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Postby DeeClutter » Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:35 am

Yesterday we did "fives" -can we aim for "six" today? I'm sure I'll be amazed at what that one extra minute can do.

Laid awake until nearly 2am -mostly thinking about boongoggle that's going on with dfriend's quite new RV. I'm sure this is going to be one big hassle before it's done. Not sure how dneighbor made out at the hospital (after his fall from a 14' high ladder). Know that his dwife texted camp manager last night that he was waiting for x-rays to his feet, legs, back and neck. Kept thinking about them and what it would mean if he's laid up. She's still going for chemo and testing and all that. Besides that they've decided to stay up here this winter (and her doctors are happy about that!) and have rented a nearby apartment. They're in the throes of trying to get things bought and settled there. Know dfriend was talking last night about getting lawyers involved. :roll: And we're trying to stay out of it.
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Postby DeeClutter » Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:48 am

Cool here today. Know we've had well over an inch of rain since yesterday morning and it's supposed to rain again.

Dh is getting ready to try to go watch one of dgs12's lacrosse games today. He also would like to watch ds-R referee one of the games. DS has found a love for lacrosse and he is a good referee. Tonight DS's family is taking dh to the Rattlers final lacrosse game in the city. DGS12 is the ball boy for them and has been for probably at least 6 or 7 years. But this may very well be their last game in Rochester. The crowds just haven't been what they used to be. I personally think it's the venue. We used to go occasionally when they were at the Brockport college field and there was very good attendance there. But we've never been into the city.

I've been thinking about the desk I was going to buy. Supposedly the campers who wanted the couch are coming today to get it. In the night this thought came to me: Several years ago our old neighbor by our old house built us a coffee table from some black walnut dh had given him. It's very heavy and the top lifts up for a computer table. Going to see if that's really tall enough for a chair and put my computer and printer on it in place of the couch. That would get it out of the middle of the floor. I could put a couple of baskets on the bottom for computer stuff, etc. Going to try it at least. I may even have room to put a small file cabinet next to it. The idea intrigues me.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!



Postby SHEsPandora » Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:59 am

Good Saturday morning dear SHEs.

I don't know if any of you know me or not. I started out on the original SHE boards but I came in later than most. I have been on the other SHE forums but the thread I usually post in has died. The friends I had there are now saying it's boring and they're not wanting to post. I end up being there alone most of the time. I don't know if I can fit in here or not. I am admittedly a bit of a misfit. I do know Sierra from our boards that goes by a different name here but I cannot remember what she calls herself here. She is good friends with Rambling Rose. She hasn't been on the other SHE board in a long while though so I don't know how she is doing. I will try this and see what happens. I am just plain Pandora on the other board.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:13 am

Hi Pandora! Welcome aboard! We're a friendly bunch, some days we post more than others but we're good for a couple of pages as a minimum for most days.

I don't know what the day here will hold - dh has gone to Torah study and usually works out after that. We have nothing on the calendar today. Tomorrow afternoon I have a little party to attend for a neighbor whose dd is getting married in Hawaii. Dh mentioned getting together with some dfriends later tomorrow also.

It's a nice, cooler morning here, I need to walk the ddog soon. She is doing well, bless her heart.
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Postby Nancy » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:22 am

Waving to all welcome Pandota, I was Air / Peel . I just lost a post. Trying to recreate it... Saw a post on fb with a chart we have bad air quality here worst in the nation. This smoke will negatively effect eclipse viewing in pnw. Can't see the hill around us bc of fires in bc Canada and all around we need rain wout lightening.

I will be doing 6 min. rbr today at some point today.
Cutting back on outside stuff.

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Postby DeeClutter » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:40 am

Been getting things ready for the sofa removal -now if only they actually come by. I tried the coffee table/computer table. WooHOO! It works and is just the right height for a chair. This means I'll be able to get it out of the middle of the floor and possibly be able to move one recliner out and move dh's bookcase back in the corner from which cometh the recliner. This may be all good and I won't have to spend over $200+ for a new desk. Of course right now I have a lot of stuff moved out of the way into the bedroom. Going to ask fellow campers if they could move the coffee table into the emptied space before they leave. Have to have the vacuum cleaner at the ready so I can quick do a spiff up there. I do know there is one window hanging of a butterfly down behind the couch. I'll get that out and hang it in one of the front windows. That way if it ever falls again, I can retrieve it very easily. I measured my laptop and the printer and they'll both easily fit on this table. Oh yay! We can start using our table for it's original purpose. Eating. Now to wait......
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:15 am

Pandora: Of course I remember you!

