Wisdom for Wednesday

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Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:51 am

Since I'm up anyway, I thought I'd start off the day. But do look back at my posts for Tuesday & in J&C, b/c I had some TA-DAs, and a question especially for Rose -- but anyone can answer that one also, if you have knowledge on Asperger's.

Anyway though, today, please share your best bits of WISDOM.
I've been reading in Proverbs, and the topic of the first chapters is wisdom.

Some of my best bits of wisdom are the following:

From dmom --
Sometimes the thing we think is the worst that could happen, turns out to be the best thing that could happen.

From one of dmom's former bosses --
It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.

From Ralph Marston today -- (paraphrasing)
It is hard work, but it is always worth the effort to give life our best.

Hope y'all have a good day!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:00 am

Lucylee - wise words!

DGD5 woke up about 30 minutes ago with a bloody nose and a leg ache. I've given her children Tylonel for the aching leg and sitting here with her while waiting for her nose to get better. Because Dd has a bleeding disorder it brings a tad bit of concern anytime her kids start bleeding. Thankfully none of her kids have had low platelets but that is always in my mind when they are bleeding.

"Don't borrow trouble" are some wise words to myself.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:08 am

I tried to go back to sleep. Made myself lay in bed with eyes closed for over an hour. Didn't happen so I got up and started my day. I've accomplished some deep cleaning and organizing. Two of my favorite things to do when I'm alone and the house is quiet so I can think creatively. I find this process of putting things in order very satisfying. Yes, I know I'm weird.

My plans for today include -
** Homeschool Day 139
** Steadfast = Track hydration, food, steps, and sleep (or lack of it)
** Weekly declutter/deep cleaning - Pantry/cellar/Sunroom/Front porch
** DD is coming to visit with DGD5 this afternoon
** 5pm - 6pm = set up for Church family meal tonight. No cooking needed (we ordered pizza) but coffee and tea need to be made as well as set up plates, utensils, etc. DH will be at elders meeting so I'll do it alone.
** 6 - 8pm = Meal with church family and worship service

B: Coffee with protein drink (Cereal & Banana for kids)
L: Chicken & veg soup
D: Pizza toppings (I take toppings off and eat them. I don't like the bready part so I throw the bottom pizza crust away). and green salad.
Prep Ahead: Make Chicken & LC veg soup, make potato salad, refill sweet relish container, bake chocolate chip cookies to take….hum….I might take dough with me and bake the cookies at the church to get the "smell factor" of cooking happening there.

I am still analyzing the results from DS8 CAT test. Overall I'm very pleased because his lowest score was in the "Average" range. His best subject was Vocabulary (Well above average). His worst subject is Math Computation which was no surprise. We devote 2 hours a day doing multiple Math curriculums and practice every.single.school.day addition, subtraction and multiplication facts. We have been doing math facts for the past 3 years and DS8 struggles to memorize them still...... but he is making progress. Overall in all subjects, he tested to be at 3rd-grade 4th-month level. He is still behind where he should be academically by a few months, but I am very thankful to see he is gaining ground. Considering that I had to stop 3rd-grade curriculum and drop back to 2nd-grade curriculum when we started homeschooling I think he has come a long way in the past 6 months. I wanted these test results to give me feedback on his overall progress and to show me any major gaps in his educations. We still have several months of 3rd-grade curriculum to do so hopefully he will be on track by the time we finish it. My main goal remains for him to have a love of learning and to be confident in his ability to learn.
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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:42 am

I'm up early myselt - need to s2s and have an 8:30 appt for "body work." My back feels great this morning, I really think the ache for the last couple of days was probably painting, not the accident, but I'm sure S can loosen it up and straighten it out.

Otherwise, it's errand day and tonight dh and I are going to friends' house for dinner for his father. Gotta get going....

Will be thinking of Mr Lee today - hoping for a great outcome and healing of body and spirit - and same for Lucylee!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:56 am

live today today, and let tomorrow take care of itself.

water change for fish today and they are much happier now.
spoke with dsis - a delay of her birthday call after leaving msg with her dh.
telco rang me re ph internet bundle, and found that's the ongoing one w nbn.
walked 3k

great work w ds8 LM. Commiseration for him w dgd5 being there so often.
praying for Lucylee family, that answers be found for dh's body/brain chemistry needs, that don't send them both up the wall.

Waving to Twins

good night all. Have a good day.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby helia » Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:50 am

Those are great bits of wisdom, lucylee!
Great work with ds8, LadyM! WTG!! ((dgd5))
Glad your back feels better, Twins.
Lynlee, I've been meaning to tell you that dh and I were very spoiled by the latte's we had in Australia! I don't know if it is Australia or Adelaide, which seems to have a significant Italian influence, but the lattes we've had upon our return just don't taste as good as the ones we had in Australia. It's kind of spoiled the latte' experience here for us. LOL!

IRS saga continues: I found a letter in the bin of accumulated mail from the MI treasury dept. telling us that someone had filed a tax return with our names and SSNs. They were suspicious it wasn't us, and gave us clear instructions what to do, including copies of ids, extra forms, and a identity fraud affidavit form 14039 we'll need to include when we file this year. We've checked the boxes letting the IRS and MI state know that we have not yet filed a tax return and those letters were put in the mail first thing this a.m. Dh is calling our accountant today. He may also call a lawyer.

