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Postby DeeClutter » Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:36 am

Weird the happenings with Cathy. Know Kathryn is on it and can figure it out better than I can! :mrgreen:

It is fantastic out here today. Believe it's going to be hot later on. I got up (after a fairly good night's sleep again -WooHoo!) Dh had come by for something so ran out to take him back to the shop in the golf cart so I can have it. He threw our LOL in on his way this morning and had just put it in the dryer. So I'll go get it out in about 15 minutes. This routine works quite well for us and I don't have to wonder if there are machines available early morning. Dfriend 2 RV's down ran into a disgruntled camper (a new one I think) the other day as the machines were all busy after a couple of rainy cold days. The camper commented that she guessed that one had to have a ******* appointment to get a washer. (There are 4 washers & 4 dryers and equal amount on the other side of the campground and they're both "first come, first served". Of course there's also a no cursing rule here but that doesn't stop quite a few -especially when they've had a few belts.

I got up about 2 am for a potty break and realized the fantastic fan was still running in the living room and it was quite cool. Tried to shut it off and it wouldn't. Somewhere around 4:30/5 dh woke up and realized he'd left the sprinkler going last night. So I also told him the fan wouldn't shut off. He had to get up on a stool to shut it off. Our RV go to guy had to replace the thermostat in the bathroom one earlier this year and chances are it's the same problem.

Had a good night's sleep but for some reason my shoulders really hurt this morning. Somewhow one of my pillows has just disappeared. Can't figure it out. So I've been using dh's contour memory foam pillow and I think that's the culprit. Hoping it's under the bed. Will see later when dh helps me with that so I can strip/remake the bed with the summer sheets.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby CathyS » Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:59 am


I cannot tell you how happy I am that this week is over. Dd's aunt has been on F B all week acting like she was at the hospital and is the only one concerned about my x. I really feel like mentioning that I got from here to there in an hour in rush hour traffic and then got home at 9:45, but I won't. Xbil has texted me thanking me for giving him the head's up. The sister told my dd to tell me NOT to tell the brother... sheesh.

I really want to stay home alllllll day today. I probably won't.

With all the talk on the internet about guns this week, my dh told me he is going to the gun club on Sunday. He hasn't gone in over a year. The last time he did go, I bought him a gift card for 10 free visits. Apparently he needs to go buy ammo for whatever gun he is taking.

The sun is shining, I am going to stitch.
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Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:36 am

Waving to all hoping for a fantastic Fri. I woke up at 4 today. Fed the animals, made coffee, and did journaling, have plyed ul a ball of yarn one more to do up.

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Postby BookSaver » Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:50 am

Good morning, villagers ~
I'm looking forward to working at home today. I have a lot more I want to do upstairs. Need to catch up on dishes and laundry as well.

We've been having a heat wave for over a week, temps in the high 80s to mid-90s with bouts of rain so the humidity is high, too. Even with 2 fans going in the bedroom, last night I kept waking up from being too hot. I think DH will agree that it's time to install the window a/c unit in the bedroom this weekend.

I've been trying to clear my calendar of outside commitments this summer so I can spend a lot of time on the house. Will it be possible to finally get out of c.h.a.o.s.? Cautiously optimistic.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:56 am

I'm up.

Made the good decision to go with tea with caffeine. Am so tired, I put the water in over the tea leaves. That gives me 3 minutes. Set the timer, went off to do something, decided the something was to cut up chocolate, came back, pulled the tea basket from the pot, cut the chocolate, the timer went off. Realized the tea had not been steeping and had to put the basket back in.

Thankfully, I'm not such a tea gourmand that I notice the difference.

Bed is made, room tidied, I'm dressed wearing my new flowy pants. Can't decide if I'll keep them or not so the tags are still on.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:21 am

Good Morning!

I slept well last night (8.5 hours) and have walked this morning. It feels WONDERFUL to have my energy back. I walked more than my normal amount just because I could.

RE: fantastic fan. Isn't that a neat name for a fan? I know nothing about them but I would definitely take a look at them just because of the name. Oh the other hand....I was typing up the church elder meeting minutes and hesitated to put the name of the fans the church is buying. Big A$$ Fan. Put a s where the $ signs are.. The name is an attention getter and not one that is easily forgotten. But I can't say I'm a fan (pun intended) of the name.

There is a slight chance we might have our trip to visit DSon & family. DH estimated we pumped 5000 gallons of water yesterday. It didn't come back overnight. I'm going to take the shop vac and suck the remaining water up. I didn't want to do that work until I knew the water wouldn't continue to flow in.

DDIL sent me picture of DGD5 at the beauty shop having her hair dyed purple! Her hair is almost waist long and light brown. Now the bottom half of her hair goes from light purple to dark purple. I am surprised how good it looks. DDIL said DGD5 will only keep it that color for a few weeks until school starts. DGD5 will be attending a private school that has rules against "distracting hair color".
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby CathyS » Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:33 am

Decided that if dh wants to go fishing tomorrow morning and shooting on Sunday, maybe I could be a nice wife and go jump on the lawn tractor and get that done and over with.
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Postby helia » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:28 am

Hmmm.... I've managed to lose a post.

I'm so glad you feel better, LadyM! I appreciated your pun. I hope you will get your trip after all.
Wow. That is hot, Booksaver. We actually need rain. It rained Wed. night which was really good. My flowers needed it.
Hello Dee, Cathy, Kathryn.

Dh and I got up about 25 minutes ago, at 4:45 a.m. local time. Dh tries to stay more or less on MI time when he travels. It's his new traveling theory. It's still dark outside, but the sliding door of the room is open, and we can hear the rhythmic rush of the waves on the beach. It's very peaceful!! Of course, dh is working. He's on a conference call meeting right now, so the room actually isn't so peaceful after all b/c he's talking tech stuff nonstop right now. LOL! Dh is another man on the board who works nonstop. Because of the nature of his work, he can literally work anytime and anywhere -- on planes, in the car while I drive, on vacations, even in huts high up in the Alps. He often gets ideas in the night and will sometimes get up and work them out for about an hour. (He did that last week.) There really are few boundaries between work and the rest of life for him. He even attempted to work during dd18's graduation ceremony until dd20 called him on it. I don't think he'll ever retire -- and God help me if he does. He's got so much energy; where will that go? A friend the other day referred to him as the energizer bunny. Yes, that's pretty accurate. . . . .

I appreciated Harmony's comment yesterday about the benefits of growing old. I've had that exact same thought. It's not all bad, right? I'm almost 50, so I'm hoping it will happen soon-ish? Though I've heard the process can be unpleasant too.

I slept pretty deeply last night. I was very very tired.

The conference finishes this afternoon. Dh has several students presenting today. We're heading to Maui tonight, but he was smart and booked this room until tomorrow so I'd have a home base during the day while he's at the conference.

Starbucks opens at 6 a.m. I think I'll go s2s and have some QT before then.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:32 am

Not much progress to report.

I had a request for the wheel chair if I could get it out to the village next to our old village (child with broken foot.) I said I had no plans to go out there.

God intervened and I found a cheque for $28,915 for the church in my mail box when I went for my drink downstairs. So I need to drive that out to the church treasurer. I may as well drive out the wheelchair as well.

But first, I respectfully request God helps me finish up the service and sermon (neither are really started) for this Sunday.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:38 am

Cathy: To uncloak yourself (or put on your red dress using the term from our really old board days!)

1. Go to User Control Panel (probably top right corner of the screen.)

2. Select Board Preferences

3. Beside Hide my Online Status select No.

4. Log out and back in and see if you now show at the bottom.

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