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Re: First Up Friday!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 9:09 pm
by DeeClutter
Yep! We're having that heat wave too, Kathryn. Think it goes through next Wednesday and then the temp starts dropping. It's really rather strange though. It's hot during the day and the nights are really cool. It's about 64/65 in here every morning and I need the heat on for a while. By a little while in the morning we have the door open. Know it's going to be hard for me to stick it out here until November but I'll tough it out. Actually the year we had to stay until Thanksgiving (2015) for my retina surgery, the weather was fantastic! So, I can hope.

Just went over for a campfire at DS-A's campsite. I began to get cold and it was time for a potty break so we came home by 8:45. They're going to a Buffalo Bills game on Sunday so plan to leave here very early.

Re: First Up Friday!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 9:32 pm
by Lilac
It has been hot here also. Tomorrow will be low 80's with rain off and on through Tuesday and temps of low 70's. We are hoping to get in 2 camping trips this fall.

Dh called last night and he was just miserable. It is hot and humid where he is. He has already said he isn't going next year because he wants us to take a trip to see the fall colors in the north eastern states.

Re: First Up Friday!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:05 pm
by CathyS
Kitchen is almost clean. My handy dandy kitchenaid mixer with the food grinder/juicer attachments is all clean and ready for tomorrow IF we decide to juice any more of the grapes.

Dh announced that "ALL the lids popped!" so we are both happy with that.

Re: First Up Friday!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:36 pm
by lucylee
Put me down for hot weather too... 72 degrees here at 9:00 pm and the high for the next seven days is expected to be in the upper 80s. I don't mind the hot weather, (as long as it's below 90 or so!) but dh certainly is ready for fall! And when we are at a college football game, believe me, I am too!

Of course, since Monday evening, I have not been outside, unless you count a parking deck. :roll: Good gracious, I wish dh could endure a FEW hours alone in a hospital room... but that is just NOT to be. He just goes berserk when he's left alone like that -- I mean, he's not throwing things and banging his head on the wall or anything like that... but he will definitely experience panic attacks. OTOH, as I told dmom this afternoon, he has certainly been appreciative of my attention this week. I told her, "I can barely get in the door, with this halo on my head, you know."

:evil: :evil: :evil: Dcousin IS taxing my angelic mood, however. DDIL is soooo ticked off at her, and I have to admit, I am too. Why do people say, "If I can do anything to help y'all, just let me know. You need to put me down as an emergency contact for (dgs) so if something like this comes up, I can take him home with me..." * SHEESH * :evil: :evil: :evil: *** SHEESH *** Then she TEXTS ddil after ddil is in bed last night, and tells her, she's sorry, her daughter doesn't usually have cheerleader practice on Fridays, but now she does for today and she's sorry, but she can't keep dgs after all.
DDIL was physically ill at the news.
Fortunately, her back-up babysitter was still available, but this dfriend is getting a full-time job the first of October. Other lady who has helped them out once already has another job.
It is not usual for us not to be able to keep dgrands, but sometimes things happen, and then there you are, in a mess. And the closest relative you have proves she is just not dependable At All.
DDIL's point was, there are a dozen other girls going to cheerleader practice, and dcousin is less than 2 miles from the school. Why can't one of the other cheer moms pick up dcousin8? Why can't dcousin's aunt (my other cousin, who also has thrown out the "if we can help y'all" line, who lives between her house and the school take dcousin8? Why can't dcousin's grandmother, (my aunt, who also has thrown out the "if we can help y'all" line, who was seen at dcousin's house 2 hours after said cheerleader practice started, have come a little earlier and taken dcousin8 to practice???
And while I'm at it, why didn't daunt check on dmom all week, after I TOLD her dmom & I might need her for those appts on Wed & Thurs???

These are the cousins and aunt I brag on so much, so I am ten times as disappointed and hurt by this. Dmom says, "Well, that is just how they are, and I know to just look for them when I see them coming." They HAVE helped me and dmom out before in different ways, and when daunt is around, she can and will outwork any other 3 people... but you gotta get her there first, right? And her dgranddaughter is just just the same, apparently.
:evil: :evil: :evil: ***** SHEESH *****
I'm really going to have to pray about this b/c the more I think about it, the more I get mad.

* whew *
shift gears

We are soooo soooo sooo glad to be home. Dh was in the shower before I got the car unloaded. He had only done one sponge bath since going into the hospital.
I got the car unloaded, started a load of laundry, and then I s2s, b/c I had only taken one shower while we were there. I was planning to shower again today, but then they dismissed him. But oh my goodness, I felt sooo grungy b/c I had slept in my clothes and then wore them all day for two days. :oops:
So -- I s2s, washed hair, and shaved legs and underarms.
Went to the drug store.
Stripped the bed, got two more loads in the washer.
Read the paper.
Deleted 65-70 junk emails.
Talked to ddil, ds, dmom, and dxsisil on the phone.
Texted with dnephew and new dcousin -- the only person in my family who has actually contacted me personally this week since Tuesday was the new bride! Dcousin the AWOL babysitter did text Tuesday, but that's the last I've heard from any of my family all week. And I TOLD her then to be sure and tell her grandmother and my other aunt that dh was in the hospital. I'm really feeling like an outsider in this bunch right now. :cry:

Need to quit pouting and go flip the laundry now, and get sheets back on the bed.

Re: First Up Friday!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 11:29 pm
by Lilac
Lucylee, so very glad that you are home. How is your dh feeling? I am so so sorry that your family let you down. It always hurts to know that you can't count on someone after they have told you they would help, just ask.

Re: First Up Friday!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:06 am
by lucylee
Thanks, Lilac.
DH isn't feeling well. He's just sure he "messed up, having that done..." or maybe "it's got to be side effects of that new medicine... I'm not going to be able to take it and then the only thing they'll say they can do is put in a defibrillator." Yada yada yada.
I am trying to tell him
(1) not to make any judgement about anything until he feels like he has caught up on his rest and
(2) that it is VERY unlikely that the new meds have had any effect at all yet -- the doctor specifically told him that it was a drug that took quite a while to build up in your system. (It is a drug that is supposed to help with heart rhythm, preventing the rapid heartbeat.)

^ They decided that dh's rapid heartbeat was caused by two areas of the heart, one that could be treated by the ablution procedure, but one that will require a defibrillator if meds do not help.
DH still does NOT want a defibrillator, and I don't really blame him b/c I know how nervous he will be from that point on, constantly waiting for that "kick in the chest" when it shocks him. * sigh * I've been reading about the heart cath procedure, and I'm already nervous about that myself. DH is sooo sensitive to so many things, what if he DOES have a reaction to the dye? Good gracious... This whole thing is just nerve-wracking.

Re: First Up Friday!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:43 am
by Lynlee
Dear LucyLee - please tell DH that if he can work on not getting so upset, panic stricken and stressed out that may go a long way to not needing a pacemaker. imo.
Mind you - I've been told to reduce my stress levels for decades and am yet to be stopped being told that.
So easier to give the 'order' than tick it off as done.
I do hope you can both get some rest. No make that decent sleep for the best for you both.
I really don't know how you keep being operational so long.