I hope our village is a good fit for you and that you'll feel welcome here.

You can just start posting where you are. You'll catch up pretty quickly with us. Don't be shy to ask questions about background - we've been together for so long many of us know all the other's back stories.

Anyone is welcome to 'open' the daily PWYC and in the past month we suddenly started doing micro-challenges, thanks to Twin's inspiration one morning in late June, sharing the "Getting Things Done" rule that if something will only take 2 minutes, just do it, don't put it on a to-list for later.

Many of us use timers for all sort of things as per P&P and Flylady. For instance, setting time for 15 and giving ourselves permission to quit when the timer goes off. Or setting it for 15, or less, and trying to beat the timer. Lately we've been building on the idea that hard work is the accumulation of small things that didn't get done when they should have, and we're focusing on those micro chores that can be done in 2, 3, 5, and today 6 minutes!

Ever since we started this, I've notice my apartment is much more in order. These minute challenges started at the same time I had to get on top of the paperwork piles and they've combined to make my life much less stressful. There was a 'table' challenge that wasn't a challenge to me this week - my table was already clear! Miracles do happen!!!!!

To be honest, I'm too lazy to look it up but I remember P&P talking about this in the books, probably Happiness File in particular (I recall a story about one of them walking past a smudge on a light switch for ages and their mom dropping by, licking her fingers and wiping off the smudge?)

Dee: I'm excited for you to get to repurpose things and get your desk space! This has been taken forever to come to be, but in the meantime, you had the inspiration with the coffee table. So maybe it was for the best.

This morning, I filled in two surveys for businesses that I wanted to support by giving them feedback. So those are ready to drop in the mailbox downstairs. And no longer covering the wood on my desk!

I also took the time to boil down the failed cranberry sauce. I may have gone overboard - we'll find out when it fully chills but it was too runny before and now it might be a solid! I actually did another 15 - 20 minutes of simmering (the recipe only calls for 10 minutes which is what I did.) I used too much liquid to begin with (just 1/8c too much) and I had 1/4c fewer berries to work with. So that explains my first failure with this recipe. Thankfully, Mr. Google informed me I should just try and boil it down more.

Still not s2s but I put away all my preaching research stuff so the living room is as close to perfect as it ever gets and my paperwork is well under control at this point, although I have a long to-do list in my control journal. Currently, I'm not scheduled to preach again until Sept. 17 which means it was time to retire one of my preaching guides and pull out the next one. So that's been done and my personal preaching planning spreadsheet has been put into the front of it so I know when/where I'll be working, and what I should be preaching on. When I did the planning I also added a few notes so they are there for inspiration. Of course, Minister Friend could change everything since he's pondering, after 20 years, on switching from preaching the Gospel to the Hebrew Passage and I might get caught up in that (I have to preach on the reading he tells me to use.)

Sermon was finished last night and I just have the prayers of the people left to write. The sermon needs another close look through fully awake eyes; things that seem inspired at midnight often aren't in the light of day!

It is a beautiful day here so I hope to get a walk in this morning and another this evening up in Pembroke. We still don't know when we'll leave but at this moment, I don't have a lot of things to do before we leave so that feels luxurious. Because dh is playing tomorrow (he's doing two anthems and the postlude), we need to get there early in the morning to connect his guitar to the sound system, so we decided to keep the hotel reservation and stay overnight. As well, I'm going to try out my headset mic again so I'm not tied to the pulpit. It cuts in and out there but I was using the church's transmitter/receiver which MF no longer uses, so if we can hook mine into their soundboard maybe I can go back to hands-free mic.

When I was doing the two churches, there was no time to hook up my system to their board because I only arrived at the second church 10 minutes before I had to start the service. So this is another reason to celebrate the parting of the two congregations. (Mainly, it no longer feels like work because we are free of the toxic church.)

