Triumphant Tuesday

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Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 09, 2017 8:10 am

What triumphs will you have today?

Our days are full of many triumphs. They are the balance to the bite sized pieces of elephant that we cut and chew up; they are small items that, like delicate snowflakes, combine to make something significant.

I'm sure there are more positive illustrations than snow but snow is top of mind. We had a few squalls yesterday and will probably get more today. Nothing significant, but in this case they are a negative reminder that we'll get spring when we get spring and there's no hurrying the change of seasons.

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue May 09, 2017 8:21 am

It will be a triumph for me to have NO surprises at my Dr. appointment this morning. Seein primary. Cardiologist did say he may want to raise my thyroid med. After that I need to pick up paperwork at cardiologist's office just up the street. Then going to pick up dsisil and her dsis. We're going out for my 'birthday lunch'. Have to go on a Tuesday so her dsis can join us.

Dgs23 called me last night to ask if I could give him $30 for medicine. He suggested I send it to his other Grandma & made out to her. So, that I can do. Have that made out and addressed -just need to remember to put it in the mailbox before I leave.

Dh was supposed to call me last night after fire meeting to give me info for his Florida ID card. I finally texted him and then tried calling four different times. Needless to say I was 'worried'. DD and I waited up until after 10 so we could get info. I was awake till after 3am wondering what had happened to him as he usually remembers stuff like that. He texted me around 7 this morning that he had just seen my message asking if he was home and that for some reason his phone ringer was off. :roll: At least it was good to know that he was okay. My mind was imagining all sorts of things -of course! I was going to call his co-worker this morning but guess I don't have to.

Just finished my breakfast and getting ready to go out the door. Managed to not waken dsonil too. But then I didn't make coffee. Though I may make a cup to take with me.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 09, 2017 8:27 am

My obvious triumph will be completing the books for the accountant today.

A less obvious one is spending time with dgs, building our relationship and continuing to rebuild my relationship with dd and dsil. He put another chink in it last weekend with him saying I couldn't use the garage for the garage sale (after I moved stuff to it.) On the day, he was fine and seemed pleased that the old dishwasher was sold. He also made us lunch after so I interpret his being difficult not directed at me specifically but on he reaction to change in routine. This is something to keep in mind since dgs may take after his father that way. At this point, we love watching dgs make choices and express his thoughts but eventually, those may not be as charming as they are now.

I'm scheming to get the whole family together for lunch. After dgs' appointment at the hospital, we could meet up with ds and dh at the Bagel shop. We'll see.

I am planning a meeting for Saturday of the refugee committee from the village church.

I need to get the accounting mess tidied and the apartment vacuumed for the city church refugee meeting tomorrow.

I also have to book the large accounting firm to handle our books once our interim accountant is done. I'll talk with our interim accountant tomorrow about cutting the big accountants out entirely next year. We still had significant US consulting income this year but none is on the horizon for next year so why am I paying $2K to file in the US since we are not a US corporation? (We file a treaty exemption under NAFTA that says any income from the US is taxed in Canada so we don't pay to both countries, but we acknowledge we earned money in the US.)

A helicopter just went by low and slow. Must be filming the flood levels. The footage tends to show up on Reddit so I hope I get to see it. Most of the filming so far has been too our east so we can see our apartment in the distance but nothing is going right by. The photos I put on Sunday have been viewed over 1600 times by people so that's kind of interesting (there's nothing covering this part of the river since the flooded land is just parkland, not homes or businesses. The government continues to be shut down on the Quebec side to ease the use of infrastructure over there. The water has peaked but will stay at this level for another day or two and then recede. It is a controlled river so I believe the authorities when they say that. The sandbags we worked on will never be tested. Probably a good thing!

I'm off to s2s and then eat breakfast. I have to leave here by 9:25.

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue May 09, 2017 10:48 am

I slept in till nearly 7. Had coffee have not journaled yet. Rx is ready. I need to mow at least some of the yard before cold wet weather rolls in the weekend.

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue May 09, 2017 10:50 am

Good morning! I want some triumphs today! I felt pretty good about making some progress yesterday with dmom. I'm having second thoughts as to whether assisted living is appropriate for her but I guess it's worth trying.

Triumphs already:
-tested connection for streaming of NGS lectures on Thurs and Friday. I probably won't be able to watch on Thurs but hope I can some on Friday. Anyway, I'll have free access to watch later also.
-called drugstore to order script for dh
-working through desk day stuff, have backed up Evernote, backing up phone now (need to take some things off) and have synced passwords across computer, iPhone and iPad
-A.m. routine underway
-moved fiddle leaf fig to front porch, hopefully for season, and watered it

Right now:
-reboot laundry
-finish backing up phone and iPad to computer
-make bed
-clean up, get dressed
-put goodwill stuff in car

-get ready, leave house in about an hour
-pick up ds pants that have been hemmed
-12:30 pick up dcousin to have lunch with her to catch up
-some time near the mall, maybe shop, or window shop, then:
-3 p.m. dental appt (take toothbrush and floss along)
-dh is out tonight, dkids and I will have pizza
-need to plan dinner for tomorrow night, I will be out in the afternoon
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 09, 2017 10:59 am

Waiting for dgs' appointment to end. Have updated my bullet journal and now starting on the grocery list.

