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Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:46 am
by DeeClutter
What is something you've become a 'whiz' at? Guess here it's making the bed first thing. I can't NOT make the bed. If I don't, you know I'm sick. :D

and thinks we are a great couple.
Well, we do too, Kathryn.

Hoping dd19 is feeling better day by day, Harriet.

I slept fitfully last night. Finally got up about 6:40 and started my day. Whizzed through making the bed and my morning routine. Have finished breakfast and am sipping my coffee (with caffeine this morning). Then I hope to go for a 30-minute walk. Got one in last night when it cooled down a bit.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:11 am
by CathyS

The only part of my morning routine that I accomplished today was tidying the living room. I am ready to go out the door to stitching and then that group is going out for lunch. Decided that trying to do it in December would be a waste of everyone's time.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:38 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Slept in until 8 and didn't get out of bed until 8.40 so I am scrambling to get the day off to a good start.

Did some tidying while the tea was steeping and updated my bullet journal while having it. Eating my breakfast now then I need to blow out of here with my errand items.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:03 am
by blessedw2
praying your dd is feeling better d harriet.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:03 am
by blessedw2
good morning dear ones!

happy - you are a whiz kid today.

I have to work on my floors but I also have to do something to keep my d mom busy. I didn't see her yesterday and I haven't had a lot of time with her the since Friday. (we have had dinner etc. but not the all day stuff but I feel I owe my home a chance to be worked on)


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:13 am
by Ramblinrose

I'm zooming through this morning. Drinking coffee, doing my morning routines and picking up footprints. Have to be out the door by 8 cause I have a drs appointment at 8:30

My bed is made first thing as well. Zoom, Zoommmmmmmmmmm


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:18 am
by Harmony
Good morning.

LadyM, is DGS23 eligible for welfare? I'd check that out.

Did get those errands run yesterday, bank and supermarket. Bank went smoothly, finally set up online banking, wanted 1 account that way but setting it up allows me to see both accounts. That's what the new email was for I managed to get yesterday. My other one is clogged. One has to be wary of giving out email address to friends sometimes. One friend who I really really like never ever sends anything personal, but a whole boat load of political things that I never have time to read.

After all that, I helped DH with some painting last evening out in the shop. Small sprayer wouldn't work so we did it all by hand. He used the larger sprayer this morning for 2nd coat and that worked. NOBODY CAN SAY TO US "YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT". We've more than earned each and every cent we've made. And I don't feel the least bit bad about the tax credits for the years we made no profit or had losses. Stepping off soap box now.............

What's up for today:
Some bills to pay, my big one came yesterday. Was checking that earlier because one of our suppliers has an employee who quit and locked up his computer, so we are scrambling and so are they. They did not know about our order 6 weeks ago and I had to check to see if it was even charged. :roll:

This is the 2nd time an employee of a company quit and locked up his computer. 1st time it was trusses ordered for a house. This time it is windows.

Need to do a pedicure. Would like to see my colorist too.

Dailies done.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:26 am
by DeeClutter
Definitely would check that, LadyM. I'm sure there's resources other than grandparents bankrolling. May carry requirements.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:03 am
by Elizabeth
The best thing about Tuesday is ... it's over. I'd say good morning, but I don't want to lie. I had Elizabeth's Own Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day yesterday. What am I a whiz at? Not the bane report. Not the closet doors either, one of which is messed up again. Not financial management, not home management, and not feline management. So bad I'd like to just call my MOMMY! Except that her solutions would be "you should have gotten an apartment", "find a man", and "get rid of the cats".

