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Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:52 pm
by OKay
How did I miss knowing about gerunds? I've reviewed sentence structures. Noun functions. Noun classes. But I must have totally missed any reference to gerunds!!! Until now. :) Thanks Helia & Bsweet for your help!

I t-totally agree - LEARNING is fun. I don't mind being the least knowledgeable in a subject, but I always want make an effort to learn and improve.  

Harmony - I'm unsure about homeschooling LO, but am still leaning in that direction because it seems the best option for now. If our local public school ever gets its act together, I might consider it an option. However, I don't see that happening anytime soon. I don't think I have mentioned it here - but our school has 2 more multi-million $$ law suits filed against it in the last couple of months for bullying and discrimination. Our prayer group has received request from people inside the school system asking for relief from the outrageous bullying episodes. They have brought in a second supertendent (in a school of 300 children) this semester trying to get a handle on it. There is NO WAY I am sending LO into that kind of environment, so it will either be private school or homeschool if the same parameters are in place when he is ready for school. But who knows what the future holds?

I've been working on updating mileage logs too!!! I feel so *O* knowing I'm doing some of the same activity as Harmony!! So far, I've recorded 667 business related trips and 128 medical related trips for this year…..and still have more to input.

Kathryn - I feel your pain from the medical billing. Outrageous.

Indiana - 40,000 fish?!?!?! OH WOW! Are they fed so they will come to surface? I am fascinated with the thought of that many fish in a pond.

Sadie - BWTG on getting that paperwork found and processed!

Twins - is your potential house plan viewable on the internet?

(((Harriet))) I hope that doctor has better medical skills than it sounds. It makes me wonder if he is trying to chase away his patients?!

CI = 76 cards completed today

***PHEW*** DGD birthday gift was just delivered. I still had 24 hours so why was I sweating it? :lol: After her birthday celebration (Wednesday) then i will start focusing on Christmas gifts. :shock: :oops:

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:05 pm
by Elizabeth
Good afternoon! Lunch is acquired and roads looked at while I was out. Not pretty, I will probably leave early today. The River of Lights is definitely out tonight. There is not much I can do at home, payroll wise, but I can get something done. I can take home some script files and make note of changes needed. I did get my travel crochet pattern copied. I am at a very boring part of it and it will be just right on the plane to Alabama. I made a funny gift mistake. I counted the cousins on XDH's side of the family and got five, and so bought five Game Stop gift cards (so clever and original). DD9 with great glee pointed out that there may be 5 cousins, but only 4 neices and nephews. So she gets an extra gift. I told her she would just have to deal with it ;) . I have two more gifts to get, but I am getting them in Alabama so I don't have to carry them cross-country.

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:39 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Quicken is updated. At this time of year, letting it go for 10 days was a big mistake. But I balanced the cash and figured out why the safe held less money than I expected. Luckily, dh is good about noting why he takes cash from the safe. We have managed to reduce the amount of cash by a lot, as well. Ds had been paying us back by cash, something that isn't all that helpful since I use a credit card most of the time to get the rebates. I'm pleased that we no longer have thousands in the house. I like some cash on hand (having lived through the ice storm I know it doesn't take much to move us back to a cash-based economy)
but I didn't need near that much.

Now I need to pay bills and do the rest of the charitable contributions for the year.

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:59 pm
by OKay
still working my way through pile of papers. We received a medical bill on 12/3 from procedure done on 7/26 which I had noted in spreadsheet it had been paid. I called and they checked their system.....result was they said we not only didn't owe anything, but we had a credit showing. AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! Medical billing people need serious upgrade on their procedures and/or computer system!!

Sweet! All paperwork has been processed to completion. Well ....almost - there are 2 pieces in hold tray while I am waiting for a return call.

Almost caught up on financial SHE cards....only 12 more to go!!

CI = 82 cards completed

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:04 pm
by Twins' Mom
So dh and I wrote an offer on the new house - construction would not be completed until around first of June. We'll see if it gets accepted as it or if it takes more negotiating. DH never does anything unless he thinks he got a deal. The house plan is shown here ... 116&type=P
although this is not the community/area in which we would build.

I think I will do a couple of chores and then put on pajamas and veg out a little more today. Tomorrow I will go downtown to go out to lunch with a group from my office - a coworker is retiring. Dkids also have dr appt in afternoon and we will go to the Federation Hanukkah party in the evening.

Also tomorrow I need to get fully unpacked and do laundry.

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:39 pm
by helia
I really like the floorplan, Twins. It seems spacious w/out being over the top. It is a very pretty looking house too!

I would love to have a pond nearby to study, Indiana. As long as it didn't provide too many mosquitoes in the summer; that is a problem here.

Day has been pretty much a wash. I need to close my computer tomorrow and not get on at all. I did get to the groc. store and got a meal to dfriend. Also, a prof. from my grad school days emailed me wanting to update the alumni database. Interesting to be back in touch with him.

I'm off to clean up the kitchen; it's a mess after all the cooking. Our meal was ready over an hour ago, though, so that is a good thing.

