoring all your very valid and wise thoughts re: this situation. I just keep hearing this little voice saying, "Don't jump ship right now, just b/c there is mass hysteria across the state. It'll be okay." So I guess I'm just listening to that little voice, or my gut reaction, or something.

I'm running REALLY late. Better get to the business of making myself beautiful.
(Or at least presentable! Can't go to school in my housecoat!)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:13 am

Lucylee your 220 days of banked sick leave help me accept your decision a bit better. If something does come up, you can take a leave to attend to it and not be trapped. And I perfectly understand that you don't want to stop teaching in the middle of a school year. That makes no sense to me and I always assumed that you'd stop at the end of the school year. What kind of bureaucracy sets things up this way - perhaps one that cares not for their staff or students.

I'm up. Dh got home at midnight and I was still awake, although in bed. I had him latch all the upstairs windows and that reduced the wind noise that was keeping me awake.

I'm on the treadmill now but dh is too wiped to do his exercises.

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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:26 am

From one of dd's FB friends:

No matter how old you are, no matter how bada$$ you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone, you answer it.

The comments amuse me because some of the guys posting would appear to be bada$$ but they are loving the time they spend with their friend's toddlers. I got to watch two of them with the baby on Thanksgiving and they were there on the floor playing with her, doing everything she told them to.

I think that's why I love being around young men so much, they really don't live up the stereotype we see of them in pop culture.

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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby Lilac » Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:13 am

This morning, my first thought upon awakening was, what are we thinking, moving, all that work. I told dh and he said he had the same feeling yesterday. We both want to live there, it is getting from here to there that we hate. Dm really appreciates the peace of mind, knowing that she will have a place to live if necessary. Everytime I have second thoughts I remember that that is one of the biggest reasons for us to do this. I hope by being prepared, it won't be necessary. She is so independent that if she is ever dependent, it would be hard on her and me.

Well I better eat, do meds, get a bath, etc. I need to buy groceries and run errands today. Then I need to start making some progress..............

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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby bittersweet » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:27 am

I'm hoping today will be thrilling! It's my day off, so there's the usual errands, etc to take care of, plus I really, REALLY must deal with some of the housework today!

First up is to get dressed and out the door - Miss Jiggs has an appointment for her last booster shot and checkup. We'll find out today if her heart murmur has changed any, so we can make some kind of plan of action for getting her spayed/adopted.

Happy Birthday to lucylee's DS!! And Happy (belated) anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. lucylee!!!
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:35 am

Lilac I fully understand your feelings. I suppose I'll feel like that if/when it is time for me to move. Dh has decided this plan of 'ours' is actually my plan and he doesn't want to move at all. I see no need to stay in this house forever - in fact it is an albatross in many ways but he doesn't see that as an issue.

I twisted my back today in the bathroom (put my foot up on the back of the toilet to put cream on my legs and my foot slipped off.) It is killing me now. Tomorrow and Saturday I have 10 hours of work on my feet, bending and sorting books. Then on Sunday I have 4 hours of driving in the car. This could not have come at a worse time and it isn't my regular back pain so my regular exercises don't help. Sigh....

We leave in 30 minutes for our hair cuts so I need to get back moving around. Sitting down for a moment feels very good. I've been tidying this morning but I also should vacuum the bedroom level, a 15 minute job. The rest of the house is fine but it is in bad shape. I'll have to get dh to do it for me.

I'm off to get some Diet Dr. P and pain killers.

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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:09 am

Kathryn, I hope your dfriend feels okay today, but she might have some muscular aches whether she thinks she will or not. I'm so glad it worked out this way. "a miss is as good as a mile." I suppose.

Lilac, you are wise to be prepared for the future and do the hard work that entails now. Better to prepare for the future you think is likely, even if you happily find you never really need any extra space.

We are so at loose ends wondering what to do about my parents' home. There is a lot of value in my ddad spending hours there, if only to keep him sharp on self-sufficiency. But it is a place that might be better used by our entire family in a different way, rather than just keeping it marginally for him. Then there's the issue of a household full of items that would need to be gone through, and I have no time to give that right now.

This afternoon I'll take dd to the library, where she hopes to find a certain rare book at a level just barely within her assigned AR range that seems readable in one night. I checked online and it looks like they have it. She hands in her 4-page typed book report on the weighty The Time Thief (her penance for daring to request to read a book that does not have a corresponding AR test yet) for a potential 17 points this morning, which brings her within just a few points of making her goal. So if she reads the new book non-stop tonight she will make it. :roll: So much mental energy for a made-up numbers rating on reading, while math, the real numbers-rated subject, isn't getting the attention required.

If my watch isn't acting any better by then, I'll also stop by the jewelers for a new battery. I went there and had them fix the broken link on the band, but noticed they didn't set it, which was odd for them but they were busy. When I set it myself, it wouldn't keep good time - keeps losing time on me. It seems like every errand needs a re-do these days, but the clock still ticks while I do the non-instant replay.

Oh, breaking news to watch at this moment...

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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:15 am

waving from up late thursday night - or friday morning depending on when you think a day begins.
I've had a shocker of a day. Me being the problem I guess. then thought to look in at the village here. With luck there will be a tomorrow. The sun does get up - clouds or no clouds. and I can have another go at doing what needs doing.
good night.
Just begin.
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Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:24 am

Good morning everyone! DD's arm is not broken!!! It is just a sprain!!! Yeah!!! I am still working on proofing a document at payroll. It is cold in my office to me, but no one else thinks so. Tonight is art class night, so I really need to figure out what I am drawing. I think I will go with the hydrangea, but I still need to find some pictures and print them. Thursdays I have lunch with friends too. The heater is now on in the office. I also need to print party invitations for the people in art class.

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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:44 am

I guess that news had been breaking for a while. I no longer have my current-events-savvy dmother to call me the instant anything happens in the world.

((Lynlee)) I don't like to hear about you having a shocker. Yes, joy comes with the morning.

Happy Anniversary to lucylee and dh.

Ouch, feel better, Kathryn.

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