I don't particularly like the IRS, but I'm impressed that they caught this before we were robbed. They protected us from having our tax return stolen from us. I googled this a bit, and fraudulent filings are apparently a growing form of identity theft. Unfortunately, this means someone out there has our SSNs, so I'm going to get copies of our credit reports and put fraud alerts on our SSNs.

I think I got all my main goals for yesterday done!

- up; slept only about 6 hours. Dh and I are going to bed late, 11:30 or so, and waking up around 5 a.m. We need to get past the 5 a.m. wake up time.
- prepped and put letters in the mail
- fed ddogs
- lol going
- dw 1/2 unloaded
- checked emails
- replied to a moms group email
- drinking tea

Main Goals for today:
1. Finish up laundry (just 1 load so not a big goal)
2. Credit reports requested/ Fraud alerts established on SSNs
3. Prep for class
4. Jog -- hills in neighborhood. Try for 3 miles; I often do more like 2.5 miles when I jog hills
5. Payroll - out 2:30 - 6-ish
6. Dinner: chicken fajitas. Ds and dd21 are joining us!

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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:02 am

Oh gads! :o , Helia. Sorry of the red tape this will cause you.

Had a good night's sleep MONDAY night -last night not so good. I'm finally up and s2s. Just finished putting my meds up for the next week and it's just about time to take them.

Sometimes the thing we think is the worst that could happen, turns out to be the best thing that could happen.
Oh, yes, LucyLee! Over and over I've seen this be true. And even this week. DD/dsonil had that offer on their house. They placed an offer on another house that they thought they really wanted. Offered the asking price with a closing date of April 14th. Someone came in after their offer and offered the same asking price, CASH and closing in 2 weeks. So they lost out. Monday they went with the realtor to look at numerous houses. Nothing was what they really wanted. So! In the long of it, they decided that what's out there is nothing better than what they have and usually, much less. So the realtor backed them out of the acceptance offer (the people have been very understanding & we feel bad for them). As they talked Mon/Tues they have decided -after ALL this time! that they're better off right here and go ahead and make the improvements they want. DD said last night, why are we letting someone else dictate what we do with our lives (meaning their adopted daughter). So life has taking a whole new curve down here. They were really bummed after losing the other house, but as you say, LucyLee, sometimes the worst is not....but can be the best!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:08 am

I never did get here yesterday, so have not cuop from Tues. Will try to do that later. I went to our women's group meeting yesterday morning. I was hostess so had to take in a snack/drink. I kept feeling more and more tired. And when the meeting went long I whispered my regrets but that I had to leave. But, at that moment the leader asked someone to close in prayer so waited for that. One of the gals asked if she could help me. I asked if she would put the gallon jugs in the fridge (I'll get them Sunday) and put up the plates, napkins & cups. I was whipped for some reason. So took it easy for the rest of the day.

Tonight we're taking dd out for her birthday. Dsonil can go with us this year -he was working last year.

Off to eat breakfast (albeit late) and get last night's dishes done. Think then I'm going to putter away at the laundry room.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:25 am

Sitting here with DGD5 snuggled up to me as she watches cartoons and waiting on DS8 to wake up. I'm not sure letting DS8 sleep until he wakes naturally is a good idea because it makes a huge impact on school time. But on the other hand, I'm not sure limiting DS8 sleep by waking him up is a good idea either. We start bedtime routine at 7:00 pm so going to bed early isn't a good option.

** I typed up February elders meeting minutes and printed them for tonight's meeting.
** Checked on churches new laptop arrival. Fedx doesn't have a status update since last Friday. Argh.
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Re: Wisdom for Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:04 am


In Canada more and more the return is automated. The government takes the information filed by employers, banks (interest) and investment companies and if you don't have anything out of that range (which is a large portion of the population) your return is automatically computed and all you have to do is say "yes" this is right. We only file federally (the provincial part happens behinds the scenes between province and feds) so there is only one access number to our identity. That is 'guarded' through a bank's access code (in other words the same ID we use to get into the bank.) So if someone has your bank and Social insurance number, they can file for you.

Ds is particularly smart, he link his to an old bank that he doesn't use for anything else. That means the access card isn't in his wallet nor does he access the account through his computer very often.

Anyway, the fraud you are experiencing would be possible in Canada as well. Food for thought.

I'm up. Not s2s, no breakfast, have accomplished nothing (but that isn't completely my fault.)

Still snowing hard but only another 2" (on top of 6 - 8 depending on drifting) to go. The roads are a mess. It would be a snow day but the schools are off for March break.

I doubt that NF16 will be allowed to go to her program today. I told her it will be ok by noon but I may be wrong since it is still snowing. I'm to go over in 3 hours.

I wanted to send out a mass email about the rent review before hitting the shower but it has hung a program (either the source program or the email program in the browser) 3 times so far. So I guess a reboot is in order. Sigh...

Just wanted to cuop first.

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