Saturday PWYC

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Saturday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 13, 2017 8:28 am

Good morning all!

This past week went by in a flash and I'm suddenly in a huge time crunch. I could not come up with a positive Saturday title so we'll go with the generic.

That doesn't mean the day will be generic! Make it special to you.

And then post in here to share and hopefully inspire others to discover special moments in their day.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Sat May 13, 2017 8:36 am

Hoping it will be 'special' Saturday, Kathryn. Today I took TWO thyroid meds. Dr. told me to pick my 'busiest' day & take 2 tablets that morning each week to see if it lowers my numbers. Now I'm waiting for that 'human dynamo' energy to hit that he promised me. :lol: Not sure how this is going to work with my prescription as sooner or later I'll run out of my allotment for the 3 months. Of course my Dr. up home may just decide on a higher dose period.

I was awake early in the night quite a bit then I slept and was up every 2 hours (practically on the dot) to go to the bathroom. Trying hard to get more of my drinking in earlier in the day.

Rather cloud covered out this morning. Really hoping it lasts as I want to get out for a walk this morning.

5 more minutes then I can take the rest of my morning meds and go out and get breakfast. BBL
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 13, 2017 9:00 am

Ds came by after his shift looking stylish in his suit and this time with a full-Windsor knot in his tie. When he was about 10, my dad taught him to tie a half Windsor ("go around, go around, up through, tickle your chin, down through, straighten!") and the kid has never had a clip-on tie. Last week dh took the time to teach him the full Windsor and he texted us last night to say it only took 2 tries to get it perfect the first time he tried it after the lesson. It does look much nicer.

He's off to bed at his place now (he was just dropping off the front door fob for our house guest this week) and then he's out tonight - first a nice dinner with the ladies from work and then with Not-The-Girlfriend to the Jim Jeffries concert at 10:50. That was his Christmas present from us. Not sure if she'll be there tonight but there is a lovely young woman at work he's gone hiking with but he says he won't date people from work because that's his policy. I pointed out this morning that had that been my policy, he wouldn't be standing in my kitchen! Anyway, she's just graduated and has a job at another hospital so maybe he'll ask her for another hike after she moves there.

Poor guy, now that dd is settled with a husband, house and a baby, I'm starting to turn my focus to his single status. To be fair, he doesn't want to be single and is now talking about when he has kids. Suddenly those things I saved all these years for grandchildren, need to be saved longer in case his kids want to use them. I need to find a place for the baby scale. I like having it up here instead of the storage locker because it is handy for weighing turkeys that have lost their tags in the freezer. Plus, dd has my suitcase scale (which is the other way I weigh them.)

I have closed all the open browser windows on trip planning and have put the maps, guidebook and planning calendar in my map bag (it is a smaller, reusable, plasticized bag so the maps stay in one place by my feet in the car.) I feel like this trip is a work of art - so well planned with so many 'escape' points so we can short circuit the trip if we have to head home early due to either work or refugees arriving (it is a 14 day trip and last time we had 10 days notice of arrival.) I need to stop being distracted by the planning!

For the next week I have to:

- take the NFs to 2 appointments (and set up one of them),
- get the car maintenance done, since the trip will be almost 3000 miles
- clean out the car and remove everything we don't need for the trip
- get the car washed and cancel my car wash plan and move over to the pre-paid washes for summer,
- write sermon and service for MF's church
- prep the apartment for being left for 15 days
- Mother's Day observed on Monday
- meeting with financial advisor (and I should prep for that)
- teach confirmation class at the village church

And I have a house guest for 3 nights starting tomorrow. Dh is handling the pick up and drop off from the train station.

For today I have to:

- write the service for tomorrow
- edit the sermon for tomorrow
- strip and wash the sheets on the guest bed
- vacuum the apartment and do more tidying
- gas up the car
- plan dinner for tomorrow night (my guest arrives at 6 p.m. but is coming by train so could be very late.)

Tomorrow we have:

- church at 11 out in the village (so leave here at 10:15)
- my service at the retirement home at 2 p.m.
- pick up my guest at 6 p.m. from the train station

Ok, now that I've written that out, I'll see how much I can get done. Will I be motivated or panicked? Stay tuned!

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 13, 2017 9:01 am

Dee: can you share a thyroid pill with me?!!!

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 13, 2017 9:04 am

Well GOOD MORNING!!! Happy Saturday!

