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Postby DeeClutter » Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:42 am

Do you have a 'wonder' popping up today? I will watch for one here.

I'm up, s2s, 1 LOL now in the dryer, took dh up to the shop so I could have the golf cart for laundry, took meds & am eating breakfast. And it's only 7:30. Still have to do an eyelid scrub, put hot compresses on my eyes, put in eye drops and try to get a walk in before laundry's ready. Also have to make the bed and do my exercises from balance class. Good thing I got up early.

Looks like I'll need to mop the floor as well. It's sticky and I know why. Dh took the bag of trash out and sat it on the floor announcing it was heavy. It was then I remembered ddil cut up watermelon late Sunday. Well it obviously leaked and I tried wiping up the spot. Didn't work. My feet are 'sticking' a little bit.

Like getting the laundry in 6-6:30 and there's no competition for the machines. Later in the day it's first come/first served.

People here are not going to like the news when they realize who is in the news. (Nor do we!!) Seems a 'permanent' camper just about 6 campers away was arrested by New York State yesterday. He owned a gun shop nearby and yesterday he and 2 employees were arrested for illegally selling assault guns -a lot of them. We have a couple of very dear friends here and he just happens to be their nephew -of course they had no say in his activities. Pretty sure the membership will quickly be rescinded -but I'm not sure if that depends on conviction. Understand this is the largest NY state has ever brought down. Sad that those illegals will always be available.

Off to get a few more of 'new' dailies done.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Nancy » Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:08 am

I am up early and have done my journaling. Animals have been fed. H. Left for work. I have the child I watch today mid day here
11 - 2 ish. Have a great day. Walk dog x
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby CathyS » Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:23 am


Today is dh's 56th birthday. I bought him the BBQ for his BD gift. Last week I gave him the latest S tephen K ing book. He made such a fuss about me getting him 2 gifts that I am keeping the gift card for a large book store for myself. All he is getting today is a card and I will pay for dinner. (Italian buffet)

So far today I have the dishwasher doing it's thing. I want to clean the bedroom and the living room and maybe clear the hall of stuff that I would like out in the garage. There is ONE cardboard box that has never really been dealt with and I want it out in the garage. According to the list on the side, it should have power cords and hats in it. I don't see any power cords, but there are numerous baseball hats on top of it.

I would also like to sweep the floors.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:28 am

Elizabeth: Dh and I did the rainforest walk and waterfalls (Twin Falls) on Maui and LOVED it! And I had to laugh at Lucylee pointing out that if you had to be a bird for that stupid group-building exercise, you wouldn't a chicken!

I'm up. S2s, watered the outside plants, tidied the bedroom, emptied the dish drying rack. Which reminds me, I should empty the clothes drying rack in the bathtub of the spare bathroom.

I'm having tea and chocolate now.

Downloaded a new word game similar to the one I uninstalled from my tablet yesterday. Got caught up playing that in bed.

The floor guy should be here today at some point to put on the finish coat. I hope it changes the colour of the parquet because the current stain looks worse than the water stain.

An industry friend who happens to live in the market village contacted dh to say his wife will be in hospital for weeks and he's been camping out there. She had a brain tumor 17 years ago and the side-effects of treatment are making themselves known now. Dh offered our apartment as a refuge (we are a 5 minute drive away, as opposed to 25 for him to get home) and I followed up offering to put the doors on the dining room to give him a work space and offering our spare bedroom for a nap. Like us, he runs his own company but unlike us he has employees. His office is right downtown, so a 20 minute drive away from the hospital, longer during rush hour. Dh will have coffee with him tomorrow because he happens to have an appointment at the same hospital.

That's our sobering thought for the day. Yesterday we got word the dh's dbil had just had quadruple bypass surgery. Things were so tense, they didn't let him walk from the angiogram room to the operating theatre when the test showed "operate immediately." He had been on a golf trip and had some chest pain, went to the doctor when home, from there to the test, and surgery before anyone had time to think. My dsil says if he had had a heart attack, it would have been his only one since it would have been so severe there'd be no way to survive.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:46 am

I wonder how it happens I never really get to the stuff on my to do list?

I wonder how it is that I'm adding things to do faster than I could ever get them done, at least without heavy-duty ADD treatment?

I wonder if I'll ever GMAT or just keeping going off downhill toward disorganization and lack of follow through?

I think I'm taking Chief to doggie day care today - he needs a good run and some exercise - last night drove me crazy at training class with his shenanigans. I finally took him out before the class was over and left early and had a little cry about his wildness.

Lots to do today:
-grocery (again)
-p earle vision re sunglasses d-not-dear dog chewed on yesterday
-return at store near mall, ck their sales
-new purse to replace stolen one?
-5:30 meeting at temple
-what else?

And why do I write and then wander off and not post?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:32 am

I see Twins pondering the big questions we face!

I wonder what would happen if she and I both just declared a day off from the current demands on our time and took that time to organize our thoughts and possibly time, so that the next day we can hit the ground running and have productivity.

I wonder what would happen if Twins turned off her email and cell phone. Would the additional tasks keep coming or would they stop because those who are downloading tasks onto her are too lazy to pick up a real phone and call her.

