Together Tuesday

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Together Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:43 am

Whether it's "Getting your act together" or all of us working together, we'll get it done on Tuesday!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:52 am

Thanks for the opening!

I'm working on getting my planning together and prepping two projects - root pruning our ficus and moving to my next bullet journal. I have counted pages carefully and should have enough for October in this one even if my refugees arrive. That will make exactly one year for this one.

Tea and chocolate are done so off to accomplish something.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:22 am

I feel like I've finally come up for air after the Rosh Hashana prep and party, the trip to Nashville for a Saturday seminar, and spending a lot of the last two days writing, polishing and adding to my Pro Gen assignment, which was turned in yesterday.

I have a list going for the day in my Bullet journal (such as it is) and I'm taking a good walk this morning with dfriend M (too long for dMuffin, I'm afraid.)

-meds/vitamins & finish breakfast power shake (I put kefir in it this morning so it's a little tangy!)
-wash up, brush teeth, get dressed
-walk dMuffin around the block
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:23 am

I have such longing in me to use paper-based cards and BuJo. I swear my fingers actually twitch in yearning sometimes. Sometimes I give into that desire and start using them again.....however, I don't maintain them. I get then frustrated and return to digital methods. I do use and maintain those consistently so I know it is right for me......but I first learned by using paper so that is how my brain was trained and where I sometimes go to reboot myself.

FYI to BuJo journal users ----- WM has all their school supplies on 75% off. The Exceed brand BuJo type journal with dot grid and with normal ruled lines are both marked down to $3. They are moving the extra school supplies out and replacing them with Christmas. GASP. Christmas stuff is already out in September.

DGD6 has been here, fed breakfast, read a library book and taken to school. She is such an easy child to care for.

The new puppy was a PITA last night. Just normal puppy stuff. DH is doing all puppy care so I have no extra responsibility other than listening to and watching it happen. The puppy was crying several times during the night. DH got up with it each time. I told DS9 that we are going to ignore the puppy for a couple weeks. I want the puppy to bond totally with DH.
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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:59 am

OK, I'm dressed in clothes to get dirty while root pruning. I've watched several videos on root pruning so am as confident as I'll ever be with this. Pierre (our Ficus Benjamina) is doing so well, I hate to disturb him but it has been 4 years since he moved to this largest pot. In the videos, all the plants being worked on are really sickly compared to Pierre so I started to wonder if I should leave well enough alone. I'm going to forge ahead only because I want him to remain strong and well (but not grow any larger, already we have to choose between an unblocked tv screen and clear access to the balcony door.)

I've tidied the bedroom and I'm having my breakfast now.

Dh just came to tell me he's ready to help when he's finished his breakfast so I'll eat up mine and then prep the balcony to work, laying down towels etc.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:04 am

Breakfast underway.
Journal are done.
Trash is at the curb.
I need to get busy.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:23 am


Seeing as how today is going to be such a hot one, I think a BBQ is a good idea for supper.

I got up and got on the computer. Went on to FB. Dh saw me on there and asked me to come to his work and take some stuff home from his desk. I got dressed and drove over. Which means I didn't make the bed, tidy the living room or clean the kitchen.

House looks like you know what.

I really want to get all the floors swept and do some dusting today.
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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:40 am

Good morning, dear friends. I always think I'm together with you.

This morning was a photo-of-breakfast morning - great fun. I send emails to my 4 children with subject, "What did you have for breakfast, Mom?" and inside "just some oatmeal". :lol: And then the photo or photos. Got fun response from the mango day, with first photo of mango inverted to show the cubes of orange, then photo of cubes over the oatmeal, but today with blueberries and Dragon Fruit done with the melon baller so all the fruit is blue balls, I think I'll hear more. Some of the grands are very suspicious of new foods, so I hope they get to see these and at least think life does look rather interesting.

I never got to tell about Saturday morning, when both boys came over to help with water situation. Lots of work done around here. the 3 menfolk
1) fixed initial problem (awaiting some plumbing advice to be sure),
2) created and painted a new under-house door after getting mad at existing one,
and 3) built 3 open bookcases into an entire 13-ft wall of storage by joining them with additional shelves to match, slightly offset for attractiveness. and bolting to wall. (HRH's vision)

Both HRH and I agreed that the sight of the 2 boys working together so happily and really interested in going to home imp store together, etc., was a joy. It's not super easy on Mom. :| I am chief cook, bottlewasher and babysitter. But it is truly happy-making that they get along so well and brainstorm together. Also from my point of view, I'm pleased that HRH is viewed as in charge of his own project visions even though the boys could physically get ahead of him - this wouldn't even occur to him, but "from the outside looking in", I can see that it could easily go the other way. ;) He tells me that it's me who should be impressed, that I say, "gee, I don't have water" one night well after dark, and by the next morning I have two sons under the house.

Work today will include storing on that wall of space. Right now, as you can imagine, yikes!

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:59 am

Good morning all! I have already dealt with the daily loads (successful), dealt with animal org drama (added input to a letter), and fielded questions on the bane report (which has to be up and running today). I also found out the main church web person needs to step back. This is due to over commitment followed by health problems for her husband. Necessary, but unfortunate. I did get my errands run, LOL done, and crockpot cooking dealt with. I did not do a single thing on the sewing that was to be my main focus. That is because I chose an early bedtime instead.

Tonight is Girls' Night Out, which will be IN due to financial constraints. Then, I need to handle the computer tuneup. My access to that ends September 30. I need to call about a recall on my car, but I can't schedule anything until I know what/when with the various vets. One good thing: the guy from the city called, my leak is gone.

I did not know that Aussies came in mini versions. Pictures please, LadyMaverick?

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:43 pm

Pierre has been attended to. He looks thinner and a bit shorter at the moment but I know he'll fill in again by Christmas. Maybe sooner, depending on how he takes to the weather change coming at the end of the week (the apartment will be much colder and they like at least 70*.)

I need to buy another roll of plant velcro. I've lost mine (probably in my gardening bag at dd's.)

Pierre didn't need a root prune so I just took off 1/4 of the bottom and repotted with fresh potting soil top and bottom. I then cut away all the dead branches and that included several with leaves by accident so those are potted in another pot, hoping they will root. We'll see. If they take, then that plant will be called Justin (Cathy will get the connection!)

I vacuumed the living room, put the coffee table-chest back (it was tucked away to keep dgs away from the media centre and give him room to play.) So the living room is as close to normal as it can be with an extra love-seat in it.

I've s2s and will have some lunch in a bit.

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