Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

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Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 20, 2017 8:02 am

Quote I pulled today:
The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

My dad always said that when challenges happen- that I needed to see them as wonderful opportunities for learning.

What can you do today to change your attitude to seeing what you have ahead as an opportunity for learning?

Wishing you a wonderful Saturday!

“The force is strong with this one.” That's you! :D 8-) Use the force for good today! Sorry I couldn't resist 8-)
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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 20, 2017 8:37 am

Okay, I have to start my day as I have been up since before 6 am.

tonight going out with d sis/dbro in laws for dinner. lots of fun. I have to leave here at 5:30 pm

have a great day!
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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 20, 2017 8:41 am

Good morning, Blessed!

I hope the force is strong in me!

I know the Spirit will get me through tomorrow morning. It is the time to get us packed and off that I'm not so sure about.

We are up after only 6 hours in bed. I'm counting on a nap on the way up the valley. Dinner tonight is pizza so I'm also asking for a long walk after dinner to help balance that.

I'm slowly pulling things together. Just remembered I haven't done a children's sermon so I'm on the computer now. But first I wrote dsil and dd telling them how to make themselves at home in the apartment. Toys for dgs are in plentiful supply but all tucked away out of sight so I wanted her to know where I've put his things.

Now I'm going to take an hour and do the service.

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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby helia » Sat May 20, 2017 8:52 am

LOL! I love Star Wars, blessed. :)
It will feel good to get the service done early in the day, Kathryn.

Well, I do have a challenge today which I'm not sure I'll meet. I'm going to try to jog 8.5 - 9 miles. I'm a little worried about it, especially since I've been feeling tired and haven't slept well this week with much on my mind. Also, this was about the time in my last monthly cycle when I had my 8 mile debacle. I've always wondered if that was related. I do have anemia and take iron only during that week+ each month, so at this moment, I haven't taken any iron for about 3 weeks, and I don't know if that is another factor or not. Anyhow, I'll give it my best shot and listen to my body. I won't push for a fast pace. I'll try. . . even though Yoda would say, "Do or do not. There is no try." For me, there is a try this morning -- and a good try will be my success!

Main Goals for today:
1. Ds and ddd21 to the airport. How are they getting there? Dh? Taxi? Me? It's a little over an hour long outing there and back
2. Jog 8.5 - 9 miles
3. Dogs packed up and to dfriends in neighboring village. This will be about a 1.5 hour outing. This has become exclusively my task over the years, though I don't know why.
4. Laundry -- about 2 more lols, I think.
5. Start packing

I'm not sure of our dinner plans, probably leftovers. Dh and I are planning to go out for coffee afterward. WE have a lot of catching up to do.

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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 20, 2017 10:16 am

:D dhelia it is amazing how having a lot on ones mind can affect ones day. so true! cheering you on for your run!

for you: quote
Runderful:(adjective) how you feel the minute after you finish your run

hi d kathryn: sending you the force to be in you today!

I have been going through my kitchen stuff that dd older wants for her kitchen - I no longer use glass bowls as they are so heavy so she wants them. I use metal as they are so light weight and really easy to clean and disinfect

I am also going to give her my large pottery barn wicker basket for her apartment. its like new so she wants it. I remember those days when you were so desperate for everything :D I need to get a box for it.
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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat May 20, 2017 11:08 am

I slept in and am getting something of a slow start to the day, but overnight I got my email about the group assignment and the start of the Pro Gen study group. I got my first choice of meeting time - they have several, and it's the first Monday of the month at 4 p.m. The first meeting will be just getting to know each other. So exciting, I need to write and post my intro there too.

Dh and are going to a birthday dinner at friends' house tonight - I'm taking a greek salad for 10 and will need a trip to the grocery. I think I'll make a "Shhopska" choppedsalad which is really Macedonian - dd had shown me the recipe.

I had another challah "fail" last night - I'm not sure what I'm doing differently that is resulting in the runny texture instead of the more developed dough. I threw out my old yeast and started with a new container of flour yesterday, and I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting an ingredient or measuring incorrectly. After years and years of making this recipe, it's so weird that now it's failing. My only other thought is that I'm using a different flour because I haven't found the other kind I was using. So weird.

I need to get busy....right now:
-breakfast and meds/vitamins
-empty dishwasher
-clear kitchen counters
-grocery list
-sweep kitchen floor
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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 20, 2017 12:33 pm

hi d twins!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 20, 2017 12:48 pm

Service was done by 10:15 and I was dressed and out the door by 11. We were back from grocery shopping by 12. Still need two cases of drinks but neither were at our 'price matching' store, nor at the original store that had the sale. There's another branch of the store in Pembroke so we'll try when we get up there. Had to compromise on peanuts as well so are bringing a glass jar but it is smaller so that's better.

Dh cooked up some bacon and made me eggs for a lunch. That was absent minded on his part, I'm not eating lunches these days and if I skip on the protein bar and Goldfish crackers this afternoon, things should even out calorie and protein wise.

I've packed up all the food but the stuff to go in the cooler. Still have to cut up veggies for that and then just load the cooler so that's a last minute task.

Next up is finish packing. Then the whole apartment has to be cleaned. On Thursday night a great wind blew through. Dh was rushing from room to room trying to catch things as they fell. It cleared everything light off the dining table, a decoration came off the top of the china cabinet, wall hanging were knocked down and the kitchen counters and table were also cleared of their light contents. I'm still finding things out of place. Along with the wind came a layer of dust/pollen that has covered everything in a thin layer. The floors crunch and everything else is covered lightly. So I want to deal with this before we leave. If we work together it will only be a 30 - 45 minute job.

So, off to pack clothes now.

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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat May 20, 2017 1:47 pm

Morning y'all...

I started my day with an early three mile desert hike with friends. Temps were low and cool but will climb up over 100 by this afternoon.

I have a retirement party for a friend tonight. Need to get rid of this nagging twinge headache first. I am looking forward to this evening as there will be many of my old work mates there that I haven't seen in well over five years... should be fun.

Waving to y'all... off to take a shower and scrape off some of this desert dirt :D
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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 20, 2017 2:05 pm

Clothes and toiletry packing almost finished. Just need to pick coats.

Just received a safe travels blessing from our next Syrian family (we are texting with them now to get to know them better.) There are wonderful people in the world. By the way, they arrived back in Saudi Arabia this morning but had to spend the day in the airport because of Trump's arrival. It is 113*F there, NOW (it is night-time.)

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