The evening started off ok. Cat meds obtained (at an expense of $45), glasses are fixed, and DD15 and I went to the library. I still have not found my library card. Hawaii maybe? Things started going downhill when the wind destroyed my umbrella and I got totally drenched. After dropping her off, things went downhill precipitously, starting with the closet door coming off again. The one I was so pleased to have fixed a few days ago. I actually did get straight to my focus for the night - the computer tuneup. Only to find I have to take it in to the shop, because tuneups over the internet require cable ethernet or wifi and I only have a cellphone hotspot. So I made that appointment for tonight - yet another chore. On to bills and budget, which was a stressful nightmare. Too many extra expenses, not enough cash flow. During all this Briggs would NOT stay off the computer desk and all the cats were either yowling or fighting. A trip to the mailbox revealed that my life insurance company thinks my email (the one I have had for 5 years, unchanged) is no longer valid. I arranged payment to them and everyone else. Last time it took three tries and a call from my financial advisor to pay them. The mailbox trip also resulted in a notification from the city that I have too many weeds. I have until 10/11 to deal with it. That was part of my party cleanup plan, but I guess I will move it forward. Continuing drama in the animal org. When I FINALLY got to bed (late of course), I had to listen to and worry about Briggs' asthma attack. I've never heard one before, though he is not my first asthmatic cat. Then, of course, I felt guilty for having screamed at them all.

I got to hear from DD that the x and the other woman were at the xBFFs. They go there at least once a week now. I have not heard from sBFF since her last party AND she has not even replied to the Halloween invitation, a party which I have held and she has attended for 20+ years. I did invite her boyfriend so that can't be the problem. She always asks me to invite the x and the other woman. Really? She claims it would show class. No, it would show stupidity. Part of me truly hopes she does not come.

I am grateful for LadyMaverick's puppy pictures. I needed a day brightener. Seriously cute.

My name is the same length as CathyS, but I really really really regret changing it. Not because of the length, but I like my old name better. And I shared that with good people.

I did think of one good thing last night: Hopelessness is a feeling, not a fact.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:16 am
by Lilac
This morning I started on a list of 3 dreaded phone calls. The first was to make an appt with periodontist. I could get in tomorrow. They don't contract with my insurance but will file the claim. I pay the dentist and the insurance pays me what they want. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't want to go that way. So looked again and found a local dentist team of 3 that do oral and maxillofacial surgery, including dental implants and they are providers for my insurance. So I called my new dentist office and asked them about this other set of dentists. Yes, they work with them so they would do a referral. I didn't like the thought of paying the full price of what the periodontist charges and then only getting what the insurance thinks the charges should be. It is going to be expensive even with insurance but would be a lot more so with the periodontist.

The next phone call was to the urologist office to cancel an appt. When I had a UTI in June, I went to the urgent care center. Since I have had kidney stones, etc. they wanted me to see the urologist again. Well he had me fill out paper work that included every kind of health issue possible, including gynecological. Huh? So he proceeded to tell me that through the bloodwork, he thought I needed to be on hormone replacement therapy. The kicker is his daughter is a nurse practitioner and was on maternity leave. He said that she would then be in charge of me, after I started the hormones. I have never taken HRT and I am leery to start now. My regular pharmacy does not compound RXs so would need to go through the one that does. They never called in the RX or sent me a RX. By that time I had decided to wait and talk to my dr about it. But the urologist wanted to see me in Oct. to see how I was doing. I don't see my dr. until Nov., so since I am not on hormones, it is pointless to go. So that appt is cancelled and I will discuss all this with my dr. in November. I just feel like this urologist is setting his daughter up with her own little practice after he tells every older lady that comes through the door that they need HRT and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

My next phone call will be to make a hair appt. Dgd21 just got on at a chain hair salon. Right now she is part time and wants to be fulltime, so she would rather me come to the salon, than to cut my hair at home and pocket the full amount. So that is what I will do.

I don't know what was going on with my BS last night but when I went to try going to bed again, I took my BS and it was way lower after the first snack. So this time I had a more substantial snack and waited another 30 minutes to make sure it was going up. It was where it needed to be this am.

I had planned to mow today but dh hadn't turned off the sprinkler, so between the sprinkler watering the lawn and some rain overnight, it is too wet to rain and is cool and cloudy.

Guess I better get a shower and start my day............