There is rain in the forecast this afternoon but then there should be a dry time to walk after dinner and they have a lovely river walk there that I'd like to do again before settling in for the night.

Like Dee's it is cooling off here and tomorrow will be even cooler which is wonderful for me since it gives me more to choose from to wear. I need some green (I have a scarf for that), pants or floor length skirt since I'll be on the steps at the front with the children, something bright (that's a comment I get at the door - they like me in bright things!), something I can attach the mic transmitter to, and something modest that covers my shoulders, or better yet, my arms. In the heat of the summer that is a pretty challenging list!

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Postby DeeClutter » Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:25 am

Yes, I think the high here today is only supposed to get to 67, Kathryn. There's rain forecasted for later as well. It's very cloudy and dreary out there.

This has been taken forever to come to be, but in the meantime, you had the inspiration with the coffee table. So maybe it was for the best.
I agree full heartedly! I would not have had this 'inspiration' had it not taken this long. Now I'm excited to be able to rearrange our living area to suit me -I think and without spending all that extra money. Next up I'll measure the bottom height of the coffee table so I can buy a couple of baskets to put under there. I'm very glad to finally be able to use this table for its given purpose. Know it cost almost as much for the mechanics of it as a whole coffee table would be in some places. I'm pretty sure the hinges etc were about $200. :o

Meant to say hello and welcome to Pandora earlier. My mind got lost I think. I've always been DeeClutter from way back when. I can remember posting when dgs was about 3. We were in Dayton, OH for one of his visits to the Children's Hospital in Cincinnati. I recall being warned at that time about 'sharks' visiting our site. DGS just turned 24 so it's been quite a while.
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Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:08 am


And welcome Pandora. I know you as well from the other boards... I was Cowinkie over there and your friend from the other board that is here in known as Norma here. I live in Az and she and her husband Mr Guy and good friends with me and my husband Sweetie. They winter in a retirement community about 15 minutes from her. And we usually get together at least once a week while they are here.

I was able to do all my errands yesterday with time to spare. Then Sweetie and I went to one of my favorite places to eat. Great food and wonderful conversation with Sweetie.

Got much done with the 5 min house run, but today it will take more than 6 minutes to
Do what I want ... maybe 6 minutes to vacuum each room's floor. And six minutes to dust...I know I did that the other day but with all the monsoon storms and dust storms Lawrence's heard of camels have been seen wandering back this way..

Dee happy for your inspiration. I love when a though smacks my brain and then it works.

Off to drink my second cup of coffee. Morning routines are done and inwantnwonenjoy the quiet moment while I can... last night I went skinny dipping...remember I have a very big privacy fences around my yard.. in the gentle rain under a double rainbow. Doesn't get any better than that.

Waving to y'all... I'll be thinking of y'all while I do my 6 minutes ... let's see how many I do to day. If you want to play along post yours too. It may take 18 minutes for me
To get each room done so I'll post it as 3 6's :D
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Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:06 pm

hi d dee
hi d rose
hi d pandora!
hi d kathryn
hi d twins
hi d everyone

I am driving two 1/2 hours to meet family - I didn't go tubing this morning - yesterday I slept all day - ache/headache/exhaustion is now gone :D but I am still a lot slow today. dd younger had a headache this morning too so we are just heading out now. I don't want to disappoint family by having to cancel again - last time I couldn't go though I had every intention of going - dd younger had to work but not going this time would be rude.

the day before yesterday was so much fun and so interesting as well with an end finish that made d mom/brother/dds/me happy - we went to where my mom and dad lived when they first got married as well as my grandmothers/fathers house when they came here from france. We also went to the church where they got married and I was baptized. D mom left her purse behind the iron fence by the church and had no idea where she had left it so we had to drive back to a place I knew she had used it etc. etc. my brother figured out her (I have fallen and can't get up) monitor was in her bag and had the company ding it. No one stole it and the church staff found it and brought it in. the neighbourhood is such that I am surprised it wasn't taken. A true miracle. that night after getting home - d old dog had some sort of episode and it looked like a mini stroke. we took her the er vet and got home at 1:00 am - I am sure that added to my exhaustion yesterday. d dog spent the night at vet and is fine... they don't know what it was but called it an episode. She is tired still but her blood work came back great.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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