Tensile Thursday

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Tensile Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:43 am

tensile definition: capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out. The amount that something can stretch or be stretched without breaking

How will you shape your Thursday?
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:57 am

Another early morning wake up (3:48am) for me. Less than 5 hours of sleep and I woke up ready to go. I am thankful for the sleep data that shows my body regularly does this short/long sleep pattern so I'm just going with it.

My plans for today include -
** 7:45am DGD5 to school
** 8am - 11 Homeschool Day 155
** 11:15 eat lunch with DS8 friends at school
** 11:30 DS8 play with friends at school
** 12:15 DS8 to Speech Therapy at school
** Noon - 3pm Volunteer at school = snack cart
** 3:35 Pick DGD5 up from school
** 4:30-7:30pm - Roller Skating
** 8:00pm Kids baths & bedtime
** Steadfast = Track hydration, food, steps, and sleep. Yesterday I challenged 3 of my WW friends to a "Blue Dot" contest until next Tuesday. Two of the friends accepted the challenge so I have an extra reason to stay on track.
** Strength & Stamina = Roller Skating. I have been taking the kids to skate and it has been a full-time job helping them get up and going (falling a dozen times an hour). Now that the kids have a basic skateability, it is just a matter of practice. So that means I can move from hand holding them to putting a pair of skate on myself. It has been YEARS. I hope it is like riding a bicycle and I will be able to skate without falling too much.
** Weekly declutter & deep cleaning =4 Bathrooms

B: Egg & Vegetables (Waffles & Peanut Butter)
L: Eat at school (salad bar)
D: Chicken Tenderloins & Potato Sidewinders 
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:10 am

I see from her post last night that Elizabeth has shaped her environment to best for her when she is recovering from surgery. She did a great job taking care of her future self!

Good luck with the procedure today, Elizabeth.

I'm up, s2s, bedroom tidied, kitchen sort-of OK. Vacuum is out. I moved the digital music keyboard to a temporary location. It's where the china cabinet will go but it is easy to move and it was precariously balanced on some bins so this will be better. Looking over, I see there is a 12" square bin of books, then a 14" square box of books, then an 18" x 30" bin full of toys balance on that. Glad I took the keyboard off the top of those!

If I sort the contents of the bins before putting them away, clean up will take forever. I really want to do so because I want it to be easy to get the bins out. Already, I realize the sand toys can be the most buried item since dgs won't be using them until 2018. And there are a number of other toys that he needs to be walking to use. Since he can't sit or roll over, they can be put away. Obviously for a lot of things, normal age ranges won't apply to him.

Dh is coming home tonight. I had another good sleep. Those are not unrelated sentences.

I woke up again at 5:37. But didn't stop trying to fall asleep for another 30 minutes. So I'm in bed for less than 8 hours and seem to wake up at the 7 hour sleep. Years ago when dh was on a trip and I caught up on my sleep, I learned I need 7 - 7:30 in bed each night. I'm guessing that hasn't changed.

I'm going to poof for now to see what I can get done in the next 3 rounds of 15's.

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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:27 am


Saw the title and definition today and wondered if LadyM had been reading my mind in that I've been wondering how much I can be stretched, myself.

Best wishes on surgery, Elizabeth! It's good dd helped you figure out what may have started this. I know it's frustrating when a mystery.

I continue to have days I can't even get to our village.

I see there's a link posted yesterday, Ramblin' - thanks and I will have that as a treat when I get a break today.

Houseguests arrive tomorrow. Spent hours helping other family yesterday, though. Time marches on. Several online orders have arrived. Mattress for dd's room has received mixed reviews - I'll gather more and give a run-down here later. New bath non-slip mat requires cleaning the master bath first :roll: and I've only gotten to the front bath.

Stayed up last night making more online orders I hope will arrive in time to help me more this weekend. Didn't get ideas from the birthday boys' parents until yesterday afternoon, but that's partly my fault in that I've been too busy myself.

Exterminator comes today. Then HRH had the bright idea of scheduling today as the day we take the car in for service - a door lock mechanism on passenger side stopped working perfectly, although it does still work. Sigh. I just don't have time for this right now, but must join him in getting to the appt, and they will keep the car.