I finished the agenda for tonight/tomorrow night. Dh is on the second meeting of his two meeting set (the last was last night.) I have to ask him if he sends a meeting summary out immediately so that those who attend the second meeting know what was discussed at the first.

Next up, get my drink from the store and start in on the service for July 3. I promised it to the church secretary for today.

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Postby Elizabeth » Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:51 am

Good morning! One good thing: no more animal org emails waiting to ambush me this am. One bad thing: the daily loads failed and I have to fix them. I can't find some messages that would have been useful, but have a workaround. I have put in a request to the expert when she gets back from vacation, for a refresher on getting the messages.

Last night, I finally got the phone backup to work. My contacts are now stored. I wanted them on my hard drive, but cannot figure out how. At least they are in the phone company's cloud database. I also did a long deferred GPS backup to my computer. Tonight, I want to get the computer itself backed up (very long deferred).

In answer to lucylee's question, I am an owl, as opposed to eagle, dove, or peacock. Chicken was not an option, though if it had been, Murphy's Law says that would be my assigned bird. We have a lot of eagles, which surprised me. I expected IT to be mostly owls, which are primarily data driven. Number of people who were surprised at me being an owl = 0.

The animal that most concerns me right now is dFosterCat16. She smells bad, but there is nothing on her fur. She 'leaked' when I picked her up. She's so scrawny and frail, but she's not THAT old. I am going to do massive monitoring on her. The leak could have been me picking her up at the wrong time. Maybe she was walking to the catbox, but I didn't realize it. If the smell is related, she has a problem. I will try cleaning her tonight and see if it stays away or comes back. She has known kidney issues.

Kathryn: How strenuous was the waterfall hike? I am not worried for myself, but my three traveling companions are older (80+) ladies. They are in reasonable shape though. M can walk you into the ground.

I am curious about what TwinsMom is up to with this GMAT. Sounds like she is boning up for a grad school entrance exam.

ETA: Just found out one of my favorite people to talk to in the break room is leaving. Bummer.
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Postby helia » Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:55 am

Elizabeth, I snorkel wearing a t shirt over my bathing suit b/c I'm fair skinned too. Yes, we've enjoyed hiking in rainforests - on the big island, I believe. We didn't get to any long rain forest hikes on Maui. I had the same thought about Twins GMAT.
Happy Birthday to Mr. CathyS!
((Twins)) You have so many different responsibilities. It sounds like you need to get Chief out of your hair for a while today.
6 or 6:30 is really early to get laundry going, in my book, Dee.
Kathryn, that's nice that you offered your home to your friend.

Up at a decent hour, considering this is 3 hours later than Hawaii time. Dh is showering and will be off soon. I'm on my own today. Both friends I could have visited are away traveling!! This hotel is near the airport, which means it isn't near much else. I'll probably spend the day reading, perhaps writing up some notes on ideas for moms group teaching team, and walking. There is a walkway on the shore, but it's not a pretty shoreline here.

I think I'm going to s2s and go see what the S. Bucks downstairs offers in the way of breakfast.

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Postby Harmony » Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:57 am

Twins, how old is DDog? If he is under 2 years old, there is a chance his personality will mellow and he will become more manageable. I used to have Irish Setters and we always thought, just get them through to 2 years old and they will settle. DD had a dalmation when she went to college. They never got him to workable companion and finally gave up and gave him to someone with a farm and lots of land to run.

I have been doing more focus type cleaning but now the every day stuff is suffering. Today I am trying to get caught up with all that. Got sucked in by an internet search of the nearby library in another town/county to see if I would be allowed to use it. Came across many other things that of course I had to stop and read...

I would love to do a bullet diary. But I wonder how much different it is from my household notebook I currently have...that is put away and I rarely get out? I do the same daily routines, in the morning and in the evening at least, then I look around and get anything else done that I have time and energy for.

I get derailed whenever anything troubling occurs in the work realm. Like yesterday when I found out an inspection failed due to not getting it done at the right time when they could look inside and see the structure. Those types of things just put a brake on everything positive moving forward. Happy that this morning DH worked it out when other guy vouched for him saying, yes I saw those things at the jobsite, he must have installed them. :roll: I'm not totally used to this municipality's way of doing things and missed this one.

I was so happy when the fence passed inspection that I spent some time out...but DH was waiting for me when I returned and then this bad news. If only I didn't have so much to worry about all the time...or I was more happy-go-lucky about it all.

So far today: emptied the new laundry soap into my plastic containers (need lids or everything lumps from the humidity) and decanted fabric softener into smaller plastic bottles. Washer is high and I can't lift heavy containers to fill the slots. Put the powdered all-fabric bleach into plastic also and cleaned the top of the washer. 2nd LOL sloshing now. It looks like rain soon.

Need to get busy at my desk before mail lady comes.

Thinking about bird's personalities and what I would be...maybe the dove. The doves around here aren't agressive, they tend to just sit scrunched down when danger approaches (not very smart) but they are mother-y with their young. Owls I tend to think are smart, good choice for Elizabeth!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:19 pm

For those wondering about Twin's GMAT, I'm assuming it stands for Get My Act Together. Possibly based on P&P's book ... t_Together

I've opened up files and are looking at them. Listened to the hymns I don't know. No real progress but at least I'm not playing solitaire (at the moment, possibly because I'm posting here....)

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