Monday Magic

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Monday Magic

Postby Lilac » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:36 am

If you could wave a magic wand, what would you have it do for you?

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Lilac » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:48 am

Well it is no secret what I would do with a magic wand. This move seems never ending.

Okay, I can just imagine the smile on LO drummer boy face.

Harmony, you mentioned last night about not being able to do what you did at 40. That is a true statement around here. We are really realizing with this move that we aren't what we used to be. Every time we are lugging something heavy, I end up with the giggles because it just seems so ludicrous that we are moving, during the winter at Christmas time.

I know there are more comments I wanted to make from yesterdays posts but this feeble mind can not recall what they were.

lucylee, I have a K irby vaccum cleaner and you can not imagine how many times I have hauled that thing back and forth to the other house. Every time I do, I think of you.

Well I must get ready. Need to make a trip to W almart for various items. Also need to get to Sears to look at washer/dryers.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:00 am

Magic wand - that's easy - make the travel arrangements I need to make.

In real life, trying to co-ordinate is hard. We are going to Vegas with two others, one of whom has moved from our community so I can't just have her over for tea and order everything. So that involves phone calls (not my strong suit!) At least I've finally found the direct flight from here but it is a charter so we have to go for a full week, not just 5 days which means we'll miss an additional church service (we'll miss 5 in Feb/March.) The second arrangements are in Capetown so I'm dealing with the time difference (and my natural laziness.) Need a hotel for there for 2 nights and have found a couple of places that look good but need to call to confirm before booking (they are smaller places so I can't book online securely.)

I've created a December Brain Dump notebook and those are in there. Along with other phone calls.

My jaw goes back and forth from being good to bad and back again. It is absolutely fine now, incredibly sore on Saturday (took pain killers all day) so I'm thinking stress has something to do with it. My music friend (who is awaiting total jaw replacement) finally clued in that my jaw was sore. I commented that I was surprised she could eat a bagel since I can't and she asked why. I pointed out that it has been out for about 7 weeks and I've told her over and over and asked her about doctors, etc. She told me one of the two I mentioned was awful because he charged too much (she stopped going to him - hmmmm, I see what going budget got her) and she hadn't heard of the other but thought I should go to hers. No way, I don't think she has the best doctors and I'll stick with my dentist's recommendations.

She was so negative last night it drove me nuts. I finally had to cut the conversation off since mine isn't the same as hers and my treatment will be different (i.e. for starters I can open my mouth more than an inch, secondly, I'll do physiotherapy if that's what is prescribed - if she can't take a pill for what ever ails her, she won't bother doing what the doctor says.)

She had also never heard of changing one's diet to reduce arthritis attacks (she just takes pills.) She refuses to change her diet to stop kidney stone formation as well. It is funny, she doesn't have advil or tylenol at home because if it doesn't come from a doctor, it can't be all that good, so when she had a fever last week, she had to go get tylenol to treat it. Me, I'll do anything to stay off prescription drugs and avoid surgery (months of physio for my back got me walking without a cane without surgery despite the recommendation from my doctor and physiotherapist that I be referred to a surgeon.) She decided that since I was interested in changing my diet I should go to a chiropractor too because they do that sort of 'holistic, non medical stuff.' She is the pharmaceutical industry's dream patient. She only sees the options as pills or far-out treatments by fringe practitioners. Healthy lifestyle is incomprehensible to her.

I'm on the treadmill now feeling surprising strong (it has been a very physical 4 days.) I'm not doing the sprint parts of my workout but happily motoring along at my regular speed and feeling good. No limping this morning at all. Good attitude as well. Wonder how long I'll be able to keep this up.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:24 am

Need, need, need to get going this morning.

I have a paper and pen li&t going of what needs to happen today and tomorrow before I leave early Wednesday. There's a possibility that the rep for the builder will call today with the opportunity to walk through a house with the floor plan we're interested in - to give us a feel for the space.

Dcleaning lady will be here soon.
-hang up delicates that I washed earlier
-clear kitchen counters and table
-ddogs + me, meds + vitamins
-get dressed for day, brush teeth, clean up, etc.
-take basket of laundry upstairs to put away
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:31 am

Sounds like that 'magic' may have already intertwined itself into your day, Kathryn.

If I could have things done magically, the laundry would be done, packing for our 2-day trip to see friends would be done and this house would look just wonderful! :?

Have all my light colored clothes in the washer so am waiting for them to finish dressing. I've also made the bed and taken my meds. Have to pick dgd up at school this afternoon. Have a church council meeting via skype tonight (at least I'm hoping so). Going to work on getting things prepared for that. But now I'm wondering how I'm going to type minutes and listen/watch through skype at the same time. Writing long hand is nigh on to impossible for me these days!

Think I'll go check the laundry twins....bbl.
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:24 am

I would wave my magic wand and be packed and ready to go to the conference on Wednesday! And, because I need to be at the shuttle at 5 a.m. on Wed. morning to start traveling, perhaps I'd already be in Washington around 11 a.m. on Wednesday, too.

Cleaning lady is here, and the house is in good enough shape for me to leave, so I'm heading out to run some errands.
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:29 am

oooo a magic wand... that would be lovely.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:17 am

Have load #2 in the laundry twins and waiting for the 1st load to dry. Something tells me dd's tube to the outside needs cleaning out again. Had to dry a small load of whites twice.

Got the dishes from yesterday put away and washed last night's/this morning's dishes. DH had offered to do them, but I just kept going once I took care of the clean ones. Still waiting for the dryer so I can have clean (dry) socks to put on.

Then I think I'll try working on our annual letter. It would be good to get the rest of our cards mailed before we leave tomorrow.
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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:15 pm

Went to order dh's Christmas present from amazon. It is now shipping in 1 - 2 months.

Oh, and the preaching resource I wanted? Same. In the US, new it is now $999.99 (if I'm waiting 1 - 2 months it will be $103 from

I've decided God doesn't want me to have that preaching resource (this is the paper version of the one on CD that was never shipped to me.)

Not sure why God doesn't want dh to have a Christmas present.

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Re: Monday Magic

Postby Harmony » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:54 pm

Boy I could use a magic wand. I'd have it smokin' busy.

Only slept 4 hours last night, stayed in bed with the news on and dozed on and off. I am exhausted from all the work and lack of sleep last night. My acid r. woke me up.

I have friend from church coming in an hour so I need to get d r table cleaned off. I have all the wrappings dragged out as I wrapped and packaged up the box for N C relatives. I will go out and get this in the mail when my friend is gone. I checked on the net, found a comparison chart, and apparently the reg. post office is cheaper for a 6lb. box, and I am surprised but hopefully that is right. My friend and I will be writing notes and sending Christmas cards out to college & military kids from our church.

Folded up one LOL. Whites are spinning now. Not hanging up today, using the dryer, also the dishwasher. I'm unable to keep up and this will help.

Oh, good, DH was going out and I gave him the pkg to mail. It's his family, after all and I bought and wrapped everything!


Kathryn, my DH might not get a present either. I located a log splitter which he needs with his arm problems, and said something about it, and he doesn't want one...says all he needs is someone to HOLD THE WEDGE.... and for anybody who's seen that process, noone holds the wedge or they'd lose their hands! HaHa, I guess he thought that was funny.

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