I got the stain out of the quilt, so can hang it today after cleaning that wall and baseboard. While I have that pulled out to work, I'd be silly not to do the room, so that's on agenda, too.

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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:36 am

Stretched Thursday
friend was coming at 10 with yard attacking equipment.
tmeds dressed
he arrived. with mulcher and chainsaw etc.
too much shifting branches /sticks on my part.
I stopped before he did.
mostly filled green bin
Put away washing
Fed friend. remembered to make tea. Its not something I do/ remember naturally.
Showed him the goat cheese packet and directed him to a store that sells it. He likes the cheese.
finally he left. I helped cart the things back to his car.
text x 2

Hoping I don't stop too much/long after this. How much 'give' have I got before I come undone?
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:01 am

I like that title d lady! dd younger and I have been talking about the same thing (lol not the word - but stretching who one is) yesterday. I like tensile (never heard that before) instead of being plastic.

Dd younger is trying to help my d mom stretch her brain and abilities. She is extremely fit but has lost the much of her ability to stretch herself to meet people. She gets so comfortable that she then becomes uncomfortable even a little out of her comfort zone - so funny considering she has traveled the world. She also expects my d brother to do everything that she can easily do. So dd is having her make a list of the things my mom wants my brother to do to see what dd/dmom can do together - eliminating some of my brothers burden. D mom is not necessarily a willing student regarding doing easy things and not just making my brother do it. Dd is hopeful :D She said she noticed that d mom becomes less forgetful or stubborn if she stretches herself.

I am working with dh (dd younger and I are working on him as well) as he has limited his life tremendously. Recently I have seen him have a learning sparkle in his eye - it thrills me that he is trying new things as I was getting worried at his limited world. I love seeing people stretching themselves - I think that's why I love meeting young people and I love children for the same reason. I am trying to have dh see life as an adventure not just a routine.

Darn: the bell is going off and it is already 8 am. Dog gone clock. I woke at 6:20 later than usual... it's a rainy day here.

I wish you a wonderful day!!!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:07 am

Hi d lady Oh wonderful about you skating, so cool! Have fun! You have a very busy day!

hi d kathryn have a wonderful day

hi d harriet! Even if you can't be in the village; just know that we are all thinking about you as you go through your day in spirit! Hope you and your d house guests have a marvellous time this weekend. I am glad you were able to get that stain out of the quilt!

d elizabeth I am thinking of you!

hi d lynn how lovely that your d friends are coming to help you
Happy garden day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:10 am

today: I have my tutoring at the library at 3:30 . I am so excited!

I have to admit - I went to bed feeling like I got so much done and when I woke I looked at the house with fresh eyes and saw a tip... why does that happen lol... I think I just get used to it during the day because I am working hard ;)

hoping to work on continued projects and walk dogs in woods before it pours.

time to head out - have a wonderful day everyone.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:56 am

Bins are inventories and stored behind the wardrobe. I pulled a room divider out from behind the spare bed (was using it as a headboard) and put it in place. It is hard to tell if this looks ok because the rest of the space is upside down.

I've got a good sized pile for the garage sale, about 1/3 of the things I had been storing, plus the pram.

I found some teething toys and other toys better suited to dgs than the ones I had out so I'll sterilize those this morning and put them in a bin I found that fits perfectly in one of the music cabinets (which was bought to store toys handy but out of sight in the living room.)

There is now a clear path to the window for the pasterer. Not that I believe he's coming today.

I'm going to have my breakfast now, then work on reloading the wardrobe with the stuff all over the dining room. I'll also be culling those items as well. I should probably reduce the number of tealight holders I have (at least 1.5 dozen) but I think I might have used them all since moving so maybe not.

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Re: Tensile Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:18 am

Well my week did not go as expected I need to put away stuff I moved out of the office. H has the jeep. I have 2 kids Fri. At least part of the day I think Bc there is no school due to the fair.

Wind blew over part of the bariacde fence last night, I need to get that resecured today clean & refill chicks water.

Last night I walked a bit further picked up trash along the road. Two dogs come bounding across the field a guy make a hold up sound to the dog I held up my hand a say stop & they do. I was impressed with their training and that my heart was not racing LOL!

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