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Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:59 am
by OKay
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts; therefore guard accordingly.
Marcus Aurelius

There are many very good happiness quotes - I just grabbed the first one and used it.

One thing (definitely not the ONLY thing) I admire about Indiana is that she typically is always thinking good thoughts. I learn much from her!

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:02 am
by OKay
I am up and going. My cold symptoms remain so I'm not getting around as quick as usual but I am following my at a time.

13 cards completed

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:10 am
by Twins' Mom
I am up and about here as well, Okay. I've read the paper and need to get rolling. Need to be at the cemetery at 11 for an unveiling, but otherwise the day is wide open. :D

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:30 am
by DeeClutter
I'm happy -very happy that BS this morning was only 84 -this after attending our church's Smorgasbord and having about 2 1/2 bites of apple pie (gave the rest to dh). I like this new trend and plan to keep it that way! :D Taking Harriet's advice to drink more to heart.

:oops: Made coffee last night but didn't turn on the auto start feature because I wasn't sure what time dh would actually get up today. He was in a while ago and asked me where I put the note to him -"the one that tells me to put water in the coffee maker" :oops: :D Hey, at least there was coffee in the basket and I'd put up his meds for the morning. 8-)

Sunny out today and that makes me very happy as I'll be packing the car this afternoon.

I'm ready for church and had to type up/print church council notes so I can copy them this morning and leave for our moderator. Haven't done them earlier because I kept waiting for notes from the board of Christian Ed. See she sent them to me at 1:23 this morning. She's a very busy gal so can't really fault her.

I had laundry all sorted and was going to go to town to do that early this morning. But when it was nearly 8am I decided I'd be cutting it really close and had to have those notes typed & ready PLUS get everything ready to DS-A's house (food that we won't be using but they can.) We plan to stop there for a few minutes on our way home from church to say good-bye :cry: :( and give them what Christmas gifts I have so far.

Off to gather bags for DS's house. Hope to BBL. (I'll be off line after tonight until probably at least next Sunday).

(Twins sent a PM to you while you were away, so if you get a chance......)

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:24 am
by lucylee
I'm happy... although feeling a little guilty about missing church. We went to football game yesterday, got home around 2:00 a.m. and dh said there was NO WAY he was going... so... I just let him lull me into laziness. He's not being lazy... he did ALL the driving yesterday. I slept a LOT going & coming... but I AM tired, and would probably still be asleep, except he turned on the morning news programs at 9:00, and then he promptly went back to sleep.

We had a very nice weekend.

If I have seemed somewhat preoccupied the last few days... more so than usual... please go to Members Only for a VIP. (Very Important Post. ;) )

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:28 am
by lucylee
Before my VIP -- I did want to tell Dee I hope they have wonderful travel and all goes well on the way to dd's...

and (((OKay))) -- hope you feel lots better soon!

also waving to Twins... and all to come later!

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:41 pm
by lucylee
Well. I've really got a feeling y'all think I'm making the wrong wrong wrong decision. Go ahead and tell me -- I've got about 24 hours to be convinced. But I still just have this nagging feeling that it is too soon to jump ship. But you can tell me if you think I'm being selfish, or stupid, or both.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:19 pm
by Twins' Mom
Lucy, I wouldn't make any decisions yet! Take your time and let things unfold. I suspect you could announce your retirement at any point up until school starts next August.

I have done nothing today and need to get a move on. Going to work some 25 minute "Pomodoros."
Need to get some laundry underway and get straightened up for dcleaning lady tomorrow. DH just got home so will be underfoot!

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:32 pm
by bittersweet
My goodness, but the village is quiet everyone in shock at the news lucylee had to share? :lol: I haven't done much myself so far today, except putter and doze and putz. I did do the upstairs critter care, including handling several of the kittens. They're not hissing anymore, and Remus has been graduated to the freedom of the room. Of course, Maestro is being quite the bully, so we'll have to see how things go.

Well! It seems I got quite sidetracked...can't remember by what :oops: and wandered away from the computer. Now I've done the downstairs litter boxes, let the dogs out (and back in!), and washed two loads of dishes.

After a short break, I'm going to dry the clean dishes, take out the trash, wash another load of dishes (yes, there's THAT many! :oops: ), and run a couple of quick errands.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:49 pm
by Twins' Mom
I started a load of delicates and brought dirty laundry down. Also cleared two of three kitchen counter surfaces and processed a stack of mail on the last one. Also will start soup for supper soon.

I've had a headache going for most of the day and my back also hurts today.

Dee, PM back to you!

And another round.