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spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:53 am
by blessedw2
I recently read a couple studies that showed that being in nature changes the brain for the better.
Can you spend a bit of time in quiet contemplation in nature today.

What can you do today to renew your spirit?

wishing you all a productive and energizing day ... l-to-wild/

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:55 am
by blessedw2
it's supposed to pour today! they say we will have a 100 % chance of rain!

We are supposed to work outside at d mil's - it will be interesting ;) :D

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:04 am
by Lynlee
great theme blessed

online support group
groceries - and bulb
Quick PU in yard

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:17 am
by helia
I'll be in nature today, but I won't be doing quiet contemplation. I'm hoping to successfully run 6 miles this morning. I need to get over last weekend's debacle. It might start raining here around 4 pm.

Yesterday, I was occupied from 9 - 4:15 with ds' graduation activities: the ceremony, lunch out with ds and dd21, a bit of chatting, and then driving ds back to his apartment. *phew* That took more of the day than I thought it would. I hope ds felt appreciated. At the ceremony, I recognized a couple of dh's grad students that got hooded by other profs.

Dd21 is leaving today for her campus religious org's week long "chapter focus week" at a camp somewhere north of us. This isn't the usual favorite campground for this org but an alternate. I don't know when she's leaving, but I want to make sure she has some emergency $$. Ds is going too, but he's going in a different car late today b/c he might attend other graduation events, though he thought not. The all university one is early this a.m., and he wasn't sure he wanted to get up for it. He isn't going to go to the engineering one since he said that he's btdt.

Main Goals for today: 7 x 10
1. See dd21 off; I wish I knew when so I could know when I can go for my jog.
2. Jog
3. Make HUGE progress on the moms group teaching
4. Quick groc. store run?? -- may not be needed
5. Make/Buy a dessert for small group tonight.
6. Small group, 5 - 9-ish
7. Make sure the kitchen is in good shape for friend RB and her church small group to use it all tomorrow afternoon. She needs a kitchen larger than her own so they can prep a bunch of meals for someone.
8. Buy the tickets for the Stratford Festival if everyone gets back to me by email.

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:56 am
by blessedw2
Again congratulations to your ds helia!!! So happy for him!
Wishing your dd21 and ds a wonderful time helping out at camp.
It's really neat that you saw some of your dh's grad students - so happy for them as well!
Wishing you a fun run today!

hi d lynn have a wonderful day yourself!

I will have to walk before the storms come through. I will bring one of the dogs. D oldest dog (12) has the heart for the walk but not the endurance anymore. I should just take her to the woods for a little R & R

headache today coming on. keeping fingers crossed that it stays away. I was supposed to go d mil's house - I will miss seeing everyone :( It's okay but it would have been fun seeing everyone.

This weeks goals:
work outside

Found a meteorology learning dvd by Great courses that I showed dh and I think he will do that if I join him

dishes done/emptied from last night/breakfast dishes in dw

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:06 am
by Nancy
I went outside to feed the hens & chicks today already. journal next up.
Sunny & nice here today.

My neck & shoulder are better yea.
H. Is going to try to get the xat going today.
I have granny duty.

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:28 am
by Ramblinrose
Morning y'all...
Just peeking in as my friend from out of town is still with me and we are having a blast.

I hate those spinners...I have found that some kids that are supposed to be helped with them spend more time playing with them than doing their work, and other kids are distracted by the kids playing with them.

Might be an age difference but all the teachers that I have talked with in all the schools I work at have ban them from their classrooms.

Off to a different flea market today ... we had a grand time yesterday walking through the one that is closest to our house.

Enjoy your day....

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:40 am
by CathyS

We have been up and out for a good part of the morning. Woke up to bacon and French toast and a nice cup of hot tea for breakfast. We took a drive around to dh's favourite "thrift" store which is more like a used tool store. Sort of like a Habitat for Humanity store, but without the famous name. We stopped at a few garage sales and a few garden supply places Now we have a new rhubard plant to go with the other 2, an asparagus plant and 4 more strawberry plants.

There might be some grass cutting later and possible a fire in the barrel out back. Right now we are both planted in front of our computers. I think dh might start snoring soon.

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:00 pm
by DeeClutter
What you say is true, RR. But in DD's classroom they seem to be working well. But there are teachers in regular subjects who have banned them too. So it's probably the 'situation' at hand. (literally :D ) And dd has a classroom like no other in the school. Have to know this when her room is 1,900 sq ft and others are only 700. But she has tons of technology equipment in her room. Her one 'beef' is that her room is always cold no matter what the thermostat is set at. By the end of the day she's freezing.

Re: spend time outdoors, even 5 minutes, Saturday

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:05 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Good morning? Nope, apparently I missed that by a couple of minutes!

Good day!!!!

I'm up, s2s, tidying done and some reading of my book. It is really windy which is wearing me down.

I will go over to the other building and deliver the last of the newsletters, then figure out my lunch. I had a good eating day yesterday, partly by forgetting to count the sauteed onions on my burger and by skipping the bun. Tonight is fajitas so the rest of the day I have to eat carefully but enough that I won't be tempted to eat too much at the restaurant tonight. My plan is a big salad and a protein bar about an hour before we head over. Plus a glass of milk.