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue May 09, 2017 1:14 pm

Hi everyone!

I was at the local dump for the "free" compost this morning. They are giving everyone up to 60 litres for a donation to the local food bank. I took up 2 boxes of turkey stuffing and 2 cans of cranberry sauce. I can use the space for other things.

I also spent time stitching at the library and then my "messy" friend took me out for lunch. We both had the daily special combo, so altogether it was less than $10 for 2 people.

On my way home dh called and asked for his truck. It leaves me without a vehicle, which is fine as I want to tackle the clean laundry pile. My transmission is a lot worse and dh doesn't want me driving my car until it goes to it's appointment at the dealership sometime in a couple of weeks. We are on a waiting list for the recall/repair. (New transmission in a 2014 Focus)

Tonight we are having BBQed pork chops.
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Sunny » Tue May 09, 2017 1:37 pm

Hi! Quiet day here in the Village.

Happy to hear that both R-Rose and Elizabeth have good Dr. reports! And that Dee's dh is fine! (((Twins))) wish you some easier times!

I've been feeling out of sorts the last few day; I think I'm fighting a summer cold, no energy and just want to rest. My right thumb joint is sore, so I've been taking aspirin and using Icy Hot; makes it feel better, but not completely. Anyway, I just keep moving along with daily routine, etc. I have a load of laundry in washer now. Yesterday I gave dh his haircut (was supposed to be a few days ago) and I cut back as far as I could on two weedy bushes growing by the house where I don't want them. I will have to dig out the roots so they don't keep coming back. I'm still gathering stuff for donations.

I've been thinking that I might take out the declutter list that was posted here last year. That was a big help then and I'm sure it would help again.

Weather has been good here after the weekend, but now it is getting warmer so we know summer is coming!

Hello to everyone ---- have a nice day!
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue May 09, 2017 1:41 pm

Homeschool is done for the day. It was rough trying to get back into the focus routine after taking 4 days off from doing school work. DS8 had tears over it several times this morning. I give him plenty of grace because I understand his brain isn't wired for that. But he has to have a good attitude and try the best he can.

DH volunteered to take DS8 to his Speech Therapy appointment this afternoon. One of us has to stay here to pick up DGD5 from school. I'm thankful to be the one staying here instead of doing the driving. That gives me a couple hours of quiet time to myself and time to catch up on things.

I don't know if it is an age thing or what, but I am really struggling to do multiple things at the same time. I used to be able to have a dozen "irons in the fire" at the same time and could bounce between them fairly easily. This is a much-needed skill for living with little ones. They are always being monitored even when I'm doing something else. I am struggling to be in deep focus mode because I have to always be in monitoring mode to keep up with the kids. I don't know if that makes sense. I need to be able to do parallel deep focus mode in order to accomplish things AND monitoring mode at the same time.
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 09, 2017 2:08 pm

ended up not being able to go to a special party for my very d bil yesterday because of a headache :cry: I really really really wanted to go because he has worked so hard and such a good guy. He became a lieutenant in the police force and we are all so happy for him. I was great until about 3:30 and then I knew it wasn't going to work - once you see those beautiful colours you know ;) . I had a headache all night as well and slept until 9 and am Just getting started. ;) I took tylenol when I woke up so I hope that will keep the headache away today. Nothing like a good amount of complaining to start your day 8-) :D

i will say hi individually as the day goes forward; but, wishing you all a wonderful day. :D

put the cross country ski's, i used when dd younger was little, out at the curb... I used to love pulling her on the sled behind me but every so often the sled would get light and when I would turn around, there she would be face down in the snow (falling off the sled) no tears but smiling. (such a silly sweet girl)

With d mil being gone this year I sent my sweet sil's Mother's day cards. I hope they like them.

I had an odd thing happen with d mom yesterday... she acted a bit jealous that dd younger talks to me a lot while she is Florida. Today d mom was fine but yesterday was a bit odd. Dd younger said the same thing and it put her in an strange position. i told dd not to worry because she doesn't have to choose between anyone and should lead the life she needs and wants to do. I told her that I wasn't hurt; which was part of her worry. She is also stressed a bit with the responsibility and not wanting to hurt her grandmother. d mom was much better today! Dd went off with some of d mom's neighbours which is good and d mom at first was supposed to go but it's not her thing and she didn't say that dd should stay home with her or showing jealousy ... d mom is making strides for the better. It will be hard when they fly back home and d mom has to live on her own again.

feeling weak today - so back to room by room as the painter is coming by today to check out dd youngers room
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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