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:10 pm
by Nancy
Dgd was fussy she said she had a stuffy nose; so I held her we watched a movie and I got a nap out of it as a bonus! :mrgreen: Not much accomplished however.

The shirt I pre-treated for a stain seems to be okay so I'm happy to rescue that one.

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:26 pm
by Harmony
Enjoyed looking at the floor plan, Twins. It isn't much different from current floor plans down here. I like the look of the front, especially the porch. I'm a big fan of front porches. We have one a little longer than yours and there are 4 chairs out there. We sit out there with our coffee like Ma and Pa Kettle! Oh, happy Hannukah - am I right it begins today?

Well, I'm burned out from working on this project ALL day. I started out just updating a spreadsheet, one I'd left for the end of the year. Then I decided to check it against my other information, and 8 hours later I have that part done, and now I need to make several calls tomorrow. I really hate this project. I try to stay on top of it all year long, and did that except for these three things that happened the 3rd quarter, 2 of them last week. Hopefully I will have no problems getting my information so I can finish.

Unfortunately, nothing got done in the house and I've emptied a huge a-z file all over my desk. I will try to corral all that, then I'll go wash dishes. DH wants some report typed up too.

I hoped to get to Christmas wrapping, but time's slipping away.

Harriet, it sounds like your DDad's dr. didn't have time for your appointment today. :twisted:

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:52 pm
by lucylee
Just ci: after reading page 1.
You know what, Kathryn... I will probably get some money for Christmas from dinlaws or dparents. I might just get a K indle after Christmas & try that out. The low-level one -- well, I think I was actually looking at the N ook, from B ooks a M illion -- but the cheapest one was less than $100. Dsisil has the K indle. Maybe she'll give me a demonstration. I hadn't thought about the hospitals having wi-fi, etc.
Dfriend teaching next door got an early gift of an i Pad just this weekend and I thought... hmmm... but there is NO WAY IN THE WORLD I am putting that kind of $$$ into this sort of thing right now. I mean, she didn't say, but the cheapest ones I've seen are around $400. Whew. That is just too much for a toy for myself, right now.
Hmmm... I see MT votes for K indle over N ook. See... this is exactly why I didn't want to make a decision last night, and why dh was so frustrated w/me. I should have started thinking about this a month ago, but I never dreamed he would even suggest changing phones, which is what started all of this anyway.

OKay -- ditto bsweet -- nouns can be anywhere in the sentence. Thank you for such a sweet compliment. I would love to have a student or two who were as eager to learn something about grammar as you! Ninth graders are just not very excited about nouns, you know. * sigh * :roll:

Re: Monday Moments

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:19 pm
by lucylee
lucylee I'm always fascinated with your posts.

Hmmm... Indiana... are you sure you are not just fascinated in a way that your next thought is, "When ARE they going to have this girl committed??? Do they REALLY allow her to walk about in polite society down there in Alabama and actually try to mold young minds -- with a mind like THIS???"
But thank you, anyway. My insanity would be worth nothing if I could not be somewhat entertaining to others. ;)

Twins -- nice floor plan. Good luck!

We have a big front porch too -- oh that's right, y'all can see it on my avatar, right? Nah... of course that's a joke. Our porch looks more like the Waltons, but on a brick house. We never sit on it though. Dmil told me we wouldn't, and she was right, but I still love having it.

Gerunds. Ninth graders were REALLY irritated by gerunds. :lol:

Ooohhhh... oooohhhh... :evil: If I weren't a lady, what I wouldn't tell that doctor, Harriet! :evil: Oooohhh!!!
Our doctor takes FOREVER to get to his patients... it would not be unusual to wait till after 11:00 a.m. * at least * for a 10:00 a.m. appt. However, once he walks into the examining room, he is all kindness & patience, and it would seem that you are the only person in the entire world as far as he is concerned. His father-in-law, and his grandfather-in-law were the last of the really old-time country doctors in our town -- both actually made housecalls in their day, I believe. I know the grandfather did, with my dmom. Ddoctor is trying hard to follow in their footsteps, and doing very well. But no housecalls now, of course.

(((Harmony))) Ooohhh... that will be the next crisis on dmom's agenda. Tax season for ddad's business. She is really hoping that this chemo thing will make ddad realize it is time to retire once and for all.

There's lots more I want to reply to... but I really have to get busy w/school work. I want to wrap presents, but I'm thinking, presents don't have to be done till Saturday. School stuff has to be done by Wednesday. * sigh *

Oh -- I went to W*lmart alone today, b/c dh is out Christmas shopping. Took me almost two hours. :shock: I talked to sooo many people... looked at sooo much stuff (kept seeing stuff to put in ddil's stocking, then had to find something to balance out for ds... who would have ever thought THIS would happen to me???) Spent too much money. I really need to thank dh for helping w/groceries.
Then had to deliver stuff to dmil.
FINALLY got home around 6:00 p.m.
Second load of laundry in washer.

I've got to get back to work.