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Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:56 am
by LadyMaverick
What do you need to find today?

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:59 am
by LadyMaverick
My plans for today include -

** 8am - 10:30 Homeschool Day 156
** 10:30-1:30pm DS8 counselor appt (+travel to/from) - Continue working to lower DS8 anxiety level.
** 8:00pm Kids Baths & bedtimes

**Steadfast = Track
    ** hydration - filling 3 purple water bottles at start of day and making sure they are empty by EOD. Plus coffee & diet drinks as wanted.
    ** food - I am 100% in logging and earning Blue Dots so far this week. This might rank as the silliest challenge ever, but I don't care as long as it is working. LOL
    ** steps - tracking. I am 1k step average up this month. Still have a way to go.
    ** sleep - averaging 7 hrs 19 minutes in the past week.
** Strength & Stamina = Walking
** Weekly declutter/deep clean = Pool Area, Hot Tub room. Still haven't taken the pool cover off yet. Argh! It look like we will have a dry couple of days Sunday - Tuesday
** Friday Finances -
    ** credit card
    ** bank accounts.
    ** Withdraw monthly cash from bank for May

B: Egg & Vegetables (cereal & banana)
L: Salad with 10 toppings, chicken & LC vegetable soup
D: Fish & Fries

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:04 am
by blessedw2
I want my 20 year old body back... do you think anyone can help find it? :D

hi d lady... do you have a weighted blanket for him - dd younger uses a heated weighted blanket for her pain.
I know they have weighted lap blankets for stressed children.

Have a great school day.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:10 am
by blessedw2
grr dogs woke me at 5 - actually at first 4:30 but I wasn't about to move then ;)

I over ate yesterday night again!!!! dh eats chips daily and they just called me. I dislike waking up to food regret. I will have to take them off my foods that I can eat because then I can't control myself at night... :shock:

Knock on wood: big day at home!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful day and I hope you find what you are looking for today!
bought yo yo ma's new cd Bach (along with mandolin) ... =189233189

I have done NOTHING this morning except the computer - eek time to get to work!

Hi d kathryn!
Hi d twins enjoy! sounds lovely!

Oh, I had an absolutely wonderful time with my tutor - she was just lovely! I had such a good time learning from my successes and my mistakes. I had a lot of "ah ha that what it means" or "that is how you do it" learning moments from the mistakes I made. Tons of fun, I can't wait until next week!

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:47 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Sanity. I want to find my sanity.

I'm up. Dh let us sleep in. We were to bed by midnight. Less than an hour later, a major thunder storm hit and woke us up. I was glad I had already 3/4 closed all the fully open windows so I didn't have to get out of bed. Worried about NF11 and how she'll be doing and wondered how dgs would take the big storm, his first. We've had thunder before but nothing as violent as this.

I had a rough night even after that due to a headache. Still have it this morning. Wasn't awake enough when I went to the bathroom to go take a pill at that point.

I'm s2s, the bedroom is cleaned up, the load of laundry in the dryer is folded and put away and another load started in the washer. I'm having my tea and chocolate now. Was going to wait for the caffeine to kick in to see if it will work on my headache. It is more a sinus or eye inflammation headache so I'm not sure what to use on it. The allergy pill last night didn't seem to do anything although I didn't snore through the night.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:19 am
by Harmony
Working to find my desktop. And the rest of my surfaces.

I have most of the month end stuff done. 1 thing more to do. It was fairly easy this month. I can hardly believe it is almost May already.

Hoping everyone has a good day. Thinking about Elizabeth.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:17 pm
by Nancy
Dogs in the neighborhood were all barking last nite.With the fair weekend I am not surprised. I need to get and keep moving today.

Had to rip out mist if a dish cloth I dripped a stitch sigh. Re-knit it back to the half way point.

Need to find kink in my arm / shoulder and get it out.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:32 pm
by blessedw2
hi d harmony
hi d nancy

have a great day too!

time is speeding by today! I haven't done one daily! 8-)

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:43 pm
by Elizabeth
Good morning everyone! I am up and dressed, not to shoes obviously, but I will consider a surgical boot an acceptable substitute. I did have to take a pain pill, so I will likely nap soon. My plans for the day (if awake) include DVDs and crochet. I have already taken care of my "find it". In one of my many pattern collections, there is a snowplow. Rather than spend all my time and energy looking through everything, I went to Ravelry to find which magazine it is in. Now I only have to look at the cover.

Yesterday, I did exactly two useful things other than getting surgery. I arranged a ride to the doctor Monday. (I can't drive until he gives the ok) and I freehand crocheted a phone cozy. My pants that fit over the boot do not have pockets. Now, I have a phone hanging from my neck. No rushing to the phone! Mom calls to check up on me. I asked her to do this, knowing she felt bad about not being here. I have found that it often helps to give people a job. My parents did offer to come out, but I really NEED them to come for spring break 2018. If they can only make one trip, that is both more important and more fun for everyone involved!

About those weighted blankets: a weighted stuffed animal on the lap also works well for stressed, overactive, or autistic kids. When DD15 was DD5 and DD6, she had one. We got a stuffed rabbit from Goodwill and added the pellets used in doll making. The advantage of the animal was she WANTED to be allowed to hold it.

Lucylee: I'm thinking of your family as DGS gets tested. Our experience with DD15 is that she benefited a great deal from her diagnosis. Because she is high functioning, no one considered putting her in a special ed class and forgetting about her. Instead of taking her out of regular classes, they concentrated on tools and techniques for her to manage the classes and out of school activities. Overall, it has been a smashing success. It was also a relief to know that I was not crazy - there really was something atypical about my daughter.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:52 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I've delivered the newsletter in my building. Still need to do the other big building but that will be after lunch. Forgot my fitbit for my building so will walk downstairs when I leave, counting the steps on the fitbit so I can manually add some of them back on. It isn't as crazy as it sounds, we are down to one elevator today so the wait for one to take me down will be longer than the time it takes to get down.

I've also moved the china cabinet. Once it was empty it was light enough to put onto the upside down piece of carpet and slide across the room and then tilt off the carpet and put in place. I still have to reload it but wanted to wipe down the contents when I do that so I can cross that off my to-do list.

It looks OK, not great, on the other side of the archway that opens up an electrical outlet and gives me a place for the keyboard. The keyboard can be removed when we have a big crowd in and the hope is we'll be able to put the fully-extended table on the diagonal and seat 15 - 16 (depending on the size of person.)

I also washed up and rinsed in bleach water the baby toys. I'm excited that they have a home in a music cabinet. Things are slowly coming together as I envisioned when I bought the 2 extra music cabinets. I think the bins stored behind the wardrobe will work as well. Certainly getting the bins back here has been useful. I found the teething toys and other good toys for dgs, I found my garden sheers (which I do need up here since I have so many plants both indoor and outdoor) and I knew I had an extra cable for my disc drive last night when the cable I was using failed.

I'm finding going through all our stuff very useful. It makes life easy when you can find the right tool for the job.