Hi d kathryn: knowing your organized ways you will get things done (the things that done were not meant to be and that's okay). Wishing you a great day.
I can't believe it's already Saturday, as well.

hi d dee interesting about your thyroid medicine today. Seeing you "human dynamo energy" today.

hi d harriet: well done on all that moving! Great job to your dd to have everything prepared!!! BWTG! Also how great to get that parking spot - I wish I had that when dd younger moved. Sorry about your loss of the young man who was one of your Sunday School students - very sad. also hope your dmil is fine after fall - hope she tells the next time something happens - they don't want anyone to think they are not capable.

I am a bit panicked - lol more like oh my gosh 8-) panic - not passive aggressive panic more like this is crazy panic while looking at it with a sense of humor.

dh went to a mass today that is in his d mom's honor. Today would have been her 87 birthday. I would have gone but a slept from 3 onward because of headache again. barometer down may be why - who knows.

goal today:
pool everything that needs to go downstairs in the kitchen so that I can bring it downstairs
-empty family room of dd's stuff
-empty dd's stuff from upstairs hall - totally blocked
-empty dd's stuff from 3 season room - leaving only minimum cloths for her to wear. -
-hang up her cloths she wears on hanger in basement until her closet is washed well.

have a great day!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby helia » Sat May 13, 2017 9:24 am

Happy Saturday everyone!

I got 4 out of 6 goals done yesterday. #5 didn't get done -- predictably since that was the only housecleaning goal. And I didn't get to the postal place. I'll revisit that today.

It looks like another beautiful day here! We're supposed to get up to 70, which means I need to get my jog done early, before it gets too hot.

Goals for today. These are generally smaller ones.
1. Jog 6 miles
2. Postal place -- WW treats in the mail for dmom. Not for Mother's Day; her Mother's Day flowers arrived yesterday!
3. Quick Groc. store run
4. Clean sheets on the bed
5. Finish the laundry
6. Make/Buy a dessert for small group
7. Small group 5 - 9-ish

Alright, ds is up. And. .. dh has just appeared so I'm going to get ready to go for my jog.

Well -- apparently I didn't post this earlier. I'll do that now.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Sat May 13, 2017 9:50 am

Can I send the thyroid pill by cyber mail, Kathryn? It's all yours -comin' at ya!

Going out for a walk while I have all this pent up energy and it's still overcast. DD & dsonil just left for May Faire downtown. Want to get things going 'north' put in a neat pile in the garage while they're gone. Have my suitcase almost packed -though there'll be a few things to put in a smaller bag in a couple of weeks. Figured out we have 20 days until we leave. I've printed out a page for each day hoping not to forget anything!!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 13, 2017 10:40 am

" #5 didn't get done -- predictably since that was the only housecleaning goal" d helia that made me smile. well done on the rest of the goals! have a great day.

Nephew is graduating - great kid! So happy for him.

have a nice walk d dee!

it's beautiful here too! But I will try ;) to focus on my work. dh is home and mass was hard as today would have been very d mil's birthday. It's hard but I will try to celebrate her today.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 13, 2017 10:56 am


My sister just called asking to come from Tuesday to Friday. Um, no, I have a house guest on Tuesday night. Could she switch to Wed - Saturday? Nope, she can't because she's picked these days (but hasn't booked a train yet.)

I'm looking into getting the guest suite for her downstairs. It took 20 minutes of the phone call to remember that might work.

I'm also trying to update Windows on my computer but that phone call distracted me. So I've had breakfast but still haven't s2s.

Will do that while computer is rebooting, and then run down to the office to see if I can get an answer about the guest suite.

My sister is actually more work than dh's cousin who was the expected house guest. She's here for a conference that includes breakfast and dinner each night so she's just my responsibility on Sunday for dinner and dh getting her to/from the train. My sister, on the other hand, will want to visit. So that will take more time from my already overly busy week. Sigh....

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Sat May 13, 2017 11:25 am

Yi!, Kathryn. BTW wanted you to know still rooting for the Senators. Might be a divided house as dd is a devoted Penguins fan -because they're the "Penguins". She's always loved penguins and naturally gravitated to the Pittsburgh Penguins. But she did say she might be persuaded to go with the Senators. :?

My walk was lovely, Helia. Now have almost 5,000 steps in for today. Came in and played and read on my kindle for a bit. Now it's time to 'hit it' and see how well that thyroid med is working.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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